
Wednesday, September 23, 2020



Most people I find are teaching on the internet the  stretches and exercises for cervical spondylosis which are as far as my knowledge goes, not correct. May be they are not aware of certain facts or are having a wrong notion about the related exercises.

This cervical problem is a serious issue & is going to be worse in days to come because of the technology in which we are engaged in - cell phone , laptops, computers to name a few. Now a days even young people are getting this problem due to chronic head posture. This CERVICAL SPONDYLOSIS is going to be a major epidemic in the days to come only because of technology. This Cervical Spondylosis is a generation from your poor posture. Every thing you do is basically looking downwards, unfortunately. The more you bring forward your ears from the centre of your body which is  the shoulder that is when the problem you are going to have. So, why wait for it to explode on you, it is our responsibility to educate ourselves, our children, friends and all loved ones that POOR POSTURE is the number ONE reason for CERVICAL SPONDYLOSIS. Actually most people are so beyond this simple knowledge that they don't care, they will surely care when they start having this problem. Here technology is not making us healthier , but more sick.  Just calculate the time you are spending viewing & texting on mobile, laptops & computers in a day from the time you leave your bed in morning till you go off to sleep at night , you will know how close or far you are from getting CERVICAL SPONDYLOSIS.

Myself had a severe attack of cervical spondylosis in the year 2006, it was to the extreme that  even if I lifted a filled water jug or a mug then  would all of a sudden felt dizzy and fall down hurting myself, could not straighten my back & neck for nearly 3 months & could not lift my hands more than 2 feet from my waist level. Sleeping on bed was impossible, would just sit on a chair for the whole night , this continued for a couple of months, there were doctors who suggested thermal massage , neck movement exercises & many other types of physiotherapy which made my condition worse. Seeing no improvement in my condition , my father who was an ex-bodybuilder & Body Building instructor in Indian Railways (Diesel Locomotive Works), suggested me to stop all that I was doing, he suggested me few very simple exercises to be done twice daily, believe me ..... these exercises did miracle, within 3 weeks of doing these exercises my pain suddenly got reduced, I could lift my hands up to my shoulder level, could walk somewhat straight and could sleep at night on my bed. After the 5th week myself got into my normal self with no pain on my shoulder, neck & arms. But initially when you get this attack you should have a round of physiotherapy from a well qualified & experienced physiotherapist to soften the muscles that have become hard.

In today's Blog myself is going to teach you those same exercises which my late father made me do & did wonders on me. I am not saying these are the best or only exercises for cervical spondylosis , but yes it definitely worked for me & also helped many who had the same problem & suggested them the same exercises. These exercises can be done throughout the year as preventive & as a relief during when in pain. Initially do these only to the level you are comfortable with , increase the extent once you slowly  progress. Those who are mostly engaged with computer, laptop, mobile or any desk jobs should at least do few (if not all) of the exercises mentioned below on a daily basis. All students must do this workout routine on a daily basis.


1) Wall Arm Crawl : 3 sets x 10 reps.

2) Full & Half  lateral Arm raise : 3 sets x 20 reps / set (Full 10 reps + Half 10 reps).

3) Arm Rotation : 3 sets x 10 clockwise + 10 anticlockwise / set.

4) Over head Arm Stretch : 3 sets x 30 seconds / set.

5) Over head Elbow Pull : 2 sets x 20 seconds / arm / set.

6) Front Elbow Stretch : 2 sets x 20 seconds / arm / set.

7) Chin tuck : 3 sets x 10 reps / set.

8) Isometric exercises : strengthening muscles without putting full range of motion, with 5 second per side contractions of muscles to make them stay strong (Left , Right , Front & Rear) 

9) Chair Pull Shoulder Stretch : 2 sets x 20 seconds / side / set.

10) Bend-over cross Arm stretch or trapz stretch : 2 sets x 20 seconds / set. 


1) Head Rotation.

2) Head bending front & back (with or without hand resistance).

3) Head bending Left & Right (with or without hand resistance).

4) Any other exercise where you have to move your Ears away from the centre of your body that is shoulder.

5) Avoid any type of massage.

Note : Always seek the advice of your physician prior to starting any new diet or exercise routine. Never disregard, avoid, or delay obtaining medical advice of a physician because of something you have read & watched in this blog &/or in the demo video .

For Demo Video in HINDI please watch my YouTube channel :  fitnessfun50 

For "CERVICAL SPONDYLOSIS"  Demo Video - please click on the link provided below 👇: