
Friday, August 28, 2020


In today's Blog I am going to give you FOUR exercises that will contribute to a full body FAT BURNING home workout for men who are in their 50's & above, with no equipment, which makes it easier for everyone with such busy schedules. Even those who are in their 30's & 40's can go for this routine.

In this at home workout , you are only going to rest for 10 seconds between each exercise. Doing this will keep your heart rate up & your metabolism going, that will help you burn more calories and build more muscle. After you do the first 4 exercises, you will stop and rest for a couple of minutes, then do the same 4 exercises again . So, each circuit of 4 exercises to be done twice , ie 2 circuits or cycles. Would request you to watch the DEMO VIDEO ( Link provided below) very carefully and note the correct form of each of the exercises. 

This is a very intense fat burning routine and you will go out of breath doing these. It is always advisable to start this routine with low reps & only one circuit, if needed can go for 15-20 seconds of rest between exercises.This is a killer workout & only those of you who might be in better shape might need to do a fitness level adjustment to make sure you are getting the maximum work from this routine. Add more reps if you need to for each exercise because you want to get great results. If you want to make it even harder , then go for 3 or 4 circuits, instead of 2 circuits.

First Circuit = 4 Exercises :

1) Jumping Jacks : 20-25 reps.

10 seconds REST.

2) Burpees : 10 reps.

10 seconds REST.

3) Skaters : 10 reps.

10 seconds REST.

4) Bicycle Cross Crunches : 10 reps.

90-120 seconds REST 

Start Second Circuit = same 4 Exercises.

Utilise all rest duration in doing deep inhalation through your nose & exhalations through your mouth to increase oxygen flow in to your system. You can sip plain water during rest periods to keep your body hydrated.

Note : Always seek the advice of your physician prior to starting any new diet or exercise routine. Never disregard, avoid, or delay obtaining medical advice of a physician because of something you have read & watched in this blog &/or the demo video. 

For Demo Video in HINDI please watch my YouTube channel :  fitnessfun50 

For "FULL BODY FAT BURNING HOME EXERCISES FOR MEN OVER 50":  Demo Video - please click on the link provided below 👇: