
Saturday, June 27, 2020

LEVEL - 2 : BUILD PERFECT CHEST MUSCLE AT HOME : ADVANCED Exercises For 50 years & above age group (with demo video).

As you age you do not need to lift as heavy of weights to build muscles. This will take a toll on your body & it will be harder to recover from these workouts.

Its always advisable to have a well toned, ripped athlete like physique once you cross 50 years of age for better agility & body flexibility, this will also keep you much more active even at later part of your age . For targeting bulk muscles, as you would have aspired in your 20's & 30's, you need to lift heavier weights & follow much different diet plan , which may lead to increase in body fat later when your activity level will go down with advanced age, also at this age you will risk irrecoverable injury.  Through the years of your life your joints have already taken much wear & tear , now if you plan to lift heavy weights , imagine in what condition they will get into . You need to Listen to your BODY.

As we age , it gets harder to build muscles, so to shred FAT from your targeted area and build muscle that too with lighter weights, you have to incorporate RESISTANCE / ISOMETRIC training into your weekly workout program. If you put your mind to it, you will see fantastic results & build muscle even after 50 years of age. 

When ever at any stage , you are not feeling right in an exercise you are doing , may be you should not be doing it.

In LEVEL -2 chest exercises I have incorporated few 3 stage contraction exercises, that something most people do not do - ISOMETRIC CONTRACTION. These are great for loosing fat , strength building  & time under tension. ISOMETRIC routine are great for older men . This will help you build muscles without putting more damage on your joints. Also , this helps you to build muscles with  lighter dumbbell weights (have to use bit heavier weights as compared to used during LEVEL-1 exercises) .

The LEVEL - 2, Chest Exercise routine to be started after completion of at least  4 weeks of Level-1 (Basic) Chest Exercise routine.

The Level - 2, Exercise Chart :  (9 exercises for 30 mnts.). Warm up & Cool down exercises are to be done at the start of the Day's Exercise Routine & after completion of the same routine ,respectively. 

1) Push-ups : 3 Sets = 10 reps per set.
2) Inclined Push-ups : 3 Sets = 10 reps per set.
For better result  may do 1 set of Floor Push-ups (10 reps) , then immediately do 1 set of Inclined Push-ups (10 reps) - provided your body permits, then take 20 secs rest & repeat similarly the 2nd & 3rd sets.
3) Dumbbell Press (Isometric): 3 Sets = 10-12 reps per set (3 stage=4+3+3 / 5+3+3 / 5+3+4)...See demo video.
4) Dumbbell Fly (Isometric) : 3 Sets = 10 -12 reps per set (3 stage=4+3+3 / 5+3+3 / 5+3+4)....See demo video.
5) Dumbbell Over Head Pull-over : 3 Sets = 10 reps per set .
6) Twin Dumbbell Press : 3 Sets = 10 reps per set.
7) Standing Single Dumbbell Raise : 3 Sets = 10 reps per set .
8) Dumbbell Pectoral Fly : 3 sets of Low fly + 3 sets of Mid fly @ 10 reps per set.
9) Decline Push-ups : 3 sets = 5-8 reps per set.

Rest Period Between each Set = 30 secs.
Rest Period Between Each Exercise = 60 secs.
During rest periods go on sipping plain water to keep your body hydrated.
ADVANCED Chest Exercise Period = Thrice a Week (with min. 1 day rest in between).

For Demo Video in HINDI please watch my YouTube channel :      fitnessfun50 

For  CHEST EXERCISES - Level 2, demo video (English), please click on the link provided below :

Sunday, June 21, 2020

BUILD PERFECT CHEST MUSCLE AT HOME - LEVEL 1 : Basic Exercises For 50 years & above age group (with demo video).


There are variety of exercises for a particular body part, one should try to adopt that which suits your body structure & capacity to perform that particular exercise with results. 
Myself will be discussing & demonstrating only those exercises that I do and got result to my satisfaction. Considering the age group, I have done few modifications in techniques those have been incorporated in my routine for better effect on targeted muscle, which are in my DEMONSTRATION VIDEO (Link provided below).

The PECTORAL or Chest Muscles  are mainly categorised in 3 sections :
1. Pectoralis Major - it serves to flex, extend & rotate the humorous , the long bone of the upper arm.
2. Pectoralis Minor - it serves to stabilise the scapula, the large bone of the shoulder.
3. Pectoral Fascia - is a thin layer of tissue extending towards the latissimus dorsi muscles on the back.

Therefore, any chest exercise is a COMPOUND EXERCISE that work multiple muscles groups at the same time , like- triceps , biceps , shoulder muscles , lats etc. There are multiple benefit of  a COMPOUND EXERCISE - burning more calories, improving intramuscular coordination, elevating heart rate, improving strength & growing more muscle mass. 

For men who are 50 years old or above, a droopy, sagging chest is not something that one desires. Guys want to puff out their chest , stand tall and be proud that their chest sticks out farther than their belly. 

This blog is all about how to have a well toned chest shape through exercises that can be performed at your HOME. 

Considering most of you as beginners, have divided the chest routine in TWO LEVELS :

A) Chest Exercises - Level 1 : consists of basic simple exercises with light weight for growing shoulder & arm (tricep & bicep) strength,slowly building up the form(range of motion & breathing technique) to perform the ADVANCE  exercises in Level 2. This Level-1, is a must for all those who are not into regular physical training or are first timers.

B) Chest Exercises - Level 2 (next blog) : for shredding chest fat & muscle development , giving your chest the right shape.

For beginners , a good rule of thumb is to start with a light weight that you can comfortably do 10-15 repetitions in one set. If you feel stable & comfortable , increase the weight for the 2nd & 3rd set. You should feel the burn during the last few repetitions, but never feel unstable. Drink water between sets & stop the workout if you feel lightheaded, dizzy or unwell. For any exercise with weight, the range of motion & momentum along with correct technique & breathing are most vital for good timely positive results.

Lets start with LEVEL 1 - CHEST EXERCISE :

Requirements : 
- Airy & bright room .
- Track pants / sports short.
- Round neck T-shirt / Gym vest - cotton.
- Gym / Yoga mat - non-skid & min 13 mm thick.
- Dumbbell sets - 2kg , 3kg / 4 kg. (In basic routine do not focus on much weight).
- A long mirror ( if possible) to check your form.

The Chest Exercise Chart - Level 1 :  (5 exercises for 15-17 mnts.). Warm up & Cool down exercises are to be done at the start of the Day's Exercise Routine & after completion of the same routine ,respectively.

1)  Wall Vertical Push-ups : 3 SETS : 10 reps per Set . 
2)  Incline Push-ups : 3 SETS :10 reps per Set.
3)  Dumbbell Press : 3 SETS :10 reps per Set.
4)  Dumbbell Fly : 3 SETS :10 reps per Set.
5)  Over Head Dumbbell Pull-over : 3 SETS :10 reps per Set.
You can also start initially with 5-8 reps per Set.

Rest Period Between each Set = 30 secs.
Rest Period Between Each Exercise = 60 secs.
Level - 1  routine Period = Thrice a Week (with min. 1 day rest in between) , for 4 weeks. Reps per Set can be gradually increased as you progress.

NOTE : After first day's workout you may have body /muscular pains, that's very much normal , just take couple of days rest and start again, slowly the body/muscular pains will go off. 

For the CHEST EXERCISE ( Level-1) demo video, please click on the link provided below :

Monday, June 15, 2020

FOR WORKOUT AT HOME - Environment, Mindset , Equipment & outfit required.


In my last two Blogs have covered in details about  Body Warm Up Exercises - to be done before start of the MAIN WORKOUT  and  Body Cool Down with Full Body Stretching Exercises - to be done after the MAIN WORKOUT

For continuity & result of any activity, we require to have an ideal environment & mindset that keeps us charged in achieving the purpose of doing that activity, otherwise its just futile and wastage of time & energy in particular. Physical Fitness is one such activity which requires immense patience, dedication, with total absence of pretence, deceit & hypocrisy.

 Have seen nearly 60% of people joining a gym or starting exercise with a much hue & hype , lasting not more than 6 months with exercise. One who understands the benefit of Physical fitness & can foresee its result in the long run , are the ones who stick to it and come out with a form which becomes "neighbours envy".

 Before you start your Exercise routine , please have it clear in your mind that,  you are not going to see massive changes in your physique within first few months of doing exercise, but yes, you will find few changes slowly taking place within first 4-5 months, depending on your body structure & metabolism.

In addition to various types of Exercises, Diet (separate blog to follow) and body Rest plays a significant role in body fitness. You will be surprised to know that  proper Diet has nearly 50% role to play for a good physique , where as proper Exercise has about 25% role & share of proper Body Rest is also about 25%, specially for those 50 years of age & above.

To have that environment and feel , few initial basic items you need to have before you start exercising at your home , they are mentioned below with their tentative cost (you can be selective) :

1) Non-skid Yoga or Gym Mat. - one piece of 13 mm thickness . = Rs. 999.00
2) Three pieces of round neck regular fit T-shirts ( preferably cotton ) = Rs 650.00 (total for 3 pcs.).
3) Gym supporters - tight briefs  - one pair. = Rs 370.00 each.
4) Gym Vests - one pair. = Rs 300.00 each.
5) Gym shorts  normal / double layered - one piece.= Rs 400.00 to Rs 1800.00 each.
6) Gym Hand Gloves - one pair (optional). = Rs 300.00
7) Gym Track pant - one piece good quality = Rs 800 to Rs 2009 per piece range.
8) Dumbbell sets ( Neoprene / Vinyl / Foam coated - for house floor protection) - 1kg /2kg, 3 kg &       5kg weights. = Rs 600 to Rs.1500 per set range.
9) Towel - One pair .
10) Cotton sports Socks or Flat sole sports shoe.

Your one time total cost involvement will not be  more than Rs.7000.00 ( taking the lower price side) , if you opt for all the above items. 

For best quality & reasonable price range  you can visit my FACEBOOK page : Fit & Fun After 50 (myself has provided links of few items mentioned above, for home delivery- COD option).

Sunday, June 14, 2020



The primary objective of COOL DOWN  is to return the body's system to pre-exercise conditioning :

- Decrease Breathing Rate,
- Decrease Muscle Temperature,
- Normalise Heart Beat Rate.

Not giving time to cool down the body - is not giving adequate time to recover and de-stress the used muscle, stretching after exercise will both lengthen & strengthen the muscle, which helps for recovery of the muscle and prepare for the next day's exercise .

Cool Down helps to dissipate lactic acid away from the muscles which has been concentrated during exercise, this is important because lactic acid will chase the PH level of the cells making them more acidic & thus decreasing the effect of the enzymes involved in cellular metabolism. Dissipating of lactic acid will help in better recovery of muscles after exercise.

Blood Pooling can occur after stopping exercising suddenly & not cooling down. During exercise the contracting muscles force the blood through the vessels to the Heart  and resist the force of gravity causing dizziness & fainting.

A Cool Down should last for at least 7-10 minutes & should include stretching exercises  like static stretching with holding the used muscle stretch for  min 10-15 seconds. This has been designed for all those who are 50 years & above age category.

COOL DOWN EXERCISES : ( 2 minutes )

1) Jumping Jacks - 30 secs.
2) Slow  Spot Jogging - 30 secs.
3) Standing Toe Touch Kicks - 30 secs.
4) Slow Spot Walking with Arm Stretch - 30 secs.

The above Cool Down exercises can be initially done for 10-12 secs. per exercise, then to 30 secs.


1)  Straight Leg Hang : 15-20 secs.
2) Standing Quad Stretch : 12-15 secs, per leg.
3) Prone Calf Stretch : 12-15 secs per leg.
4) Butterfly Stretch : 15-20 secs.
5) Hamstring Stretch : 12-15 secs per leg.
6) Bend Over Stretch : 15-20 secs.
7) Over Head Tricep Stretch : 12-15 secs per hand.
8) Wall Chest Stretch : 12-15 secs. per side.
9) Wall Shoulder Stretch : 25-30 secs.
10) Arm Cross Stretch : 12-15 secs. per arm.
11) Supine Torso Stretch : 15-20 secs. per side.
12) Cobra Stretch :  25-30 secs.
13) Shell Stretch : 25-30 secs.
14) Shavasan ( Yoga posture ) : 30 secs.

