In today's blog I will discuss & demonstrate few very basic free hand exercises (no equipment needed) that all women & men should do every morning , specially if you have crossed half a century of your life . These basic exercises will not only act on all your muscles & joints but also keep you agile, alert with high level of mental & physical fitness resulting in leading a very active live till your advanced age. This morning routine will keep you away from many age related physical issues & will keep your body very flexible with needed muscular strength. This routine will definitely get your blood flowing to all parts of your body to start off your morning, improves your heart's health & also increase the flow of testosterone hormone in your body, which helps build muscles & bone mass. Also, your overall fitness level will immensely increase, prevent you from certain physical issues like - cervical spondylosis , sciatica , frozen shoulder , arthritis & few other muscle & joint related issues.
This simple morning workout is especially for beginners or those who are not into any exercise routine. This routine requires no equipment, does not take a lot of your time, and it can be a great morning workout routine which you can do at your home , especially during this pandemic situation. This is not some crazy workout that will kill your morning. You are going to do just 2 sets of each exercise, with 10 reps of each exercise. There are in total 14 exercises mostly of 2 sets each, each of the sets should consume 1 minute including rest. So, this routine will consume maximum 28 to 30 minutes of your morning routine & believe me it is worth spending these 30 minutes on yourself .EXERCISES :
1. Knee bend deep breathing : 1 sets x 20 times / set .
Important : slightly bend your knees & stay in that posture keeping your front thigh & hamstring engaged. Inhale through your nose slowly & deeply with the count of 8-10 & exhale through your mouth slowly with the count of 15-20. Bring your hands close to your chest while inhaling & take them away while exhaling. Your upper torso should be straight. This exercise increases your lung capacity with enhanced oxygen flow , also it balances the level of oxygen & carbon-di-oxide in your brain & body.
2. Arms overhead stretch with back bend, side bends & twists : 2 sets x 10 reps / set.
Important : do this very gently to the level you are comfortable, as you progress can increase the range of motion of your bends & twists. This exercise is for flexibility of your spinal column .
3. Twin arm front spread : 2 sets x 10 reps /set.
This exercise is for your shoulder joint mobility & opens up your rib cage.
4. Side cross Arm raise : 2 sets x 10 reps / set.
This exercise is for your shoulder joint mobility
5. Alternate arm raise : 2 sets x 10 reps / set.
This exercise is for your shoulder joint mobility
6. Full & half arm Fly : 2 sets x 20 reps / set. (full=10 reps + half=10 reps).
This exercise is for your shoulder joint mobility & is an excellent exercise for spondylosis prevention & pain relief.
7. Arm rotation : 2 sets x 20 reps / set. (clockwise=10 reps + anti clockwise = 10 reps).
This exercise is for your shoulder joint mobility & is an excellent exercise for spondylosis prevention & pain relief.
8. Overhead Elbow stretch : 1 set x 20 seconds / elbow.
This exercise is for loosening of shoulder joints.
9. Front Arm stretch : 1 set x 20 seconds / arm.
This exercise is for loosening of shoulder joints.
10. Knee to elbow crunch : 2 sets x 10 reps / set.
Important : during crunch , ie when your knees come close your elbow then exhale through your mouth. Do very gently to the level you are comfortable with. This exercise is for your abs & side obliques.
11. Crunch Kick : 2 sets x 10 reps / set.
Important : during crunch , ie when your knees come close your chest then exhale through your mouth. Do very gently to the level you are comfortable with. This exercise is for your abs, legs & also increases mobility of your knee joints.
12. Good Morning : 2 sets x 10 reps / set.
Important : Make sure that when you bend , your back is straight parallel to the floor & should look on the floor in front. Also your fingers touching back of your hand should be lose and never lock fingers of both hands. During the bend of your upper torso your back should not form curve. First you should stick your butt out then slightly bend your knees & then bend forward. This exercise is for your lower back, glutes & hamstrings.
13. Body weight squats : 2 sets x 10 reps / set.
This exercise is for your legs & is also a compound exercise.
14. Incline push-ups / table or couch push-ups : 2 sets x 10 reps / set.
This exercise is for your arms, chest , shoulders & back . This is also a compound exercise.
You may take 10-15 seconds of rest between each exercise & sets.