
Monday, June 1, 2020

FITNESS : For 50 & above years of age. - 01st June,2020.

FITNESS has two aspects : Physical Fitness & Mental Fitness.
Once you approach or cross over 50 years of age mental conditioning with preparedness is most vital for stepping in for physical fitness. Your mind has to be fully in alert state to create that Mind - Muscle connection , else your whole attempt will look extraneous.
You should come out of the notion that fitness is just going to gym, handling dumbbells and barbells , brisk walking, jogging or doing cardio workout, there has to be a Mind-Muscle connection for development of  a physique at what ever age it may be.
Any exercise has to be targeted as per your motive / purpose of doing so - is it to reduce only body fat, or reducing fat & develop muscles, or for gaining strength, or improving only body flexibility, or gaining body endurance / stamina. There are techniques & types of exercises to accomplish your desired motive. But whatever technique you adopt , correct BREATHING process  is most vital, a rigorous training without proper breathing will give no result. Come out of the myth that the  more  weight you lift in a gym, the better physique you will have. Please be sure that you can develop muscles even after the age of 50. How ? to know that,  please do follow my upcoming  blogs.
So, BREATHING is the most vital process in our body to sustain this life in a healthy way - are you breathing in correct way, how does breathing effect your life span, how can you increase your lung capacity & improve immunity, how can your general health drastically improve just by correct breathing process. This is nothing new , during the VEDIC period (1000 - 500 BCE) our then scientists or Rishis as we call them , had already mentioned the techniques of BREATHING in various forms of  PRANAYAMA. 
In my next blog will try to explain the meaning of PRANAYAMA, its various types and to start with - which ones you should include in your daily routine for a HEALTHY & JOYFUL LIFE.



  1. Yes,we have to be mentally and physically fit with daily Pranayam.

  2. Mind muscle connection is a very interesting point which will be immensely helpful in being mentally and physically fit

  3. This is good for us and thanks for this ..