Any type of exercise or sports may cause injury, it is always advisable to be the judge of your own body limitations while performing any exercise. Also, before starting any exercise consult your Doctor.

For the COOL DOWN WITH FULL BODY STRETCHING EXERCISES demo video, please click on the link provided below :

Thursday, June 11, 2020

BODY WARM UP EXERCISES (with demo video) - Need & Benefits. - 10th. June, 2020.


PHYSICAL EXERCISE should consists of 3 sections :
1) Beginning  : Warm Up.
2) Middle       :  Main Workout.
3) End           :  Cool Down.

Today , we will discuss about WARM UP exercises , why they should be done and about its benefit. 

All the exercises for WARM UP , Main WORKOUT & COOL DOWN that will be discussed & shown by me, can be done AT HOME. These exercises though designed for all around 50 years of age & above , but can even be done by younger friends for physical agility & flexibility, only have to increase the number of Sets per exercise.

There are multiple variations in Warm Up exercises , but in my demo video (Just click the link provided at the end of this page), I have only demonstrated the warm up exercises those which are basic , suitable for all men & women who are in 50 years & above age bracket and these are the warm up exercises that myself do and is aware of the benefits.

Seen many people getting right into main workout without giving a second thought about WARM UP. However, there are numerous benefits of performing Warm up before starting the main workout.

Warm up exercises are for increase blood flow to the muscles & reduce muscle stiffness. Its to target the muscles to be used during the main workout by increasing blood flow in such muscles , resulting increased Oxygen & Nutrient delivery to these muscles and decrease in risk of injury.

During warm up the temperature of the muscles actually increase, warmed up muscles will be able to contract with more force and relax quickly resulting increased speed & strength. Warm up also increases muscle elasticity thus decreases the chances of muscle pull and muscle injury - WARM UP  prepares the muscle for strenuous activity and helps prevent overstretching. A proper warm up will cause the blood vessels to dilate the risk of stress and strain on the heart to pump blood. Warm up also prevents overheating by dissipation of the body heat by sweating and also increases RANGE OF MOTION of the joints thus preventing risk of injury.

DURATION FOR WARM UP : 10 - 15 minutes(maximum) , before start of main workout.

EXERCISES  FOR  WARM UP (click on the link provided below for DEMO video) :

# Deep breathing - 10 times x 1 set.
#  Free Hand exercises - Each type = 10 repetitions x 1 set. 
# Couple of exercises with very light dumbbells for joints - Each type = 10 repetitions x 1 set.
# Light Cardio exercise (spot jogging) - 30 seconds.
#  Minimum Stretching Exercises (stretching are mainly for Cool Down routine) - 10 to 13 secs.


1. Increase Flexibility.
2. Better range of motion.
3. Muscle stability.
4. Less prone to injury.
5. Loosens muscles.
6. The warm up exercises shown in  my demo video , if done regularly , are more or less enough for a general physical fitness for those of you who can not do any weight training (main workout) due to certain compulsions.

1. If you are starting exercise for the first time or after a long gap , then its advisable to first do only these Warm up exercises daily for at least 8 weeks. Then go for the Main workout from the 9th week - only thrice a week (alternate days) , then these warm up exercises to be done before start of the main workout only.
2. Any type of exercise or sports may cause injury , it is always advisable to be the judge of your own body while doing any exercise. Also, before starting any exercise consult your Doctor , specially when you have crossed the age of 50 years.

Please follow my next blog for COOL DOWN routine.

Please click on the link provided below to view my WARM UP demo video (use a head phone for sound clarity , as the instructions are very vital for best result) :



Sunday, June 7, 2020

PHYSICAL FITNESS - Importance - Way to a Healthy Life. : 07th. June, 2020.


My previous blogs mainly covered the aspect of Mental fitness & how to balance Life Energies ( Pranayama & Meditation ). Now ,will discuss purely about Physical Fitness for a Healthy Life. It's important to understand that proper Mental fitness & smooth channelising of Life Energies are not possible if you are not Physically Fit. 

Also, on the other hand if you are not Mentally fit (alert ,steady, calm) and FEAR , STRESS, ANGER , INSECURITY , JEALOUSY frequently  haunts you , then there are glands in our brain that releases certain type of hormones which effect adversely the new cells that are regularly produced in our body,  thus effecting our Physical health in a very negative way. 

Our dependency & priorities always go on changing from the day we are born :- during our schooling days, college days , career building days, during our professional life, during our family life & so on.  If So, then when did you actually think about YOURSELF as an individual body, mind & life energy.

Slowly when  you age,  even if you are with all financial securities, a small fear creeps in, frustration bothers you, you start doubting people around and get irritated & agitated fast , suddenly you find nothing going around as you expected. This is because at this stage you have very less to do , you start spending more time in front of your TV, with a glass of Whisky lying on a couch, thinking unnecessarily about things that are no longer under your control, or engulfed in your mobile phone or live in your thoughts of past - a feeling of  "can do nothing more" or  "can not do much" sets in, causing the release of negative hormones effecting your health & you actually start ageing faster - mentally & physically. Ultimately end up in a hospital bed with tubes inserted & needles pricked all over your ageing fragile body. 

Is this what YOU want ???????

Lets now change this, still there is time - let us be very positive, active, vibrant , romantic , exuberant, adventurous like never before, with a fit body , calm & alert mind assisted with smooth flowing life energy within us.

Myself has set my GOAL to transform the life of all who have crossed 50 years of age, at no extra cost -  into a new world with a changed Mindset about physical & mental fitness, where you become a PRIDE of the society & set an example for the younger generation.  Just have to focus now on yourself  & experience life with a smile till your last day on this Planet Earth - this is the cycle of nature, just accept it - nothing to worry - a known fact. 

Most people are under-worked (Physically) resulting in ill heath. If we lived here on this planet about 100 years ago, physically we would be doing at least 30-40 times more activity of physical work. Only by using this body we can keep a good physical health. The more you use , the better it gets. If we sufficiently use our body, body has everything to create a health for itself.  if we Physically use our body as much as we should, then 80% of the ailments will disappear,  the balance 20%  : 10% due to food & only 10% due to Karmic and atmospheric reasons will remain.

Better functioning of Physical , Mental & Life Energies is HEALTH or FITNESS, its all about LIFE HAPPENING WELL. Health is not mine or your idea, we did not invent health, what we have created or invented is ill-health. Today's 20 years old can not do what a 60 years old used to do 100 years ago - we are actually weakening humanity or degenerating humanity over a period of time. Medical science can enhance our life span to some extent , but can never make us fit & a naturally healthy being. We are just experiencing what a small VIRUS can do to humans with poor health & weak immunity system.

Just need you all to keep me motivated and morally support my cause, for me to move successfully towards my GOAL.

My next  blog will be on  PHYSICAL TRAINING - Body warm-up Exercises. Please do follow my blogs and share the link :     among all your contacts.


Friday, June 5, 2020



A Fit body , smooth movement of Prana ( Energies / Breath ),  & steady / alert mind are the basic ingredients for MEDITATION. This is the reason , regular practice of Yoga / physical workout  & Pranayama are the prerequisites for MEDITATION.

MEDITATION is not that simple a word as it seems. One can be some what meditative but can never do meditation - its a certain quality. Meditation is not that can be learnt by paying money. Now a days , "Doing Meditation" has become a status symbol , and many are earning good amount of money by just selling "MEDITATION".

As per Yogic anatomy physiology there are 72000 Nadis (the channels through which the energies such as Prana of the physical body, the subtle body and causal body are said to flow) in our body, out of which 36000 connected to the Ida  nadi and other 36000 are connected to the Pingala nadi. Of these 72000, 108 are major & of these 3 are most important - Ida , Pingala & Sushumna. . As discussed in my previous BLOG about PRANAYAMA, the Ida & Pingala can be balanced by manipulating  the rhythm of our breath. These 2 Nadis acts as anode (Pingala) & cathode (Ida) to ignite the coiled ENERGY (Kundalini) dormant in MULADHARA Chakra and pass through the Sushusmna Nadi upwards to the SAHASRARA Chakra.

 Dharna + Dhyana + Samadhi.

Rishi Patanjali's (Sage) Yoga Sutra describes how the mind works & how we can integrate YOGA into our lives. Patanjali's  Ashtanga  Yoga ( Ashtanga  means 8 limbed )  includes 8 components of practice, of which Meditation ( Dhyana ) is the 7th limb , this process cannot be attained without the combination of Concentration ( Dharna ) the 6th limb & the final limb is Enlightment (Samadhi). The first 5 Angas are - Yama , Niyama , Asana , Pranayama & Pratyahara. 
The last 3 limbs are often studied together & are called ANTARATMA SADHANA , or the innermost quest. 

If only the body, mind, emotions & energy are brought to a certain level of preparedness , then only meditation will blossom within you. Meditation has to happen , it cannot stop, similar to our breathing process. A flower blossoms only when the Soil, Sunlight, Atmosphere around become conducive for it to blossom, it will never blossom if we sit and peal it . Similarly , if we just sit for meditation , it will  not happen, it is not about going somewhere, it's home coming , it's getting back to it's original nature, instead of being on the surface you are going back into the core, it can not be done, but we can make it happen.

For Dhyana or Meditation to happen , Dharna or Concentration is the key. Dharna can be found whenever a person is fully present & focused on an activity or object. This focus cures the inner conflicts so commonly experienced. When one is completely focused, you cannot be of two minds about something. This ability to focus all the mind's attention towards one thing is the foundation of Dhyana or meditation, this is also totally necessary if the practitioner is to reach the liberation or Samadhi. Meditation is a deep sense of unity with an object or activity.

Most of our great Rishis & Yogis have referred to focusing on the breath ie watching / following your breath as the object for Dharana or concentration . Few also suggested - focusing on a continuous sound, a static object , flame of the candle / lamp, etc... its totally ones own choice.

Gautama the Buddha introduced a meditation technique - BIPASANA (awareness), aware of your breath, then heart beat, then flow of blood in your veins, the functioning of other body organs, then the awareness slowly gets subtler and subtler.... then ultimately you are aware of  "The Whole Thing - NIRVANA". Buddhists called this  ANAPANA or ANAPANASATI meaning mindfulness of breathing, this is a form of Buddhist meditation originally taught by Gautama Buddha. ANAPANASATI is now common to Tibetan, Zen, Tiantai & Theravada Buddhism as well as western based mindfulness programs .

A general guideline for better results  for all those who  intend to practice meditation : 

1) Preferably in early morning or evening (Sandhya Kala).

2) Practice in a particular place facing East or North..

3) Have your own ASANA (small sitting mattress) , no one else to use it.

4) Wear a fresh washed loose dress.

5) Before you start , Chant some Divine Mantra  for 3-5 minutes of your like, for example : Aum Namaha Shivaya , Hare Ram Hare Krishna, or any of your choice  , or can even do a GURU VANDANA if you are initiated. If you have nothing to chant then just chant AUM in very slow pace : Aaaaa, Ooooo, Mmmmmmmmm (Mmm to be stretched).

6) Doing a BHAMRI Pranayam before start of meditation helps in mental calmness. This Pranayama also known as ad Humming Bee Breath, is a calming breathing practice that soothes the nervous system and helps to connect us our truest inner nature. 

Sit in a cross-legged position, close your eyes and breath deeply.Now close your ears with your thumbs, place your index finger just above your eyebrows and the rest of your fingers over your eyes, with your middle fingers of both hands apply very gentle pressure to the sides of your nose. Now concentrate your mind on the area between your eyebrows.
Keep your mouth closed , breath out slowly through your nose with making a humming sound of "AOOMMMMMMM". Repeat this process for 5 times. Important thing is that while doing this PRANAYAMA assume that you are being connected to all the positive energies of the cosmos.

7) Sambhavi Mudra : Sitting in a cross-legged position, your back should be comfortably straight, whole body to be lose , with palms on your knees facing upwards in Gyana / Vishnu Mudra (where in both hands, the tip of your index finger touches the tip of your thumb forming a ring 👌). Then slightly raise your head upwards, focus both your eyes at a centre point between your both eyebrows & close your eyes, then slowly inhale (count of 6-8) & exhale (count of 8-10) through your nostrils, this should be very smooth and with no sound . your should fully concentrate on the air going in & going out , in other words fully concentrate on your inhalation and exhalation, so that your mind do not get engaged in some other thoughts. Sambhavi Mudra is said to be one of the ideal posture for meditating.

My next blogs will be on PHYSICAL FITNESS (both Female & Male) for those who are going to be 50,  are 50 and above 50 years of age - Introduction, Diet, Warm-ups , Stretching exercises, cardiovascular exercises, strength & endurance training, Body-part wise muscle development exercises , etc.    Please follow my page and share among your contacts.


Thursday, June 4, 2020

PRANAYAMA (With demo video) Life Span Enhancer.- Meaning, Purpose & Types . - 04th.June,2020.

                                                              As per the "Yoga Sutras" or "Yoga Pradipikas", the related standard text books , there are Eight ANGAS : Yama , Niyama , Asana , Pranayama , Pratyahara , Dharana , Dhyana  & Samadhi.

All great YOGIs born on this Land - Sri Sri Ramthakur (my spiritual Guru) , Sri Sri Baba Loeknath Brahmachari , Sri Sri Trailanga Swami , Paramahansa Yogananda , Sri Sri Lahiri Mahashaye , Swami Vivekananda and many more with such prodigious personality, who with their reverberating  divine energy had and are still keeping this human live in motion towards being a seeker , all such great YOGIs gave a great emphasis on practice of  PRANAYAMA in this Kaliyuga for good general health ,mental calmness and ultimately attaining that BLISSFUL state.

 yada yadacarati sresthastattadevetaro janah |
 sa yatpramanam kurute lokastadanuvartate ||
(The Bhagavad Gita 3:21)

Translation : Whichever and however a great personality conducts himself , common men do also ;
whatever he accepts as authority that and that alone certainly the entire world will follow.

The word PRANAYAMA comprises of two words : PRANA + YAMA .

PRANA indicates Life Energy consisting of oxygen , various digestive energies or digestive fire and the Vayu that helps us to excrete (there are many more energies but basically Prana has been divided into 4 parts - Prana , Upana , Udana & Samana). Prana does not mean only the air we breath ( Swasa ), as we cannot directly touch the other energies , except by our SWASA , so we call this activity  PRANAYAMA , or else it would have been named  SWASAYAMA.

 YAMA means rules & regulations.

So, we can confer that PRANAYAMA means -  the rules  and regulations related to manipulation and controlling our breathing rhythm / process / technique  for improved functioning of our various Energies. It would be enough for us to just understand that PRANAYAMA basically means breathing in more OXYGEN in to our LUNGS , or increase our LUNG capacity. 

Longevity of Life is measured by Breaths Per Minute:  Normally the way we breath is just surface breathing , the Yogic way is much different. In surface breathing , that we all do, average respiratory rate of an adult is between 12 - 20 breaths per minute . Where as among mammals, a whale which has the most efficient respiratory system they normally hold breath for 80-90 minutes , the beaked whale can hold for 2 hours . The average life span of a human is 79 years , whereas the average life span of a whale is 90 years , some bowhead whales have lived even more than 200 years. 
In Yogic way of breathing , the breaths per minutes are reduced to an average  of 6-10, thus some of the Yogis could increase their life span to 150  years and much more , as per their need.

As per the yogic anatomy physiology , there are 3 main Nadis , like a TRISHULA formation - Ida , Pingala & Shushumna . Though its said there are 108 Nadis, which is a metaphor.. The Ida nadi starts from the right side of the skull , runs through the left side of the body, where as the Pingala nadi starts from the left side of our skull and runs through the right side of the body , After starting from the skull they cross over  at a point  ( Chakra ) just at the centre  between our both eyebrows, known as AJNA  and both these nadis  meet at a point (Chakra) between the anal outlet and the genital organ , known as Muladhara. Running in between these 2 Nadis is the 3rd Nadi known as Sushumna nadi ( spinal cord ) , through which the energy is intended to flow from Muladhara to the top most Chakra, known as Sahasrara. Our right nostril regulates flow of air (Swasa) through the Pingala Nadi & the left nostril regulates air flow through the Ida nadi.

A balanced  use of air flow through the Ida & Pingala Nadis determines our general health  issues, whereas Sushumna is related to spirituality ( Kundalini ). PRANAYAMA is all about how to balance Ida & Pingala by manipulating the breathing process and ultimately activate the Sushumna Nadi.

There are many types of  PRANAYAMA , of which the basic ones are : 

1) Kumbhaka  ; 2) Anulom vilom ; 3) Kapalabhati ; 4) Bhastrika; 5) Nadi Suddhi; 6) Bhairava Pranayama . In other types of Pranayamas its just about adjusting the rhythm .
Of the above , at least if you could do the - Kumbhaka  and / or Anulom vilom correctly every day, to start with Kumbhaka or simple deep breathing 5-8 times and then Anulom vilom for 10 minutes , then within few months you will find a great difference in our general health, will feel lighter , have sound sleep, immunity system will improve & thus counter any infections in a better way, our emotions and thoughts gets controlled and get a feeling of calmness in our mind. As the nadis are put in a proper symmetry the whole body will function in a better way. Of the 5 elements that our body is made of , Air- Vayu is just 6% but plays a very vital role (Water - Jal =72% ; Earth- Prithvi =12%; Fire- Agni=4% & Space- Akash =6%). Please note that during performing of any PRANAYAMA, always keep your Palm/Palms facing upwards as this facilitates flow of more Air into our Lungs.

 Would like to mention that other than my late Father, the two persons who inspired me into Yoga & Meditation were :  Sri Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudeva - Mystic & a Yogi  &  Sri Madhukarnath ji ,disciple of Sri Sri Maheshwarnath Babaji, who was a direct disciple of Sri Sri Maha Avatar Babaji.

In my next blog , will deal briefly with Meditation , as it would be unjust on my part not to introduce you a little about MEDITATION , specially after this particular blog. 
There after my blogs will be about Physical Fitness  (with demo videos) : Workout at home , How to develop muscles after 50 or 55 years of age , how to reduce body fat, How to enhance body strength & stamina , diets and many more such interesting topics.

Please click on the link below to view the video where myself  has demonstrated in short, few of the PRANAYAMAs just for your understanding (use a head phone for sound clearity) 👇:


Monday, June 1, 2020

FITNESS : For 50 & above years of age. - 01st June,2020.

FITNESS has two aspects : Physical Fitness & Mental Fitness.
Once you approach or cross over 50 years of age mental conditioning with preparedness is most vital for stepping in for physical fitness. Your mind has to be fully in alert state to create that Mind - Muscle connection , else your whole attempt will look extraneous.
You should come out of the notion that fitness is just going to gym, handling dumbbells and barbells , brisk walking, jogging or doing cardio workout, there has to be a Mind-Muscle connection for development of  a physique at what ever age it may be.
Any exercise has to be targeted as per your motive / purpose of doing so - is it to reduce only body fat, or reducing fat & develop muscles, or for gaining strength, or improving only body flexibility, or gaining body endurance / stamina. There are techniques & types of exercises to accomplish your desired motive. But whatever technique you adopt , correct BREATHING process  is most vital, a rigorous training without proper breathing will give no result. Come out of the myth that the  more  weight you lift in a gym, the better physique you will have. Please be sure that you can develop muscles even after the age of 50. How ? to know that,  please do follow my upcoming  blogs.
So, BREATHING is the most vital process in our body to sustain this life in a healthy way - are you breathing in correct way, how does breathing effect your life span, how can you increase your lung capacity & improve immunity, how can your general health drastically improve just by correct breathing process. This is nothing new , during the VEDIC period (1000 - 500 BCE) our then scientists or Rishis as we call them , had already mentioned the techniques of BREATHING in various forms of  PRANAYAMA. 
In my next blog will try to explain the meaning of PRANAYAMA, its various types and to start with - which ones you should include in your daily routine for a HEALTHY & JOYFUL LIFE.