Muscular endurance is incredibly vital for a trekker or hiker to develop. It is one of the most specific elements of fitness, which can help a trekker / hiker to trek or hike comfortably all day long on different terrains.
Endurance activity keeps your heart, lungs and circulatory healthy and improves your overall fitness. As a result, people who get the recommended regular physical activity can reduce the risk of many diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and stroke.
Muscular strength and endurance are important for many reasons - increase your ability to do activities like trekking, hiking, climbing, lifting boxes or chopping wood without getting tired. Also, reduce the risk of injury and help you keep healthy body weight.
The objective is to increase strength in major muscles that trekkers rely upon. Stronger legs and core muscles will better support the load in your back-pack and help you trek harder, longer. One need to build endurance in those same muscle groups , as well as the shoulders and lower back, because trekking can be an all-day activity.
The most common advice is you just train for trekking by going on a few treks. This definitely is something you should do, but if you are just getting into hiking or you aspire to do longer treks to places with high altitude, then doing some preseason training can be a big help.
This workout plan is designed to target areas that power you up the trail mile after mile. It will increase strength in your core and major leg muscles, and it will help to build endurance in those same muscle groups.
How A Trekker To Train For Endurance :
1. Increase strength in major muscles that trekkers rely upon. Stronger legs and core muscles will better support the load in your backpack and help you trek harder & longer.
2. Build endurance in those same muscle groups, as well as the shoulders and lower back, because trekking can be an whole day activity.
3. Improve your balance so you have a more stable base that will allow you to take uneven terrain in stride.
4. Do not forget your cardio. Complement this exercise routine like trail running, mountain biking or another aerobic exercise that you enjoy.
This is a 10 minutes routine which you can do at your home, teaches you to be attentive to the way you move. You can of course, do the reps faster for HIIT workout, but I find that working slower and working on "time under tension" to be far more beneficial in building body weight strength and endurance , which is our current goal as we are training for mountain treks.
Each of these exercises will be for 45 seconds, with 15 seconds of rest in between two exercises.
1. Gentle Deep Body Weight Squat -
This is for your lower body, including your quads, hamstrings, glutes, core, this is basically a compound exercise.
Here you have to do normal squats where you stand with both your feet about shoulder width apart and both your toes slightly pointing outwards. You have to slowly go deep as much as you can and then slowly come up, it has to be nice deep squat. You should go down and up with pressure on your both heels. You can put your both hands stretched forward and try to keep your upper body as straight as possible. You to inhale through your nose then slowly go down and exhale through your mouth only when you come up. This squat should be done very slowly while going down and coming up, not at the speed as you do during normal speed. The best way is to count 1 to 5 while going down & again count 1 to 5 while coming up. Always try to look in front while doing this exercise.
Do this for 45 seconds.
2. Basic slow Push-ups -
This is for your upper body, including chest, arms, back and abs, basically this is a compound workout.
Here you have to do normal floor push-ups but at a much slower pace, go down with a count of 4 & push yourself up with a count of 4. Inhale through your nose and go down , exhale through your mouth only after you push yourself up. If you find floor push-ups difficult, then you can do inclined push-ups with your palms on a raised platform. If you want to make this challenging, then go for declined push-ups where you keep your toes on a raised platform.
Do this for 45 seconds.
3. Dead Bug -
This is an exercise that connects your mind to your core. In this ab exercise you are not going to feel a burning sensation, but this type of connector is just as important for creating that deep core muscle strength.
Here you have to lie face up with your arms extended towards the ceiling and your legs in a tabletop position with knees bent 90 degrees and stacked over your hips. This is a starting position. Then , slowly extend your right leg out straight, while simultaneously dropping your left arm overhead. Keep both a few inches from the ground. Keep your butt and core tight the entire time, with lower back pressed into the floor. Then bring your arm and leg back to the starting position. Repeat on the other side, extending your left leg and your right arm. Do this at a slow pace.
Do this for 45 seconds.
4. Deep Core Slash -
This is basically for your glute activation & outer leg muscles. Be on your side and begin with your knees and hips stacked, knees are slight forward from your body little bit with 90 degrees angle in both the knees , then press your elbow into the floor and push your shoulder blade into the ground and lifting up through your hips where you hold up for couple of seconds where you squeez and solidify the movement at the top, abducting the knee where your top knee is coming up and out to activate your glutes max along with few deep core muscles.
Do this for 45 seconds , where you will be able to go for about 12-15 reps.
5. Hollow Body Halt (For Beginners)-
Lie don down on the floor on your back, then form a 90 degree angle on your knees and slightly lift your feet from the floor, then slowly lift your head and shoulders off the floor . Squeez your pelvis, flatten your lower back. Breath nice and deep slowly through your nose. Both your arms to be on your sides, palms facing upwards and both hands to be off the ground. This is an excellent exercise for your core.
Maintain this position for 45 seconds.
6. Single Leg Glute Lift -
Lie on the ground on your back, fold both your knees, both your arms stretched out to your sides on the floor. Then lift your one leg straight up towards the ceiling, push the floor with the heel of your leg which is on the floor and lift your hips up as in glute bridge. Then again bring your hips down and repeat. Then change to the other leg by lifting it up and straight towards the ceiling. Excellent exercise for your core, especially lower back.
Do this for 45 seconds with each leg up.
7. Down Dog Pedal -
This exercise is basically a calf & hamstring stretch routine. Be on the floor with your knees and palms on the floor, like in "Cat-Cow pose", then lift your knees from the floor, so that only your feet (toes) and palms are on the floor. Then slowly try to push the heel of on leg towards the floor and feel the stretch on the calf of that leg. Then lift the heel and do the same with the other leg, go on doing this alternatively.
Do this for 45 seconds.
8. Bent Over Shoulder Rotations -
Stand on the floor, bend your upper body forward parallel to the ground with flat back, slightly bend your knees, stretch both your arms outwards and first rotate both the arms clock wise from your shoulder blades keeping your thumbs up. Then rotate your arms on anti-clock direction.
Rotate your arms clock wise 10 times and anti clock wise 10 times, it will take about 45 seconds.
You can, of course, do the reps faster for a HIIT workout, but I find that slower and working on "time under tension" to be far more beneficial in building body-weight strength and endurance, which should be your goal when training for a TREK.
💪 It is always advisable to consult your doctor / a qualified instructor before starting any new exercise routine.
💪Take 12-15 seconds of rest between each exercise. Can sip water in between exercises.
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