
Sunday, June 21, 2020

BUILD PERFECT CHEST MUSCLE AT HOME - LEVEL 1 : Basic Exercises For 50 years & above age group (with demo video).


There are variety of exercises for a particular body part, one should try to adopt that which suits your body structure & capacity to perform that particular exercise with results. 
Myself will be discussing & demonstrating only those exercises that I do and got result to my satisfaction. Considering the age group, I have done few modifications in techniques those have been incorporated in my routine for better effect on targeted muscle, which are in my DEMONSTRATION VIDEO (Link provided below).

The PECTORAL or Chest Muscles  are mainly categorised in 3 sections :
1. Pectoralis Major - it serves to flex, extend & rotate the humorous , the long bone of the upper arm.
2. Pectoralis Minor - it serves to stabilise the scapula, the large bone of the shoulder.
3. Pectoral Fascia - is a thin layer of tissue extending towards the latissimus dorsi muscles on the back.

Therefore, any chest exercise is a COMPOUND EXERCISE that work multiple muscles groups at the same time , like- triceps , biceps , shoulder muscles , lats etc. There are multiple benefit of  a COMPOUND EXERCISE - burning more calories, improving intramuscular coordination, elevating heart rate, improving strength & growing more muscle mass. 

For men who are 50 years old or above, a droopy, sagging chest is not something that one desires. Guys want to puff out their chest , stand tall and be proud that their chest sticks out farther than their belly. 

This blog is all about how to have a well toned chest shape through exercises that can be performed at your HOME. 

Considering most of you as beginners, have divided the chest routine in TWO LEVELS :

A) Chest Exercises - Level 1 : consists of basic simple exercises with light weight for growing shoulder & arm (tricep & bicep) strength,slowly building up the form(range of motion & breathing technique) to perform the ADVANCE  exercises in Level 2. This Level-1, is a must for all those who are not into regular physical training or are first timers.

B) Chest Exercises - Level 2 (next blog) : for shredding chest fat & muscle development , giving your chest the right shape.

For beginners , a good rule of thumb is to start with a light weight that you can comfortably do 10-15 repetitions in one set. If you feel stable & comfortable , increase the weight for the 2nd & 3rd set. You should feel the burn during the last few repetitions, but never feel unstable. Drink water between sets & stop the workout if you feel lightheaded, dizzy or unwell. For any exercise with weight, the range of motion & momentum along with correct technique & breathing are most vital for good timely positive results.

Lets start with LEVEL 1 - CHEST EXERCISE :

Requirements : 
- Airy & bright room .
- Track pants / sports short.
- Round neck T-shirt / Gym vest - cotton.
- Gym / Yoga mat - non-skid & min 13 mm thick.
- Dumbbell sets - 2kg , 3kg / 4 kg. (In basic routine do not focus on much weight).
- A long mirror ( if possible) to check your form.

The Chest Exercise Chart - Level 1 :  (5 exercises for 15-17 mnts.). Warm up & Cool down exercises are to be done at the start of the Day's Exercise Routine & after completion of the same routine ,respectively.

1)  Wall Vertical Push-ups : 3 SETS : 10 reps per Set . 
2)  Incline Push-ups : 3 SETS :10 reps per Set.
3)  Dumbbell Press : 3 SETS :10 reps per Set.
4)  Dumbbell Fly : 3 SETS :10 reps per Set.
5)  Over Head Dumbbell Pull-over : 3 SETS :10 reps per Set.
You can also start initially with 5-8 reps per Set.

Rest Period Between each Set = 30 secs.
Rest Period Between Each Exercise = 60 secs.
Level - 1  routine Period = Thrice a Week (with min. 1 day rest in between) , for 4 weeks. Reps per Set can be gradually increased as you progress.

NOTE : After first day's workout you may have body /muscular pains, that's very much normal , just take couple of days rest and start again, slowly the body/muscular pains will go off. 

For the CHEST EXERCISE ( Level-1) demo video, please click on the link provided below :