
Friday, July 24, 2020

FULL LEG WORKOUT WITH DUMBBELLS FOR STRENGTH & MUSCLE GAIN - Home Exercises For 50 yrs & Above - (With Demo Video).

A pair of STRONG LEGS will be able to carry your body smoothly till later part of your age . It has been observed that as you gradually age your upper body becomes heavier due to decline in your activity level , at the same time your Legs become thinner & weak thus not being able to cope with the upper body weight , resulting in Knee & other Leg joint problems . Therefore it is utmost important that along with working-out for your upper body , legs should be also seriously taken care of. Legs should not look FLABBY or too thin. Your thigh & calf muscles should always be strong & in proportion to your upper body-built to give you that ATHLETE LIKE PHYSIQUE.

Lot of guys dislike training legs, may be because they probably attract the least attention. But do you want to look like as if you are walking around on toothpicks ?? If  you worked on your upper body , make sure to work your lower body soon afterwards the next day or the day after, to get proportionate & stronger legs.

SQUATS BOOST TESTOSTERONE  : Leg day has the reputation of being the most ANABOLIC, meaning building muscles from protein & nutrients, as opposed to CATABOLIC - which means to break down. ANABOLISM produces growth & differentiation of cells  & an increase in body size, a process that involves synthesis of complex molecules. It relates to raising your TESTOSTERONE & turning you into an all out man. Resistance training  is capable of increasing your TESTOSTERONE during your workout. The more of a metabolic demand your workout places on your system ( ie. more Lactic acid is produced at the same high intensity) then your increase in TESTOSTERONE will be highest. Finally, the more muscles the lifts you perform call on , the more intense & hormone stimulating they are.

The increased hormone production is also going to have a major impact on the other muscles that you may have trained yesterday or the day before, that are still very much in recovery mode. Increased testosterone does great things towards improving the protein synthesis & growth in those areas as well. So, leg day is an anabolic winner.

LEG EXERCISES - 22 minutes approx. :

A. Front Thigh (Quadriceps Muscles) : Major muscles :- Rectus Femoris , Vastus Lateralis ,Vastus Medialis & Sartorius.

1. Free Squats = 3 sets :-  1st set 20 reps  + 15 reps in 2nd. set. + 10 reps in 3rd. set. (Total=45 reps).
2. Single Dumbbell Goblet Squats = 2 sets x 10 reps / set. (Total= 20 reps).
3. Twin Dumbbells Squats = 2 sets x 8 reps / set. (Total=16 reps).
4. Single Dumbbell Goblet Squats - ISOMETRIC = 3 sets x 9 reps / set. (Total=27 reps)
Grand Total = 108 reps.

B. Rear Thigh ( Hamstring Muscles ) : Major muscles :- Biceps Femoris , Semitendinosus & Semimembranosus.

1. Forward Lunges = 3 sets x 10 reps / set. (Total=30 reps).
2.Dumbbell Hamstring Curl = 3 sets x 8-10 reps / set. (Total=24-30 reps).
Grand Total = 54-60 reps.

C. Calf Muscles : Major Muscles :- Lateral Head of Gastrocnemius , Medial Head of Gastrocnemius & Soleus .

1. Twin Leg Free Calf Raise (Slow) = 3 sets x 20 reps / set. (Total=60 reps).
2. Single Leg with Dumbbell Calf Raise = 3 sets x 15 reps / set . (Total=45 reps).
3. Twin Leg Free Calf Raise (Fast) = 3 sets x 30 reps / set. (Total=90 reps).
Grand Total = 195 reps.

Rest between every Set = 20 seconds.
Rest between every Exercise = 40 second.
Must sip sufficient plain water during rest periods to keep your body hydrated.

In all my demo videos I attempt  to explain the exercises in as much easy & understandable way as possible, with use of minimum technical terms. While demonstrating, I try to emphasis only on 3 points : The Target Part / Muscle, What is to be Done & How it is to be Done for best possible result.

For Demo Video in HINDI please watch my YouTube channel :  #fitnessfun50 

For LEG WORKOUT demo video please click on the link provided below :