
Friday, October 2, 2020

SCIATICA - Causes , Symptoms & Exercises For Fast Relief.


SCIATICA - Causes , Symptoms & Exercises For Fast Relief.

SCIATICA refers to aching & sharp leg pains that radiates below the knee. The pain starts in the lower back then travels down the leg. Pain is associated with injury or compression of the SCIATIC NERVE & follows the path of the sciatic nerve. This nerve is the longest and widest nerve in the body , formed by SPINAL NERVES L4, L5 & S1-S3.  L4 covers the medial part of the leg, L5 covers the lateral side , S1 covers the entire sole of the foot , S2 covers the back of the leg & S3 covers the back of the thigh .


Siatica occurs when there is irritation to the sciatic nerve or the spinal nerves that form it. The cause of SCIATICA can be divided into two parts : 1. SPINAL CAUSES : related to spinal column eg. intervertebral disc herniation, caused by poor posture, exercise with incorrect form &/with heavy weight, traumas, & strong rotational movement. Inflammation or swelling in the disc compresses the nerves, due to degenerative bone disorders, trauma , inflammatory disease eg rheumatoid arthritis, any growth in spinal canal like tumors, cysts or abscesses can cause compression on spinal nerves. ; 2. NON-SPINAL CAUSES : occur outside the spinal region , cause compression / damage to sciatic nerve. Most common is muscle inflammation or muscle spasms in the PIRIFORMIS MUSCLE resulting in compress of sciatic nerve. More recent phenomenon is called WALLET SCIATICA, many people carry their wallet or other bulging objects in their back pockets , when they sit down it puts pressure on the GLUTEAL muscles thus compressing the sciatic nerve causing sciatica. Other causes may be pregnancy, trauma to leg, pelvic tumors which compress the sciatica nerve.


 Aching & sharp leg pain, it radiates in the or along the lower buttock & in the back and outer side of the thigh. Below the knee the pain follows dermatome distribution. This pain could begin suddenly or develop slowly. Sciatica pain is typically unilateral. Sometimes the pain can be accompanied by sensory & motor dysfunctions - numbness, motor weakness , reduction/loss of reflexes.

EXERCISES ( watch the DEMO video ) : 

1. COBRA pose  or Bhujangasana : This is basically a YOGA pose. Lift through the top of the sternum but avoid pushing the front ribs forward, which only hardens the lower back. Distribute the back bend evenly throughout the entire spine. Hold the pose anywhere from 5-8 seconds initially & as you progress hold the pose anywhere from 15-30 seconds, make sure your waist do not leave the floor during the stretch. Slowly you will find that the pain first goes away from below the knee, then back of thigh , then from buttocks & ultimately from the mid lower back. This exercise  or ASANA soothes sciatica and in addition has other multiple benefits like - strengthens the spine, stretches chest & lungs, shoulders, & abdomen, tones the buttocks, stimulates abdominal organs, helps relieve stress 7 fatigue, opens the heart & lungs, therapeutic for asthma.

2. Cobra Pose with leg side bend : In this variation bend the knee of the effected leg to that sideways & then do the Cobra Pose. 

3. Knee to Chest : Lie on the floor facing upwards , then pull the knee of the effected leg with both your hands towards your chest & hold this position for 10-15 seconds, then holding that position move  your leg below your knee towards the ceiling and hold for 5-10 seconds and feel the stretch and then bend your toe towards you & again hold for 5-10 seconds then relax the toe & repeat the process 5 to 8 reps. 

4. The  figure 4 exercise : place the effected leg with side fold on your opposite leg (non-effected) on knee area like the figure 4 , then pull the opposite leg (non-effected) with both your hands towards your chest getting a very good stretch on your effected leg, hold for 10 seconds & repeat once more. In the next level maintaining the figure 4 position grab the ankle of the effected leg with your one hand & push the knee of that same leg with your other hand towards your non-effected side without bending your upper body, only the lower body gets rotated, hold for 3-5 seconds and repeat 5-8 times.

5. Wall front tuck :  if you have problem initially to do cobra pose or the figure 4 exercise , then stand straight facing a wall about 12 inches away , place your both elbows on the wall in a way that your arms from elbow to palm are on the wall , then slowly try to move your belly button towards the wall without moving your feet, only go to your comfort level, you will get a very good stretch on your lumber spine. Hold the position for about 15 seconds and repeat this for 5-8 times.

6. Wall side tuck : This is more or less like the previous exercise , only difference is this is done side ways in front of the wall. Put your both feet together with the effected side about 12 inches away from the wall , then place the arm of your non-effected side on the wall in L pattern & place your upper body weight on the arm towards the wall. Your elbow, arm & shoulder to be flush to the wall , then slowly try to move the side of the waist and hip of non-effected side towards the wall. Hold for 15 seconds & repeat 5-8 times, as you progress you can increase the gap between the wall and your feet to get an enhanced stretch.

Note : Always seek the advice of your physician prior to starting any new diet or exercise routine. Never disregard, avoid, or delay obtaining medical advice of a physician because of something you have read & watched in this blog &/or in the demo video .

For Demo Video in HINDI please watch my YouTube channel :  fitnessfun50 

For "SCIATICA - EXERCISES"  Demo Video - please click on the link provided below 👇: