
Sunday, July 5, 2020

How To Develop A Muscular & 'V' Shape BACK - At Home : Exercises for 50 years & above Age group (With Demo Video).

Our BACK has the most number of muscle groups , some major muscles that defines a developed back are:   TRAPEZIUS , RHOMBOID minor & major and  LATISSMUS DORSI  . Developing thicker back muscles with a 'V' shape is not as difficult as you might think. It's all about doing the right moves consistently. For all those who are 50 years & above , now is the time to get going.
The lean muscle growth will happen if you follow a plan & stick to it with patience, its how results come. Just be sure to get proper nutrition and get 7-8 hours of sleep to maximise your hormones.

For those above 50 years of age, if you want get a bigger back you have to use light weights. Heavy weights alone will not be enough to build your best back since using them exclusively will cost you a chance to get a full contraction on your lats, a prerequisite for optimal back development. The importance of this lies in the fact that when we train with pulling exercises we tend to never reach a full contraction. Your highest effort is needed to reach a full contraction of the muscle & hold it for a split second.

Along with the light weights I have incorporated one ISOMETRIC CONTRACTION - 3 stage contraction technique, which is considered best for older men for losing fat & develop lean muscles on the target area. Peak tension in this exercise occurs in the middle of the rep whereas the tension tops out in the end of the exercise. Muscles do not grow only through progressive overload of tension. They can grow through more focused tension and that comes through a better overall contraction of the muscles targeted.

Full Body  WARM-UP  before start of day's Exercise Routine & Full Body COOL DOWN after completion of day's Exercise Routine is a must, for minimising injury.

BACK EXERCISES : Total Time = 17 minutes.

1) Romanian Dead Lift = 3 sets : 12 reps per set.

2) Single Arm Dumbbell Row = 3 sets : 12 reps per set.

3) Bent over Double Arm Row (ISOMETRIC) = 3 sets : 09 reps per set (3 stage per set : 3+3+3).

4) Dumbbell Lat Pullover = 3 sets : 10 reps per set.

5) Bent over Dumbbell Arm Burnout Row = 3 sets : 20-25 reps per set (with lighter weight).

Rest Period Between each Set = 30 secs.
Rest Period Between Each Exercise = 60 secs.
Must sip sufficient plain water during rest periods to keep body hydrated.
Back Exercise Routine Period = Thrice a Week (with min. 1 day rest in between).

For Demo Video in HINDI please watch my YouTube channel :  fitnessfun50 

For BACK EXERCISES  demo video (English), please click on the link provided below :