
Wednesday, September 9, 2020



In this blog we will learn what all we need to eat to have  tight  & attractive Abs. First of all you should focus on eating quality food. Leave all processed foods, fast foods , alcohol, avoid all those unnecessary calories. Replace those things with nutrient dense whole foods. 

Eat at a caloric deficit. The last thing you want to do is eat really healthy thinking you are doing such a good job, but you eat more calories than you burn. On the days that you are working out with resistance training (with weights) , you should eat some complex carbs like  rice , potatoes, oatmeal, etc. There are a lot of good carbs sources to have on days you resistance train. Every meal of every day, you want to have a lean protein, essential fat, & fibrous carbs. Chicken breast, olive oil, coconut oil, fish, eggs & your green veggies are great examples of what you eat. Eat bunch of clean food through out the day,  like pick up hand full of nuts , eat a banana , all these are healthy foods. But do not eat caloric surplus, that is eating more food than your body is burning throughout the day, then you are not going to have those tight Abs as you are not going to lose fat. If your body is burning  2500 calories each day , then you should either eat less than 2500 calories in ad day or you burn more . If you want to eat 2500 calories then eat 2500 calories , but make sure to burn 300-500 calories , then you are creating a 300-500 calories deficit . If you want to create larger deficit then eat 2200 calories & burn 300 calories, resulting in 600 calorie deficit. This method also enhances your Testosterone level which is very important for building muscles. In every day meal have protein, every meal fibrous carbs & every meal essential fat. Only on the days of resistance training have complex carbs.

When you eat more calories than you burn then you still feed your muscles that is the key as well. Specially I have seen some men above 50 who say that they eat lot of crap , then they start eating one or two meal a day to lose fat , initially yes they do lose weight , but this weight  that they lose is not necessarily the fat it's what ketogenic diet is, it messes with your psychology , you become too excited seeing the scale showing your less weight by 5 - 8 kgs , but you do not realise that all of that you lose is not fat, you are losing bit of glycogen, water , little bit of muscles & little bit of fat. If you go on doing this week after week, after week then you are going to have a destroyed metabolism , which will be harder for you to lose anything at all, So, you have to make sure that you are eating to fuel your workouts,  to feed your muscles & eating right kind of food that wont add fat to your body.

Make sure you stay hydrated. Drink a lot of water. You get a lot more benefits from the nutrients you are putting in your body when you are filling it with water as well. Stick to this for the best results. It can be hard in the beginning to change the way you eat, but as you get in better habits  it can get easier.

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