
Saturday, September 12, 2020

20 minute FULL UPPER BODY HOME WORKOUT FOR MEN (With Dumbbells only).


20 minute FULL UPPER BODY  HOME WORKOUT FOR MEN (With Dumbbells only).

In this blog you will learn about the  upper body home exercises for which you need a pair of dumbbells only . This  20 minute routine for Upper Body is for those men who are already in a regular workout schedule , but are not finding enough time to do the full Upper Body workout of 107-110 minutes (including 20 minutes of warm-up & cool down routine) on a regular basis due to their busy schedule.

I have selected  9 exercises with some modifications to enhance the intensity & give multiple muscle effectiveness & activation with a single exercise with twin movement , so that you save time. Those who are not in any kind of workout routine should not try this routine. Those who are in regular workout , when starting this routine should use light weights & lesser reps, as you progress the reps can be increased. By using medium or heavy weights at initial stage may cause serious injury to your body because of the level of difficulty in some of these exercises. 

Pre-workout warm-up & Post Workout cool down is must .


1) Arm Curl & Raise : 2 sets x 10 reps per set.

Here you have to hold a dumbbell in each of your hands , do first bicep curl then lift both your arms above shoulder, then again bring your both arms down & repeat . This exercise is for your biceps & upper deltoids .

2) Side Arm Swing : 2 sets x 10 reps / arm / set.

Here take hold a dumbbell in each of your hand , your upper arm should stick to your sides, bend your elbow to front and then alternately swing first your right lower arm towards outside right & then your left lower arm towards outside left & then repeat with the other hand. This is an excellent exercise for total forearm & outer bicep .

3) Bend-over Row with Front Arm Raise : 2 sets x 10 reps / set.

Here first you will do bend-over row (bend your body about 45 degrees) with dumbbells in both your hands & then being in that bent position raise both your arms in front with both your palms facing upwards. Excellent exercise for lats, back & front deltoids. It is advised to wear Gym Belt while performing this exercise & while doing this exercise never try to change the angel of your bend as it may cause serious back injury.

4) Push-ups with alternate Lat Pulls : 2 sets x 10 reps / set.

Here first place two dumbbells on the floor about your shoulder width apart , take push-up stance with your palms gripping the dumbbells , first do a push-up & then when your body comes up first pull your left arm backwards holding the dumbbell then again bring your hand to original position then again do a push-up and then similarly do with your right arm. This is an excellent exercise for your chest , Lats , arms, back , core , in fact it is a compound exercise. It is advised to wear Gym Belt while performing this exercise.

5) Arm Front Cross Raise : 2 sets x 10 reps / set.

This exercise is similar to the front arm raise , but the difference is that instead of bringing your arm in front , you have to take it across your chest , first right hand then left hand with dumbbells in each hand. this is for front deltoids & upper side chest. 

6) Over Head twin arm Triceps Raise : 2 sets x 10 reps / set.

This is a known triceps routine, where you hold a dumbbell with both your hands with a diamond grip over your head & move your arms up & down from elbow.

7) Over head Single Arm Raise with Knee Down : 2 sets x 10 reps / arm / set.

Here go down on floor with your right knee & your left knee to be up half bend , then with your right hand do arm over head raise holding a dumbbell , do this ten times & then shift to left hand with left knee on the floor & do 10 reps , thus you complete one set. this exercise is for your shoulders - upper deltoids.

8) Twin Arm Side & Front Raise : 2 sets x 10 reps /set.

This exercise is for your side & front deltoids, where in one combination movement you have to do first side arm raise & then front arm raise to complete one rep. It is advised to wear Gym Belt while performing this exercise.

9) Bend over Single Arm Lat Pull : 2 sets x 10 reps /arm / set.

This is the known single arm lat pull exercise , where once in a bend position first the right hand is pulled sideways towards back holding a dumbbell 10 times , then same is to be done with your left hand 10 times, making a set.

Rest  between Exercises = 30 secs.

Rest between Sets = 20 secs.

Note : Always seek the advice of your physician prior to starting any new diet or exercise routine. Never disregard, avoid, or delay obtaining medical advice of a physician because of something you have read & watched in this blog &/or in the demo video .

For Demo Video in HINDI please watch my YouTube channel :  fitnessfun50 

For "20 minute Full Upper Body Home Workout for Men (With Dumbbells Only)"  Demo Video - please click on the link provided below 👇: