
Saturday, July 18, 2020

HOME EXERCISES TO REDUCE BELLY FAT (PART 1) - FOR 50 Yrs. & Above Age Group - With NUTRITION Plan - ( with Demo Video Link ).

TODAY we will discuss & see how to reduce BELLY FAT & have a flat & tight tummy for the guys in their 50's & 60's - in this Blog we will see few combination of Ab exercises to achieve your dream SIX PACK abs😊. You must have tried so many workout and nutrition plans to try and get a flat tummy , but you are not getting the results. Here, I am going to show you different effective Group Wise - phase wise / month wise combination of exercises and some eating habits to help get that flat tummy & maintain till at late ageThese exercises can also be done by the guys in their 30's & 40's.

In internet,  YouTube, or any other social media sites , belly fat reduction or any other body part instant fat reduction is the most discussed and in-demand topic, there are also experts with the ready solution to it with pics of Body Builders showing alluring 6 pack Abs on their thumbnail , mentioning 5-6 exercises , that if you do for 21 days or 30 days then they assure you of losing belly fat and get a 6 pack. You just tend to fall into these traps like many others but ultimately get no results. Please note that the pics of the body builders you see in those videos have been doing hard core weight training for years with strict diet plan & measured use of supplements and a very controlled  life style. Belly fat shredding & 6 packs cannot be achieved by doing just those 5-6 exercises, they do regular 5-6 additional compound exercises with much heavier weights to attain that type of physique, they are basically very dedicated body builders & their efforts must always be respected.

Please be very clear that my Blog or YouTube Channel " fitnessfun50 " is not to transform a 50 year old into a BODY BUILDER with bulk muscle volume, but is a MOVEMENT to guide all those in their 50's or above into a physically & mentally FIT person with improved level of  ENDURANCE & STRENGTH for a very joyful & healthy life till their very advanced stage. NOT TO BE DEPENDENT ON OTHERS, BUT TO SET AN EXAMPLE FOR THE YOUNGER GENERATION.

Well let me be very frank, considering our eating habits ie. type of food we eat, climatic & social conditions, professional hazards, etc., it is not going to be so easy as few project in their channels & other digital platform. It's going to be a very tough journey, but you can definitely do it, if me at nearly 57 yrs. of age can do it , then why not you. The exercises that I will show you are a great start to help you get there, but you also need to focus on the nutrition part of it as well. 

There are many who follow very severe DIET plans with very limited exercises & also on few fat melting pills , such it has been  noticed that all these results in Vitamin & mineral deficiencies giving rise to other side effects like general weakness etc. Following such process not only results in an internal essential element imbalance but also though you may lose fat but with a sickly look, badly sunk cheeks & though you may look trimmed with your clothes on, but your bare chest & tummy gets sagging skin with prominent stretch marks. It has been always suggested to follow a balanced Diet plan with a strict continuous exercise routine. The basic funda to be - Burn More Calorie than your Calorie intake. The exercises to be selected that gives you an "After Burn Effect".

What kind of nutrition do you need to focus on ?
There are two important points to it , the first is carb cycling. As an older guy with comparative less activity level , you do not need carbs every day. What I suggest with cycling is eat complex carbs like your rice / chapati and potatoes when you are doing your workouts. You need to workout 3 times a week with your compound lifts / exercises to get all the benefits you need to get a flat - 6 pack abs after 50. Compound lifts / exercises give you a hormone boost & a metabolic boost , which are two really key things when you are trying for a FLAT BELLY.  Few assisting compound exercises to get 6 pack abs at home would be squats, dead lifts, Back Dumbbell Rows, dumbbell bench press & shoulder press, which help you strengthen your CORE. These are abs workout with compound exercises.

On the day of your abs workout at home, make sure to eat your proteins, fats & complex carbs. Make sure to consume lean protein sources, such as chicken, fish etc. or plain Greek Yogurt, cottage cheese, beans, peas, lentils, powdered peanut butter ,etc. , and your complex carbs like mentioned before , can have sweet potatoes, white potatoes, red potatoes &  many other different options as well. Also make sure to get your fats in, because fats are really good for older men doing tight regular workouts.  Olive oil, fish oil, coconut oil, are good sources of fats for you to have in your diet. Egg yolks is also great fat to eat & can also boost TESTOSTERONE levels.

On days you do not workout , you do not need complex carbs, suggest to have fibrous carbs on those days - Foods like asparagus, broccoli , green leafy vegetables. But you are still gonna combine those with your good fats and lean proteins. This is a great nutrition plan for getting tight abs after 50.


Myself, has divided these Exercises into 3 clear GROUPS ( A, B & C ) different combination of 2 groups among the 3 at different phases - month wise, will not only gradually increase your endurance & core strength to perform these exercises , but also start showing very effective results. As mentioned earlier , its not going to be easy, be ready for a very tough journey. Don't expect losing Belly Fat & getting 6 PACKS within months of starting. Keep in mind - BELLY FAT is the most stubborn among all in other body parts. It is very easy to accumulate BELLY FAT & most difficult to shred . Therefore it has to be tackled in a more systematic way & in stages - month by month for best result.

The 3 GROUPS are :
GROUP A - Contraction Routine .
GROUP B -  Superset Routine.
GROUP C - EPOC Routine.

In today's Blog (PART 1) will try to understand GROUP A, which can also be done by WOMEN, these are basic ab exercises . In my next Blog - Part 2, will discuss about GROUP B & GROUP C along with Exercise Routine Chart -  month wise, that need to be followed.

GROUP A (25 minutes approx) -  Contraction Routine : 
1. Crunches. = 3 sets x 12/15/20 reps / set.
2. Leg Raise = 3 sets x 12/15/20 reps / set.
3. Scissor Kicks = 3 sets x 12/15/20 reps / set.
4. Russian Twist = 3 sets x 12/15/20 reps / set.
5. Bow Plank = 30 /40 / 60 secs.

Rest between sets = 20 secs. 
Rest between Exercises = 30 secs.
Must sip sufficient plain water during rest periods to keep body hydrated.

Full Body  WARM-UP before start of day's Exercise Routine & Full Body COOL DOWN after completion of day's Exercise Routine is a must, for minimising injury.

For Demo Video in HINDI please watch my YouTube channel :  #fitnessfun50 

For BELLY EXERCISES (GROUP-A) demo video (English), please click on the link provided below :


  1. This is quite useful for people like us with age around 50. I appreciate this efforts of yours.

  2. Thanks for your motivation Chandan.

  3. I would need these advices very soon... For my bit growing tummy😄

  4. Thanks for your comment. Please refer to my blog title : For Women over 50 - How to get a FLAT STOMACH - 12 Minute Ab Routine"
    These exercises are very simple and can be done even by women in their 30's & 40's.
