
Sunday, August 9, 2020



As we age our immune system gradually tends to become weak due to reduced physical activity level, change in eating habits , too much confined to indoors & various other factors. If we do not act fast and take a step forward towards attaining a healthy lifestyle then we are bound to fall prey to various types of infections & deceases that will effect our health adversely.

The ancient INDIAN technique of manipulating & controlling our breathing rhythm is known as  PRANAYAMA. The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali are a collection of 196 Sanskrit sutras (aphorism) on the theory & practice of YOGA. The Yoga Sutras were compiled sometime between 500 BCE & 400 CE by the sage PATANJALI in INDIA who synthesised and organised knowledge about Yoga from much older traditions.

Patanjali's  Ashtanga  Yoga ( Ashtanga  means 8 limbed )  includes 8 components of practice. The Angas are - Yama (regulations) , Niyama (rules) , Asana (Physical postures / exercises) , Pranayama (breathing techniques) , Pratyahara (ingestion or weaning away from needs), Dharna (concentration), Dhyana (meditation)& Samadhi (enlightment).

The word PRANAYAMA comprises of two words : PRANA + YAMA .

PRANA indicates Life Energy consisting of oxygen , various digestive energies or digestive fire and the Vayu that helps us to excrete (there are many more energies but basically Prana has been divided into 4 parts - Prana , Upana , Udana & Samana). Prana does not mean only the air we breath ( Swasa ), as we cannot directly touch the other energies , except by our SWASA , so we call this activity  PRANAYAMA , or else it would have been named  SWASAYAMA.

 YAMA means in Sanskrit -  reining in or control , right living, rules & regulations.

So, we can confer that PRANAYAMA means -  the rules  and regulations related to manipulation and controlling our breathing rhythm / process / technique  for improved functioning of our various Energies. It would be enough for us to just understand that PRANAYAMA basically means breathing in more OXYGEN in to our LUNGS , or increase our LUNG capacity & thus improving our IMMUNE SYSTEM.

Longevity of Life is measured by Breaths Per Minute:  Normally the way we breath is just surface breathing , the Yogic way is much different. In surface breathing , that we all do, average respiratory rate of an adult is between 12 - 20 breaths per minute . In Yogic way of breathing , the breaths per minutes are reduced to an average  of 6-10, thus some of the Yogis could increase their life span to 150  years and much more , as per their need.

As per the yogic anatomy physiology , there are 3 main Nadis , like a TRISHULA (Trident) formation - Ida , Pingala & Shushumna . Though its said there are 108 Nadis, which is a metaphor.. The Ida nadi starts from the right side of the skull , runs through the left side of the body, where as the Pingala nadi starts from the left side of our skull and runs through the right side of the body , After starting from the skull they cross over  at a point  ( Chakra ) just at the centre  between our both eyebrows, known as AJNA  and both these nadis  meet at a point (Chakra) between the anal outlet and the genital organ , known as Muladhara. Running in between these 2 Nadis is the 3rd Nadi known as Sushumna nadi ( spinal cord ) , through which the energy is intended to flow from Muladhara to the top most Chakra, known as Sahasrara. Our right nostril regulates flow of air (Swasa) through the Pingala Nadi & the left nostril regulates air flow through the Ida nadi.

A balanced  use of air flow through the Ida & Pingala Nadis determines our general health  issues, whereas Sushumna is related to spirituality ( Kundalini ). PRANAYAMA is all about how to balance Ida & Pingala by manipulating the breathing process and ultimately improving our IMMUNE system & health in general.

There are many types of  PRANAYAMA , of which the basic ones are : 
1) Kumbhaka  ; 2) Anulom vilom ; 3) Kapalabhati ; 4) Bhastrika; 5) Nadi Suddhi; 6) Bhairava Pranayama  7) Bhamri Pranayama. In other types of Pranayamas its just about adjusting the rhythm .
Of the above , at least if you should try to do - Kumbhaka , Bhastrika, Bhamri & Anulom vilom correctly every day, then within few months you will find a great difference in your general health, will feel lighter , have sound sleep, immunity system will improve & thus counter any infections in a better way, our emotions and thoughts gets controlled and get a feeling of calmness in our mind. As the nadis are put in a proper symmetry the whole body will function in a better way.  Please note that during performing of any PRANAYAMA, always wear lose dress & keep your Palm/Palms facing upwards as this facilitates flow of more Air into your Lungs as compared to when palms kept facing downwards .

There are 5 suggestive BREATHING EXERCISES (Pranayama) which enhances our Lung Capacity, keeps our throat clear  & thus improves our Immune System, if done regularly. Here you will see that more emphasis has been given on HOLDING OF BREATH (Please click on the LINK provided below for the DEMO VIDEO) .:

1) Bhastrika : The Air-bellow technique. Do 4-5 times. In this we have to do rapid inhalation & exhalation for 6-7 times, then inhale and hold breath for 5-8 seconds & then slowly exhale. Then again repeat.

2) Kumbhaka : The pot technique. Do 6-8 times.  In this ,the breathing technique to be 1:4:2 , ie. if your inhalation duration is 4 seconds , then hold breath for 16 seconds & then exhalation duration to be 8 seconds.

3) Bhamri : The Bumble-bee technique.  Do for 5 minutes. In this block both your ears with your thumbs, place your other fingers on your head (see demo video), take a deep breath & slowly exhale with a humming sound.

4) Anulom vilom : The alternate nostril breathing technique. Start with 5 minutes then as you progress do for minimum 10 minutes. Follow the 1:4:2 breathing technique.

5) Those of you can not do the above 4 PRANAYAMAS due to any reason what so ever, can at least do a  Powerful Oral Inhalation & Exhalation practice (see demo video) : This is a very powerful breathing technique that enhances our lung capacity & improves our immunity:
(a) With tongue out - exhalation & inhalation through our mouth = 21 times.
(b) With tongue rolled in - exhalation & inhalation through our mouth = 21 times.
(c) Then do a deep inhalation & try to hold your breath for 60 seconds. You can start with holding breath for 20 to 30 seconds initially.
After doing this for 5-6 days  , if you find suddenly you are not being able to do this , then immediately consult your Doctor as you may be having some Lung related issues.

 If you can do all these 5 forms of PRANAYAMA daily with some what empty stomach, preferably in the morning , then it's nothing like that. Else , you can at least do - Powerful Oral Inhalation & Exhalation practice, for enhancing lung capacity & immunity, (Please click on the LINK provided below for the DEMO VIDEO).

For IMMUNITY enhancement myself would suggest to go for slow inhalation & exhalation pranayamas , with breath holding, like - Khumbhaka, Anulom-vilom, & the Powerful Oral Inhalation & Exhalation practice , can add BHAMRI along with these. This also has been recommended by many prominent Yoga Gurus.
In Yoga , as per our ancient scripts, for better overall health PRANAYAMAS with slow , deep breathing practice along with breath holding is highly recommended . The ratio suggested is 1:4:2, ie., if inhalation count is 5 seconds, then to hold for 20 seconds & exhalation count to be 10 seconds. In a research it has been found that  Breath Retention or holding strengthens immunity. During this process of holding breath NEUTROPHILS a type of WBC (white blood cell) that helps heal damaged tissues & resolve infections, increases rapidly. Granulocytes Neutrophils  a category of WBC in the innate immune system characterised by the presence of granules in the cytoplasm.

Your immune system is your body's Defence Team. Just as every organ, tissues and cell need energy to support their function , and this comes from the food you eat.

Deficiencies of specific nutrients have been linked with worsening of immune function. When you do not consume enough of the antioxidant vitamins, vitamin A,C & E through diet, immune cells are more prone to damage due to oxidative stress. Sufficient quantities B-vitamins, particularly vitamin B6 & B12 , are also essential for healthy immune function. In terms of minerals , deficiencies of iron, zinc & selenium  are most strongly linked with healthy immune function.
Immune function declines with age , which may be particularly due to the fact that older people eat less and fall short of getting adequate quantities of the vitamins & minerals needed for healthy immune function.

1) Papaya - loaded with vitamin C, contains enzyme called PAPAIN, it contains decent amount of Potassium , vitamin B, Folate, anti-oxidants & vitamin A.
2) Garlic - immunity boosting superstar. One clove of garlic contains 5mg of calcium, 12 mg of potassium & more than 100 sulphuric compounds.
3) Green Tea - both grren & black tea are packed with Flavinods ( anti-oxidants). Green tea has Epigallocatechin Gallate ( EGCG) which enhances immune function.
4) Broccoli - super charged with vitamins & minerals. Vitamin A, C & E being some of the major ones. It also contains anti-oxidant fibre.
5) Ginger - decreases inflammation, cures sore throat, joint pains flu , cold and many other ailments, it also may help decrease nausea.
6) Spinach - rich in vitamin C & anti-oxidants & Beta-Carotene. Also rich in calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium , zinc , vitamin A & Folate.
7) Citrus Fruits - best sources of vitamin C, this vitamin helps production of white blood cells which are key in fighting infections. Intake of vitamin C can reduce the symptoms & shorten the duration of respiratory track infections. It also has anti oxidants. 
8) Red Bell Peppers- contain twice as much vitamin C as compared to citrus fruits. It also contains Beta Carotine.
9) Apple - contains good quantity of vitamin A, E,B1,B2 & C. It contains Pectin which is a pre-biotic ie boosts good bacteria in Gut. Apple helps to recover faster from infection.
10) Peanuts, Sesame seeds (Til) , Red Kidney Beans(razma) , Almonds, Cashew nut, Chickpeas(choley)-  have good quantity of zinc & protein.
11) Egg - the egg yolk has a good quantity of zinc , which many few know.
12) Green Beans - has good quantity of zinc.

Consumption of the above should be in moderate & balanced form.

Note : Always seek the advice of your physician prior to starting any new diet or exercise routine. Never disregard, avoid, or delay obtaining medical advice of a physician because of something you have read & watched in this blog &/or the demo video. 

For Demo Video in HINDI please watch my YouTube channel :  fitnessfun50 

please click on the link provided below 👇 for Demo Video: