
Thursday, June 11, 2020

BODY WARM UP EXERCISES (with demo video) - Need & Benefits. - 10th. June, 2020.


PHYSICAL EXERCISE should consists of 3 sections :
1) Beginning  : Warm Up.
2) Middle       :  Main Workout.
3) End           :  Cool Down.

Today , we will discuss about WARM UP exercises , why they should be done and about its benefit. 

All the exercises for WARM UP , Main WORKOUT & COOL DOWN that will be discussed & shown by me, can be done AT HOME. These exercises though designed for all around 50 years of age & above , but can even be done by younger friends for physical agility & flexibility, only have to increase the number of Sets per exercise.

There are multiple variations in Warm Up exercises , but in my demo video (Just click the link provided at the end of this page), I have only demonstrated the warm up exercises those which are basic , suitable for all men & women who are in 50 years & above age bracket and these are the warm up exercises that myself do and is aware of the benefits.

Seen many people getting right into main workout without giving a second thought about WARM UP. However, there are numerous benefits of performing Warm up before starting the main workout.

Warm up exercises are for increase blood flow to the muscles & reduce muscle stiffness. Its to target the muscles to be used during the main workout by increasing blood flow in such muscles , resulting increased Oxygen & Nutrient delivery to these muscles and decrease in risk of injury.

During warm up the temperature of the muscles actually increase, warmed up muscles will be able to contract with more force and relax quickly resulting increased speed & strength. Warm up also increases muscle elasticity thus decreases the chances of muscle pull and muscle injury - WARM UP  prepares the muscle for strenuous activity and helps prevent overstretching. A proper warm up will cause the blood vessels to dilate the risk of stress and strain on the heart to pump blood. Warm up also prevents overheating by dissipation of the body heat by sweating and also increases RANGE OF MOTION of the joints thus preventing risk of injury.

DURATION FOR WARM UP : 10 - 15 minutes(maximum) , before start of main workout.

EXERCISES  FOR  WARM UP (click on the link provided below for DEMO video) :

# Deep breathing - 10 times x 1 set.
#  Free Hand exercises - Each type = 10 repetitions x 1 set. 
# Couple of exercises with very light dumbbells for joints - Each type = 10 repetitions x 1 set.
# Light Cardio exercise (spot jogging) - 30 seconds.
#  Minimum Stretching Exercises (stretching are mainly for Cool Down routine) - 10 to 13 secs.


1. Increase Flexibility.
2. Better range of motion.
3. Muscle stability.
4. Less prone to injury.
5. Loosens muscles.
6. The warm up exercises shown in  my demo video , if done regularly , are more or less enough for a general physical fitness for those of you who can not do any weight training (main workout) due to certain compulsions.

1. If you are starting exercise for the first time or after a long gap , then its advisable to first do only these Warm up exercises daily for at least 8 weeks. Then go for the Main workout from the 9th week - only thrice a week (alternate days) , then these warm up exercises to be done before start of the main workout only.
2. Any type of exercise or sports may cause injury , it is always advisable to be the judge of your own body while doing any exercise. Also, before starting any exercise consult your Doctor , specially when you have crossed the age of 50 years.

Please follow my next blog for COOL DOWN routine.

Please click on the link provided below to view my WARM UP demo video (use a head phone for sound clarity , as the instructions are very vital for best result) :