
Monday, June 15, 2020

FOR WORKOUT AT HOME - Environment, Mindset , Equipment & outfit required.


In my last two Blogs have covered in details about  Body Warm Up Exercises - to be done before start of the MAIN WORKOUT  and  Body Cool Down with Full Body Stretching Exercises - to be done after the MAIN WORKOUT

For continuity & result of any activity, we require to have an ideal environment & mindset that keeps us charged in achieving the purpose of doing that activity, otherwise its just futile and wastage of time & energy in particular. Physical Fitness is one such activity which requires immense patience, dedication, with total absence of pretence, deceit & hypocrisy.

 Have seen nearly 60% of people joining a gym or starting exercise with a much hue & hype , lasting not more than 6 months with exercise. One who understands the benefit of Physical fitness & can foresee its result in the long run , are the ones who stick to it and come out with a form which becomes "neighbours envy".

 Before you start your Exercise routine , please have it clear in your mind that,  you are not going to see massive changes in your physique within first few months of doing exercise, but yes, you will find few changes slowly taking place within first 4-5 months, depending on your body structure & metabolism.

In addition to various types of Exercises, Diet (separate blog to follow) and body Rest plays a significant role in body fitness. You will be surprised to know that  proper Diet has nearly 50% role to play for a good physique , where as proper Exercise has about 25% role & share of proper Body Rest is also about 25%, specially for those 50 years of age & above.

To have that environment and feel , few initial basic items you need to have before you start exercising at your home , they are mentioned below with their tentative cost (you can be selective) :

1) Non-skid Yoga or Gym Mat. - one piece of 13 mm thickness . = Rs. 999.00
2) Three pieces of round neck regular fit T-shirts ( preferably cotton ) = Rs 650.00 (total for 3 pcs.).
3) Gym supporters - tight briefs  - one pair. = Rs 370.00 each.
4) Gym Vests - one pair. = Rs 300.00 each.
5) Gym shorts  normal / double layered - one piece.= Rs 400.00 to Rs 1800.00 each.
6) Gym Hand Gloves - one pair (optional). = Rs 300.00
7) Gym Track pant - one piece good quality = Rs 800 to Rs 2009 per piece range.
8) Dumbbell sets ( Neoprene / Vinyl / Foam coated - for house floor protection) - 1kg /2kg, 3 kg &       5kg weights. = Rs 600 to Rs.1500 per set range.
9) Towel - One pair .
10) Cotton sports Socks or Flat sole sports shoe.

Your one time total cost involvement will not be  more than Rs.7000.00 ( taking the lower price side) , if you opt for all the above items. 

For best quality & reasonable price range  you can visit my FACEBOOK page : Fit & Fun After 50 (myself has provided links of few items mentioned above, for home delivery- COD option).