
Friday, August 7, 2020


If you have been trying to live a healthier lifestyle or want to start exercise but do not know where or how to start , then this blog is for you .

The  most important thing is firstly making sure that your diet is in check. So, if you want to get fit you have to start with your diet. Once your diet is in order, the next step is to perfect your workout routine.

Being fit is no easy task. It takes determination, motivation, willpower & resilience. One of the hardest parts of living & maintaining a healthy lifestyle is taking that first step and getting started. Once you cross that hurdle, you have accomplished some thing that most people do not have the willpower or determination to do. Once you start, the results start coming in. When you start seeing results, it is almost impossible to quit.

In today's blog I will suggest 6 very simple but very effective home exercises for women that will transform your body in just 8-12 weeks, these 6 exercises are perfect for any beginner who is looking to make a positive change to their lifestyle. This routine will consume maximum 15-20 minutes from your whole day's activity, if done consistently & with correct form & technique, a perfect form in doing these exercises will also prevent you from injury. But always remember, every exercise routine has to be paired with good balanced diet for best result. This exercise routine is for women in the age group 40 to 60 years. Even women in their 20's & 30's can do this simple routine. If you find these exercises or any of the exercises initially difficult then may go for lower sets &/or lower reps, you can increase as you progress.

Proper Pre-workout WARM-UP & Post-workout COOL DOWN is a must for any routine.

1) PLANK : 3 sets x 30 seconds / set. As you progress gradually work to way up.
this is a core exercise which strengthens your abdominal area, shoulders & back. It is one of the most important exercises you can do because it strengthens your core & helps with posture. It also helps to reduce or prevent back pain & improves your balance. A strong core will improve your overall performance and help with the overall daily tasks. By working out your core, you strengthen your entire body and also protect your body from undue injury.The plank also helps to strengthen and develop your abs.

2) PUSH-UPS : 3 sets x 8-10 reps / set.
The push-ups are one of the oldest and most important exercises in the book. They work as a full body exercise and build strength in your forearms, chest , shoulders, back, abs & legs.They also engage your core & increase your strength. This is a compound exercise, which means that it targets multiple muscles at the same time. 

3) SQUAT : 3 sets x 8-10 reps /set. As you improve you can progress into adding weight to your squat.
This is another compound movement which effectively works multiple muscles in your body. It is one of the essential exercises to strengthen your core, your legs ( quadriceps , hamstrings, calves & glutes ), hips and your back. Squats are a staple exercise for increasing your lower body strength. They also stimulate muscle growth, strengthen your joints  & even improve your balance. Squats also engage your core and lower back while improving your posture at the same time.

4) BIRD DOG : 3 sets x 6-8 reps / set.
This is like a plank, the bird dog works your core as well as your lower back & helps to improve your overall balance. The bird dog will also strengthen your back, especially your lumber spine. It is beneficial in strengthening your core and your stabilizer muscles. This exercise also works out the gluteus maximus muscles as well as the trapezius muscles in the upper back and the deltoids of the shoulder. 

5) GLUTE BRIDGE : 3 sets x 6-8 reps /set.
The glute bridge is an exercise which primarily targets your glutes, but it also targets your hips and is a key exercise in preventing lower back pain.Not only does this exercise tone and work out the glute muscles, but it also works out your core as well as hamstrings and adductors. 

6) 3 step "V" SIT-UPS : 3 sets x each step 6-8 reps / set.
Sit-ups when done , work on a variety of different muscles. Not only are your abs fighting for their life, your chest, neck, lower-back & lower-legs are also put to the test.

# Between Sets = 15-20 seconds.
# Between Exercises = 30-40 seconds.
Keep on sipping plain water during rest periods to keep your body hydrated.

During rest periods between sets & exercises sit in VAJRASANA posture (Thunderbolt or Diamond Posture) & do slow & deep inhalation through your nose & slow exhalation through your mouth. This Yoga posture strengthens your back,legs, pelvic muscles & stretches your Knee, ankle & hip. This asana helps in digestion, & helps relieve constipation.

Remember that a healthy body and great overall physique take months and even years of determination and hard work to achieve. Give yourself a head start by trying these exercises for 8-12 weeks and see how your strength & your body improve. Once that is done, you are ready to take the next step in your fitness journey.

You should always make sure that you receive professional medical advice from your doctor before starting out any new exercise regimen. In addition to this, you should incorporate healthy eating into your lifestyle. A good exercise regimen and diet will help improve your overall mental and physical health. Remember , consistency is the KEY ! You wont see results right away, but if you maintain a consistent workout routine combined with healthy eating, you will start notice gradual changes in your physique as well as your overall health.

For Demo Video in HINDI please watch my YouTube channel :  fitnessfun50 

For SIMPLE HOME EXERCISES FOR WOMEN (beginners) demo video: please click on the link provided below 👇: