
Tuesday, July 14, 2020

DAILY WALKING - Stay Younger, Lighter & Healthier with improved Immune system.


Today we are to discuss the importance of WALKING everyday & how it can DRASTICALLY improve your overall health.

Most people are under-worked (Physically) resulting in ill health. If we lived here on this planet about 100 years ago, physically we would be doing at least 30-40 times more activity of physical work. Only by using this body we can keep a good physical health. The more you use , the better it gets. If we sufficiently use our body, body has everything to create a health for itself.  if we Physically use our body as much as we should, then 80% of the ailments will disappear, of the balance 20%  : 10% are related to food intake quality and quantity & only 10% due to Karmic and atmospheric reasons which will remain.

Slowly when  you age,  even if you are with all financial securities, a small fear creeps in, frustration bothers you, start doubting people around you and get irritated & agitated easily, suddenly you find nothing going around as you expected. This is because at this stage you have very less to do , you start spending more time in front of your TV, with a glass of Whisky lying on a couch, thinking unnecessarily about things that are no longer under your control, or engulfed in your mobile phone or live in your thoughts of past - a feeling of  "can do nothing more" or  "can not do much" sets in, causing the release of negative hormones effecting your health & you actually start ageing faster - mentally & physically. Ultimately end up in a hospital bed with tubes inserted & needles pricked all over your ageing fragile body. 

Is this what YOU want ???????

Our dependency & priorities always go on changing from the day we are born :- during our schooling days, college days , career building days, during our professional life, during our family life & so on.  If So, then when did you actually think about YOURSELF as an individual body, mind & life energy.

Lets now change this, still there is time - let us be very positive, active, vibrant , romantic , exuberant, adventurous like never before, with a fit body , calm & alert mind assisted with smooth flowing life energy within us.

Better functioning of Physical , Mental & Life Energies is HEALTH or FITNESS, its all about LIFE HAPPENING WELL. Health is not mine or your idea, we did not invent health, what we have created or invented is ill-health. Today's 20 year olds can not do what a 60 years old used to do 80-100 years ago - we are actually weakening humanity or degenerating humanity over a period of time. Medical science can enhance our life span to some extent , but can never make us fit & a naturally healthy being. We are just experiencing what a small VIRUS can do to humans with poor health & weak immunity system.

Even if you can not get into active Physical Exercise Routine, just go for "DAILY WALKING".

"Walking is the Best Medicine" - Hippocrates.
Walking is essential for good health. Even from the Vedic period the concept of "Pada Brhaman / Padayatra" (tour / journey / pilgrimages by foot / hike) was a way of life . Walking research is very clear, if you take a 30-45 minutes walk each day, your heart will be dramatically healthier. As you walk,your heart pumps in a nice and relaxed manner,circulating oxygen-rich blood throughout your body. When your body is receiving this vital oxygen-rich blood & nutrients your body and tissues stay younger & healthier with improved immune system. The walking benefits for men are infinite.

A 30-45 minutes walk can boost your metabolism for up to 12 hours after the walk ! Paring a healthy balanced diet with a 30-45 minutes of BRISK walk can help you lose some amount of weight without even doing much exercise. Additional benefits of walking include strengthening your bones & improving your attention & memory. Specifically when walking in nature, research has shown 20% increase in attention & memory. Sunshine provides VITAMIN D , breathing PURE AIR calms nervous system, the different COLOURS OF NATURE - GREEN walking or FOREST bathing (Nature Walking) is phenomenally  good for our overall physical & mental heath. It should be made a routine to at least go for a MODERATE / MID-ALTITUDE TREKKING for minimum 10-15 days in a year, considering the missing nature in most of our city life. 

The need to walk is baked into our DNA. We are meant to eat & then move & not eat & just sit on our butts. We are built to WALK. Walking has no age limit, rather you should walk more as you age. 





  1. You are right, the least one can do is at least walk your way to a healthier body if you cannot stick to a daily exercise routine.

  2. I love walking n do it whenever I get time... Morning walks are in my routine.. Ur blogs r very informative
