In addition to various types of Exercises, Diet and body Rest plays a significant role in body fitness. You will be surprised to know that proper Diet has nearly 50% role to play for a good physique , where as proper Exercise has about 25% role & share of proper Body Rest is also about 25%, specially for those 50 years of age & above.
In this blog we will discuss on what to eat before & after a workout and Foods with no Carbs & no Sugar. Pre & post workout meals are very important as nutrition intake have a huge impact on overall muscle and body development. You will be able to plan a proper pre & post workout meal for yourself depending on your workout level & body.
You can have 2 types of Pre-Workout Meals depending on your choice .
Recipe 1 :
Ingredients :
a) Oats (complex carbs) - 50 gms.
b) 2 egg whites + 1 egg yellow (protein+fat)
c) Normal Salt - as per taste.
d) Turmeric powder- very little.
e) Black Pepper- as per taste
f) Oregano - for flavour.
g) One small Onion- chopped
h) One Small Tomato.- chopped.
i) One green Chilli.- chopped.
j) Coconut Oil (good fat + Loric acid) - 3-5 ml.
Prepare Oat meal with all the above ingredients with sim flame for 3-5 minutes , may add very little bit of water (if at all needed) while cooking . When ready pour in a bowl.
Then prepare Scrambled eggs. Have your Oats with Scrambled eggs , your Pre-Workout Meal is ready.
Recipe 2 :
Ingredients :
a) Oats - 50 grams.
b) Milk - 200 ml.
c) Ripe Bananas - 1 or 2 depending on size.
d) Peanut Butter - 1 Table Spoon.
e) Walnuts / Pistachios / Almonds / Cashews - 6-8 pcs (protein).
f) Honey - 1 Tea spoon.
Mix well in a mixer, pore in a glass & have it , your Pre-Workout Meal is ready. This is your home made protein shake.
Pre-Workout Meal should be taken at least 2 hours before workout for proper digestion & for the nutrients to get absorbed in your body.
Ingredients :
a) Broccoli - 30-40 grams.
b) White Rice cooked - 150-200 grams .
c) Cottage Cheese - 75 grams. / Chicken - 75 grams.
d) Bell pepper - Half.
e) Carrot - One pc.
f) Beans - 3 pcs.
g) Olive Oil - 5 ml.
Boil Broccoli for 3-5 minutes & mix it with the cooked rice . Take cubes of Cottage Cheese / shreds or small cut chunks of pre-boiled Chicken, small cut pieces of about 3 beans, cut pieces of a carrot & cut pieces of half Bell pepper , then with about 5 ml of Olive oil mix these items in a frying pan and simmer for about 8-10 minutes with a lid on the frying pan, add salt & black pepper to taste. Then open the lid and pore the pre-cooked rice with Broccoli and give a stir. Your Post Workout Meal is ready. Your this meal has a good mix of micro & macro nutrients.
We will try to list out the Vegetables, Herbs & Spices which have little to no carbs & no sugar. These are practical when on a no sugar diet, or low carb diet such as the ketogenic or carnivore diet. High amount of sugar taken regularly will cause damage to the body and chronic inflammation over time. Reducing these & eating healthier sources of vitamins & minerals will help your body to get back into sync and heal itself naturally.
Nowadays many are looking to lose weight & get healthy. Junk foods are high in processed carbohydrates & refined sugars, these have been proven cause inflammation throughout the body. Over time this can lead to a great range of illnesses such as diabetes, weight gain, obesity, arthritis, eye disorders, heart attacks, strokes and many more.
We will list today few top healthy foods which contains very low carbs or sugars. Eating these in place of junk food will bring in lots of nutrients to your body and allow it to heal naturally.
1. KALE: Kale is one of the most nutrient dense super-food on the planet. This is a leafy green vegetable which belongs to a group of cabbage cultivars grown for their edible leaves, which helps to lower inflammation and provide energy and nutrients. It contains no carbohydrates ,only healthy forms of fibre.
2. EGGS: Eggs contain all the building blocks of life , yet have no carbs or sugars within them. They are rich in proteins, amino acids, vitamins and minerals which help the body's cells to heal and grow.
3. WALNUTS: These contain a very low amount of net carbs & contain a high amount of fibre. They provide minerals like selenium and zinc which heal the thyroid gland and are an excellent source of omega 2.
4. CHEESE: Cheese is one of the healthiest sources of fat-soluble vitamins such as Vitamins A, E, D & K2. This helps calcium to be absorbed into the bones, teeth and nails. It also contains healthy fatty acids and proteins which improve the health of the brain.
5. AVOCADOS: These are rich in healthy fats which are converted by the body into lots of energy. These are one of the best sources of potassium for regulating blood pressure, reducing sugar cravings and strengthening the heart, liver and brain. 1 whole Avocado contains only 2 grams of net carb.
6. CHICKEN: This is a lean white meat which is rich in iron, protein, calcium, potassium & B vitamins. This supports the health of the heart & increases serotonin in the brain to ward off depression. Meat sources contain 0 carbohydrates or sugar.
7. BUTTER: Another low carb food which is rich in natural fats. Pure butter not been blended with vegetable oil is one of the best sources of Vitamins A to protect your eyes, skin & hair. The calcium in butter also strengthens the bones, joints and teeth.
8. GARLIC: This is one of nature's tastiest and best plant-based medicines. This contains O grams net carbs yet strengthens your immune system to fight diseases and infections. Use this to add flavour to your favourite low carb recipes.
9. COCONUT OIL: Extra virgin coconut oil is rich in healthy fats called MCT's. These provide an alternative fuel source for the body called ketones. Start cooking with this instead of unhealthy vegetable oils to improve insulin resistance and boost brain health and focus.
10. FISH: This is a rich source of omega 3 fatty acids which heal the body internally, especially when trying to lose weight. Eating fish improves the health of the central nervous system and contains no carb or sugar.
11. GREEN TEA: This contains no carbs or sugar yet is one of the healthiest drinks on the planet. It contains a substance known as chlorophyll which is a powerful source of antioxidants. These heals and cleanse the body internally at the cellular level, helping you to lose weight and lower inflammation.
12. CAULIFLOWER: This is a healthy vegetable well known for its anti-inflammatory effects due to its concentration of antioxidants. It contains 2 groups of antioxidants which have been scientifically shown to slow the growth of cancer cells.
13. MINT: This is one of the healthiest and tastiest natural herbs available. It contains a powerful compound called menthol which is anti-inflammatory and heals the body from within. Herbs such as this are unlimited on a low carb & low sugar diet.
14. LEMON: Freshly squeezed lemon juice is often used on a low carb diet for cleansing the body and boosting digestion. Lemon juice prevents kidney and liver stones & helps your body to break down the foods that you eat.
15. TURMERIC: One of the nature's most powerful natural healers.This spice can be used in cooking to boost the health of the body rapidly. This can work wonders for lowering blood pressure aiding weight loss and curing depression and anxiety. Be sure to add a little black pepper to help your body absorb the curcumin compound it contains.
As you can see there are a great range of foods available which contains no sugar and no carbs. Most leafy green(cruciferous) vegetables can be eaten without concern & contain the highest amount of plant-based nutrients. These have high fibre, which prevents them from raising blood sugars. Vegetables should be eaten raw or lightly steamed , as once they are cooked they lose some of their nutrients.
Eating less than 20-25 grams of net carbs per day is the best way to promote healing in the body and trigger fat burning. A healthy ketogenic diet is one of the best ways to improve your health and follow the low carb , low sugar life style. I am grateful to Mr Ryan Taylor for the few vital data (Healthy Foods) that myself incorporated in this blog.