
Monday, October 19, 2020

FROZEN SHOULDER - Symptoms, Causes And Exercises For Prevention & Pain Relief - With Demo Video

FROZEN SHOULDER - Symptoms, Causes And Exercises For Prevention & Pain Relief.

Frozen shoulder, also known as adhesive capsulitis, is a condition characterised by stiffness and pain in your shoulder joint. Signs and symptoms typically begin gradually, worsen over time and then resolve, usually within one to three years. Your risk of developing frozen shoulder increase if you are recovering from medical condition or procedure that prevents you from moving your arm. It is unusual for frozen shoulder to recur in the same shoulder, but some people can develop it in the opposite shoulder.


Frozen shoulder is thickening of the shoulder capsule causing pain & stiffness resulting in limited mobility. Band of scar tissue form and there is less joint fluid to keep the joint lubricated. These things limit motion even more. The frozen shoulder caused by scarred-in joint capsule prevents arm elevation above the shoulder. Pain may be medically treated with steroids etc, but physical therapy or exercises can help unfreeze the frozen shoulder and improve shoulder range of motion. Over time, with passive range of motion exercises, the joint capsule becomes unwrinkled as the capsule wall both smooths and thins out. The range of motion improves when this happens. Improvement may take weeks to months to occur.


The main symptoms of a frozen shoulder are pain & stiffness that make it difficult or impossible to move it. If you have frozen shoulder, you will likely feel a dull or achy pain in one shoulder. You might also feel the pain in the shoulder muscles that wrap around the top your arm.

Frozen shoulder typically develops slowly, and in three stages. Each stage can last a number of months.

1. Freezing Stage - any movement of your shoulder causes pain, and your shoulder's range of motion starts to become limited. This may take 3 - 6 months.

2. Frozen Stage - pain may begin to diminish during this stage. However, your shoulder becomes stiffer, and using it becomes more difficult.

3. Thawing Stage - the range of motion in your shoulder begins to improve.

For some people the pain worsens at night,sometimes disrupting sleep. In some cases if not treated, this problem may be for years.


The bones, ligaments and tendons that make up your shoulder joint are encased in a capsule of connective tissue. Frozen shoulder occurs when this capsule thickens and tightens around  the shoulder joint, restricting it's movements. It's more likely to occur in people who have diabetes or those who recently had to immobilize their shoulder for a long period, such as after surgery or an arm fracture.

Risk Factors : certain factors may increase your risk of developing frozen shoulder.

1. Age & Sex - People in their 40's & above , particularly women are more likely to have frozen shoulder.

2. Immobility or reduced mobility - people who have prolonged immobility or reduced mobility of the shoulder are at higher risk of developing frozen shoulders. Immobility may be the result of many factors, including : 

a) Rotator cuff injury.

b) Broken arm .

c) Stroke.

d) Recovery from surgery.

e) Too much of desk job , continuous use of computers or mobile phones causing incorrect posture

f) No physical exercise 

3. Systemic Diseases - people who have certain diseases appear more likely to develop frozen shoulder. Diseases that might increase risk include - diabetes , overactive thyroid, underactive thyroid , cardiovascular diseases, tuberculosis, parkinson's disease.

Thus we see that one of the most common causes of frozen shoulder is the immobility. If you do certain exercises daily to maintain the range of motion in your shoulder joint , then you can prevent yourself from getting a frozen shoulder. Always remember that its by training the muscles that control the shoulder joint gives the maximum benefit as muscles normally do control the motion . My shoulder routine mentioned in this blog & demonstrated mostly comprises of such exercises.  


For Prevention : 

1. Over head Arm Stretch : 3 sets x 20 seconds / set.

2. Over head Arm Stretch with side bend : 2 sets x 5 reps / side / set.

3. Over head Elbow Pull : 2 sets x 20 seconds / arm / set.

4. Front Elbow Stretch : 2 sets x 20 seconds . arm /set.

5. Full & half lateral Arm raise : 3 sets x 20 reps / set ( Full 10 reps + Half 10 reps).

6. Arm rotation : 3 sets x 10 clockwise + 10 anticlockwise / set.

7. Arm  spread : 2 sets x 10 reps / set.

8. Arm Lateral cross raise : 2 sets x 10 reps /set.

9. Alternate arm front raise : 2 sets x 10 reps / set.

For Pain Relief  & Unfreeze :

Phase - 1. Freezing Stage : Your shoulder movement causes pain, and your shoulder's range of motion starts to become limited.

1. Wall Arm Crawl : 3 sets x 10 reps.

2. Flexion : 1 min. 

3. Internal Rotation : 1 min.

Phase - 2 . Frozen Stage :  When the pain has gone or gets substantially less, then have to act on improving range of motion.

1.Flexion.: 1 min.

2. Abduction : 1 min.

3. External rotation : 1 min.

4. Internal rotation.: 1 min

Phase - 3. Thawing Stage : Now shoulder strengthening routine to be done : 

1.Shoulder squeezes : 2-3 sets x 10 reps per set.

2. lie down shoulder moves with light dumbbells :  2-3 sets x 10 reps per set.

3. Standing arm drops with light dumbbells :  2-3 sets x 10 reps per set.

4. Standing External rotation with dumbbells :  2-3 sets x 10 reps per set.

Note : Always seek the advice of your physician prior to starting any new diet or exercise routine. Never disregard, avoid, or delay obtaining medical advice of a physician because of something you have read & watched in this blog &/or in the demo video .

 My YouTube channel :  fitnessfun50 

Follow me on TWITTER : parthaduttafit2

For "FROZEN SHOULDER - EXERCISES"  Demo Video - please click on the link provided below 👇:

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