
Wednesday, December 27, 2023



 Am I too out-of-shape for an adventure trek on the mountains ?

It's the number one question asked by so many aspiring trekkers. It's the nagging worry that especially 50+ adventurers from taking the plunge on the vacation of their dreams, and that is a shame because anyone who loves the outdoors is a good candidate for an adventure tour. Of course, that doesn't mean there are not things you can do to prepare before your trip to make it more enjoyable.

A little investment in your overall fitness before you go pays big dividends in terms of what you can accomplish out on the trail. That does not mean you have to join the gym or punish yourself with a triathlon-level training regimen. There are lot of common-sense steps you can start right now to get yourself ready for the adventure of a lifetime.

So, if you are a 50+ adventurer and wondering where to start, try these 9 fitness tips to give yourself the confidence to achieve your personal goals. 

1. Give yourself time to prepare -

In general, it can take your body from three weeks to three months to really see a significant improvement in your fitness level and to respond to a change in routine. So, if you have already booked your trip, you should get started now !

2. Focus on your cardiovascular fitness -

The American College id Sports Medicine recommends at least 150 minutes of aerobic activity a week  for people 50+ with at least 30 minute sessions at a time. The best aerobic activities for mature athletes are swimming, cycling, brisk walking or jogging, all of which are great preparation for an adventure like exploring the Himalayas. Even if you can not get outdoors or make it to the gym, there are lots of great cardio exercises you can do at home to get your heart pumping. Jumping jacks, half-jacks, squats, leg raises, hops, and even planks-jacks are great body weight  exercises that require no special equipment or skill. 

If you are doing a trekking adventure on the Himalayas at higher altitudes, then High-Intensity training (HIIT) is particularly beneficial because it improves both aerobic and anaerobic fitness and prepares your body for the bursts of strength you will need on your climb. HIIT sounds more complicated than it really is - it's simply adding a short period of more strenuous exertion into your daily walking, jogging, swimming, or biking routine. For example, if you take a 45 minute brisk walk, try to jog 30 to 60 seconds every 5 to 10 minutes of your walk. Same if you swim or bike, add a few sprints during your usual routine. 

A note of caution for you mountain adventurers : Even if you are in pretty good shape, it's important not to push yourself too hard at higher altitudes. Exertion is a key driver of altitude sickness. 

3. Focus on leg strength -

Strength training is is generally a good idea for athletes of all ages, but for hikers, leg strength is essential for an enjoyable experience. Your legs are doing the bulk of the work, after all. Lunges, squats,and calf raises are all good exercises you can do at home. Try slowly stepping on and off a step or exercise platform, gradually increasing the height as you progress. Setting your treadmill at a higher incline is also great preparation, or just walking up a few hills on your evening stroll. 

4. You need a strong back to carry your pack -

Your adventure backpack and few bottles of water are a portable gym to help you get in shape just about anywhere. Strap on your pack and practice "step-ups". This will get your calves and back ready for the weight you will be carrying on a hike. Walking up and down the stairs with your backpack is also great training. Push-ups and planking with a loaded pack build up essential muscles in your core, shoulders, and your upper body that you will need on longer treks. 

5. Don't neglect your core -

Focus on your core. Your core muscles are your abdominal, back muscles, and the muscles in your pelvis and they give you balance and flexibility, and underpin just about every other physical activity you will do on an active adventure. Crunches, bridges, and planks are some of the best exercises to build a strong core. You can tune up your core by sitting on an exercise ball while you read or watch TV at night, step up your core fitness game with these stability ball exercises.

6. Enhance your lung capacity -

Daily do Deep Breathing Exercises at least once in a day (preferably in the morning), just remember that your stomach should be some what empty. This you should do during all the 2/3 months of  preparation. This is most essential when going for a high altitude trek. Also, this boosts your stamina during long hikes.

For deep breathing exercises, refer to my blog titled - "How To Improve Your Lung Capacity For High Altitude Treks" - Dated : 4th. July, 2021. 

Or , watch on my YOUTUBE channel - " fitnessfun50 " .

7. Keep it balanced - 

This sounds too simple to mention , but few minutes spent improving your balance can prevent injuries on your trip and give you more stability when you climb. Walking heel-to-toe with your arms out at your side and your eyes looking straight ahead is an easy and effective balance exercise. So, simply standing on one foot for 30-60 seconds at a time (longer if you can manage before switching to the other foot. There are some easy exercises to improve your static and dynamic balance (and you will need both on the trail).

8. Don't forget the practice hikes - 

Now the time to put all those exercises to work for you with a few practice hikes. Look for places with variable terrain and elevation so you can get the feel for how your body responds to the stresses and areas where you may want to improve. Remember to wear your pack and toss in a few water bottles, adding more as you progress, so you can get used to handling your body with a weighted pack. 

The practice hikes are essential for one more extremely important reason - you will get a chance to break in your boots, or buy a new pair of the ones you have are not supporting you correctly. There is nothing worse than hitting the trail with a pair of painful, poorly fitting boots. Remember that new boots rarely feel great out of the box. The lighter models may break in with just few hikes, but some of the sturdier leather ones may take weeks to really conform to your feet. keep that in mind if you are considering a new pair of hikers before your trip.

9. Mental preparation is important -

Fear is the enemy when it comes to trying something new. Combat it with physical preparation - knowing you are doing positive things to get your body ready for the trip.

Focus on the "why'', the personal benefit you hope to attain by completing an adventure : "I want to hike the Himalayan trail because I will ............. ". Keep that benefit firmly in mind when you are feeling discouraged, both in your preparations and on the trail. 

Finally, visualise success. See yourself standing on the vast Tibetan Plateau or hiking Everest Base Camp trail. Seeing success is the first step towards achieving it. Don't be afraid of a little self-doubt, it happens to everyone, even the most well-prepared. But you can combat it by knowing why you are taking an adventure tour in the first place and what success looks like to you. 

Of course, a really knowledgeable and supportive trip leader / guide can make all the difference, too. 

Final Thoughts - 

You do not have to be in the best shape of your life to have a memorable and successful adventure tour. But it helps to give yourself confidence with a little preparation before you go for your dream trek. Just remember, no matter how you feel when you leave, you will return renewed, refreshed, and alive with a sense of accomplishment. 

If you are ready to take the next step and start planning your own active adventure, why not mention your trek goals in the comment section below. 


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Thursday, November 9, 2023




We know that getting out in nature is worth the effort and part of what makes trekking so compelling. The best way to get better at hiking is to get on the trail as much as possible, but sometimes it just isn't feasible. That's where you need tips which are handy. In my this blog myself will give you six very basic steps which improve your trekking stamina, which is most basic requirement when on a trail.


When you are not on the trail, consider other similar activities that can build your endurance. Running and walking are two great workouts that are easy to do almost anywhere and can build your endurance. If you are not an experienced runner, start with a run/walk program to ease into things. 

Aim for two runs per week to start with, and when you have more time on weekends try including a few long walks. Increase your distance and time each week by about 10% until you build a good base and can walk for about the length of time it's going to take you to complete your goal trek.


Do not underestimate how much strength plays a role in your endurance on a long trek. Sure, you will still want to focus on improving cardiovascular fitness, too, but building strength in the legs and core also helps when gradients steepens near the top. 

Squats, dead-lifts, kettle-bell exercises, push-ups, yoga, and dynamic exercises that focus on functional patterns of movement are the way to go. Start with weight that you can handle and concentrate on performing the movements with good form before you start increasing the weight or repetitions.


When you are short on time during the week, one of the best ways to get in a quality workout is to include intervals or other high-intensity training (HIT). For trekkers, this can mean finding a road in the neighbourhood with a short, steep gradient or heading to a local trail nearby that has a few short inclines. 

Once you got a spot picked out, put on a pack similar to the one you will be wearing on your goal trek and do repeats. In case you fail to find such a spot, then s climbing stairs and getting down in repetitions will also work. Walk up the inclines as quickly as you can, pushing your self to reach the top as fast as possible. Walk back down and repeat. How many repetitions you do will vary depending on your fitness level, how long the hill is and how long you have got to workout.

But no matter how many hill repeats you do, remember the important part is pushing yourself as much as possible. 


One  mistake a lot of trekkers make is only hitting the trail for training when they have time to spend a few hours exercising. 

While you will still want to include long hikes to build your fitness whenever possible, increasing the frequency of your workout is a sure-fire way to build your endurance for the trail. Just like any other athlete looking to improve performance, build your exercise regimen around your goals. Including 4-5 days per week with a mix of endurance, strength and cross-training workouts is a good schedule to start.

Remember, not all of your workouts need to be 3 hours long. Short workouts are always better than nothing at all, and after a few months of training, you will be surprised how much up in the frequency can improve your overall fitness. 


Without even realising it, most people take shallow breaths instead of utilising deep-breathing techniques. Even if it may not affect you all that much day to day, when you begin to exercise, particularly if you are heading to higher elevation, taking deeper breaths can help prevent fatigue and keep you pushing up the trail by getting more oxygen to your muscles. 

To practice, concentrate on slowly pulling air deep into the lungs with your diaphragm a few times per day. If you are not sure whether you are doing it correctly, breathe in through your nose with your hand against your stomach, when you breathe in your stomach should swell, and when you breathe out, your stomach should cave in. Your chest should not move, but the hand on the stomach should go out. Tighten your stomach muscles as you exhale. 


Sometimes all you need to reach new heights is a different mindset. Get comfortable with pushing yourself when you exercise and challenge yourself to do things you do not normally do.

Whether it's doing push-ups every 15 minutes or working out twice per day every now and then, the more comfortable you get with being uncomfortable the more it will help you when you are put in a tough situation out on the trail. Trekking in the rain or other less-than-ideal conditions can also prepare you for the last few kilometres of the long trek when the weather may change. 

Knowing you can push back your limits and overcome hardships will help you improve your overall fitness and reach your goals.

If you find this blog helpful, please give your comment and follow my blog page, and share among all your loved ones.

- My Facebook Page :      ' Fit & Fun After 50 '

- My YouTube channel :     ' fitnessfun50 '

- Follow me on TWITTER :  @ParthaD44328477

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Sunday, October 29, 2023



In my this blog we will explore the top 10 foods that are beneficial for individuals aged 50 and above. Giving you a youthful look as you age.

If you fall intro this group, you may have already noticed certain changes in your body. Perhaps you are experiencing decreased energy levels or a slight decline in cognitive sharpness. Additionally, you might be finding that your body takes longer to recover from injuries or that old injuries are resurfacing. These signs are your body's way of communicating with you, indicating that it's time to make some dietary adjustments.

Embracing a healthy eating regime can significantly enhance your quality of life and restore your vitality. Moreover, it can help mitigate the risk of prevalent age related ailments such as heart disease and diabetes.

But what does a wholesome diet entail for individuals over 50 ?

How can you determine which foods are genuinely beneficial for your well-being ?

Fear not, as my this blog will provide you the guidance. 

Below, you will discover 10 foods that promote excellent health for those aged 50 and beyond. Additionally, myself will offer practical tips to ensure these foods become an integral part of your diet. Rather than merely suggesting an increase in fruit and vegetable consumption, In this blog I present list of foods that can help you maintain a youthful body and mind after turning 50. 

Let's delve into why these foods are essential and how they can positively impact your overall well-being. 


First and foremost, let's see the incredible benefits of sweet potatoes, which claim the top spot. These starchy delights are packed with essential nutrients that can contribute to your overall well-being. 

One of the standout qualities of sweet potatoes is their abundant vitamin A content, which promotes healthy eyesight and radiant skin. Additionally, they are an excellent source of vitamin C, a vital nutrient that aids in tissue repair. 

But that's not all, sweet potatoes are also loaded with fibre, with a single serving providing approximately 5 grams. Fibre offers a multitude of advantages, including a greater sense of satiety and improved digestive health. 


Next on the list, we have the highly nutritious black beans. These little powerhouse offer a multitude of health benefits that make them an excellent addition to your diet. Black beans are remarkable low in fat and brimming with fibre, making them a fantastic choice for promoting a healthy lifestyle. 

Additionally, they are a rich source of protein, which essential for supporting various bodily functions. Fortunately, black beans are widely available and can be found in most grocery stores. When purchasing canned black beans, it's important to pay attention to the labels. Opt for varieties without added sugar or excessive salt. Look for the ''no salt added" options whenever possible.

By incorporating black beans into your meals, you can help maintain the heath of your heart and brain enjoying their delectable taste. 


Moving on to number three we have the incredible broccoli. This versatile vegetables nutritional powerhouse, offering a wide array of essential vitamins and minerals. Broccoli is particularly rich in vitamins A, C, N, and K, making it an exceptional choice for maintaining optimal health. Moreover, it boasts a high fiber content, which is beneficial for digestion and overall well-being.

What sets broccoli apart is its impressive arsenal of antioxidants. These powerful compounds have been linked to various health benefits, including reducing cholesterol levels, preventing cancer, diabetes, and promoting heart health. 

Furthermore, broccoli aids in the body's detoxification process by effectively eliminating harmful toxins from lever. By preventing the accumulation of these damaging compounds, broccoli plays a vital role in preventing the health of your cells throughout your body. 

Make sure to include this remarkable vegetables in your meals to reap its numerous health advantages.


Moving on to our fourth contender, we have the versatile eggplant. This delightful vegetable offers a wide range of health benefits and is a great addition to any well-round diet. 

Eggplant is not only a good source of fibre but also packed with essential vitamins A and C, which plays a crucial role in maintaining healthy eyes. Additionally it boasts a generous amount of potassium, a mineral known for it's ability to regulate blood pressure and promote heart health. On top of that, eggplant contains valuable antioxidants that have been associated with potential cancer protection, particularly against prostate cancer. 

The beauty of eggplant lies in it's culinary flexibility. You can savor this vegetable in various delightful ways. Whether you prefer roasting, baking, or even grilling, there are countless ways to enjoy the deliciousness of eggplant while reaping it's remarkable health benefits. 

Treat yourself to this flavourful vegetable and elevate both your taste buds and your well-being.


Now let's explore number five on our list - the remarkable beets. These vibrant root vegetables are powerhouse of health benefits, making them an essential addition to the diets of individuals over 50.

Beets are brimming with impressive array of nutrients that contribute to their status as one of the healthiest foods you can consume. Notably, they contain betalains, which are not only antioxidants that safeguards the body's cells from damage but also possess cancer fighting properties.

Furthermore, betalains help counteract the harmful effects of free radicals that often result from consuming unhealthy foods.

Rich in potassium and magnesium, beets play crucial role in maintaining optimal health. A deficiency in these minerals can lead to various health issues such as irregular heartbeat, high blood pressure, weekend bones and muscles, insomnia, and headaches, among others. 

Moreover, beets have a soothing effect on the gastrointestinal tract, addressing the primary cause of numerous stomach ailments. By providing vital nutrients to the gut bacteria, beets actively promote a healthy digestive system. 

By incorporating beets into your diet, you can unlock a plethora of health  benefits, ranging from antioxidant,protection to gastrointestinal support. Embrace these nutrient-packed root vegetables and let them nourish your body and overall well-being.


Moving on to number six, we have the exceptional wild-caught salmon. This fish is renowned for its abundance of health boosting nutrients, primarily omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D, both of which are crucial for maintaining strong bones, a robust immune system, and a healthy heart. 

It's important to prioritise wild-caught salmon over it's farm-raised counterpart. Farm-raised salmons tends to contain higher levels of saturated fats as compared to the leaner and more nutritious wild-caught variety. To ensure you are receiving the maximum benefits, it is advisable to limit your consumption of farm -raised salmon. 

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Food Data Centre, experts recommend incorporating two servings of fish into your weekly diet to fully harness the advantages. By including wild-caught salmons in your meals, you can nourish your body with essential omega- 3s and vitamin D, providing a solid foundation for bone health, a robust immune system and optimal cardiovascular well-being. 


Now let us move on to number seven, where we encounter the remarkable avocados. These super foods are a treasure trove of healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals, making them a perfect addition to any wholesome diet. 

Avocados offer numerous health benefits that set them apart. They have been shown to lower the risk of cancer and heart disease while combating inflammation within the body. Additionally, their exceptional properties contribute to slowing down the ageing process, promoting overall vitality and well-being.

Incorporating avocados into your meals is a breeze. They can be easily added to smoothies, salads, or enjoyed whole. However, it is important to be mindful of portion sizes, as avocados are calorie-dense. Aim to consume half an avocado per day to maintain a balance diet and ensure you reap the benefits without exceeding your calories intake. 

By savoring this versatile fruit, you can indulge in its wealth of nutrients and enhance your over all health and longevity.


Let us now explore number eight on our list, the versatile chickpeas. These legumes offer a multitude of benefits and are an excellent addition to any diet. One of the standout qualities of chickpeas is their exceptional combination of protein and fiber. This duo not only promotes healthy digestion but also aids in weight loss efforts.

High protein diets have been linked to improved heart health and can help prevent age related muscle loss. Furthermore, chickpeas are rich in magnesium, a mineral crucial for maintaining strong bones. For individuals looking to reduce their consumption of red meat, chickpeas serves as an excellent alternative.

Consider incorporating them into your meals as a substitute for meat in casseroles, stews, or soups. By doing so, you can enjoy the nutritional benefits of chickpeas while adding a delightful twist to your favourite dishes. 


Let us move on to number nine on our list, the potent spice known as ginger. This remarkable ingredient not only adds a burst of flavour to dishes but also offers a range of notable health benefits.

Ginger is abundant in flavonoids and antioxidants, which play a crucial role in protecting the body against harmful free radicals. Moreover, it provides anti-inflammatory properties that can alleviate joint pain and reduce inflammation.

Incredible research has indicated that ginger may even contribute to the prevention of various conditions such as cancer, heart disease, and Alzheimer's disease. For adults over 50, the recommended daily amount of fresh ginger is up to 4 grams, as suggested by the FDA. 

Aside from its health benefits, ginger aids in digestion and enhances the absorption of nutrients in the body. It can be enjoyed in various forms, whether as a soothing tea, added to stir-fries, or incorporated into a refreshing smoothie. Embrace the power of ginger and unlock its potential to promote both your taste buds and your well-being.


Finally at number ten is cauliflower. If you are over 50 and seeking ways to maintain your health, do not underestimate this timeless favourite - cauliflower. Although it may seem humble, this versatile vegetable can be incorporated into numerous dishes. 

It can serve as a delightful side dish or take centre stage as the star of your meal, especially when roasted with olive oil and garlic. Not only is cauliflower a culinary delight, but it also provides excellent nutrition. Packed with vitamin C and antioxidants, it helps keep you feeling youthful and vibrant. You can enjoy the benefits of this super food by opting for cauliflower rice or roasting some florets as a delicious side dish, either enjoyed on its own or paired with your favourite entree. 

Remember, when it comes to fighting with ageing process, a concerted effort is required, and it all starts with your diet, particularly those over 50. Fortunately, there are plenty of foods that can help slow down physical ageing effects and prevent diseases. It's never too late to start eating healthier and making small, sustainable changes to your eating habits .

These ten foods that has been mentioned are simple, easy to incorporate into your daily meals, and absolutely delicious. If any of the foods on this list, such as chickpeas or beats, pique your interest, go ahead and give them a try. 

Give yourself the gift of good health and youthful longevity by prioritising a balance diet coupled with some regular exercise.

If you find this blog helpful, please give your comment and follow my blog page, and share among all your loved ones.

- My Facebook Page :      ' Fit & Fun After 50 '

- My YouTube channel :     ' fitnessfun50 '

- Follow me on TWITTER :  @ParthaD44328477

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Sunday, April 9, 2023




In this blog we will try to know about a magical therapy with no cost involved. I have tried to write this article in a very simple way with minimum complicated terms for all to understand and improve on their general health and enjoy life as it is.

Many of us are not even aware of the strength of our body. In this world we have 7 billion people, but in this small body of ours we have 80 billion cells, which are covered by a skin. If our these cells work in harmony then no one can stop you from becoming a super human. But today, we are even afraid of a mosquito.... Why ? Because our total focus is on our outer beauty, branded clothes, cosmetics, latest gadgets, and so on, while our body is getting weak and sick from inside. For any new and latest thing we buy we always try to go through it's user's manual. Having the most complicated machinery on earth - OUR BODY, have we ever tried to go through it's user's manual and understand how it functions ? No, because this we have totally left it on an outsider - a DOCTOR.

When a sperm and an ova jointly starts a small life, then this small baby in mother's womb is made of 96% water. In the amniotic fluid in which this baby swims for 9 months has a consistency is just like sea water. When this baby is born, then it's made up of 80% water. The same baby when turns an adult then it's made up of 70% water. When at the old age when the same life is going to depart, then the same body has just 50% water. 

So, why is this water in our body getting lesser and lesser as we age ?

Let us understand the reason for this. There are few laws of this universe - "As outside, so inside" , "As above, so below". Therefore to understand the volume of water inside our body, we have to see water volume that's outside our body. Outside, water is in form of ocean, river, and lakes. Similarly, in our body the water content in our cells has the consistency similar to a river water, but the water that is in between our cells where our nervous system works has the consistency similar to ocean water. Also, we have some stagnant water in our body that like pond or lake water. This water which is stagnant slowly like in a pond gathers moss and starts to smell, this is the root cause of our ailments. If we can correct the water balance in our body, then we can take care of most of our diseases or ailments. 

The muscles that we have in our body consists of 75% water, our brain has 85% water, our blood has 82% water, lungs have 90% water, even our bones consists of 28% water. So, to do our body's physiological process like - formation of urine, sweating, food digestion, even during our respiration process we lose about one to one and a half litre of water daily. 

Now, if some one asks, how much water should we drink daily ? In our physiological process we lose daily nearly 2 to two and a half litre of water, so minimum we should at least drink 2 to two and a half litre of water. Over and above, if we do any physical exercise, dancing, trekking, or work in the sun, then we need to keep our body hydrated with extra litres required. If our body has any water crisis then it is known as dehydration. That is, we start turning into resins from grapes, or move towards ageing.

The most simple way to check about your body is getting dehydrated, or needs water, is by just observing the colour of your urine. If your urine is colourless then it's an indication that your body is completely hydrated. If it turns into a yellowish tinge then it's a symptom of your body starting to get dehydrated. If the urine colour turns dark yellow or orangish then it is an indication of severe dehydration. 

Now we will discuss, if the body is severely dehydrated , then how it will manifest various diseases. 

Our  brain is the most intelligent organ of our body, and it can not function without water. When it gets dehydrated then it starts stealing water from some part or the other. Overall, the least important organ of our body is our muscles, so our brain starts stealing water from our muscles. As a result we start feeling general weakness and muscular cramps. Still, if there is shortage of water, then brain targets the next organ that is stomach. As during digestion a lot of water is required, so our stomach has good amount of water, now our brain starts sending signals for less water supply to stomach . As a result, due to less water in stomach there is improper digestion process giving rise to acidity. When this gas from our stomach reaches our brain then we call this migraine . When this gas reaches our heart, we call it heartburn and get symptoms of bloating. 

But, our body is very magical, for minimum 15 to 20 years it compensates these symptoms, off and on we get these symptoms in our life which I bet most of you must have managed with lots of antacid tablets and liquids. But we fail to realise that our body has water scarcity, as a result water starts drying in the lower digestive tracks, first the lower intestine starts to dry-up then the larger intestine starts to dry. This will generate the next symptom - constipation. This pattern is same for each of us as our body physiology is the same. 

If we still do not pay attention to adequate water intake, then our circulatory system starts getting effected. This will result in slow drying up of veins in our hands and legs, then one gets cold feet and hands . Our blood veins get thinner and our blood becomes thick because of scarcity of water in our body. Our heart has to pump more to transport this thick blood to various parts of our body,  as a result our blood pressure shoots up automatically. To tackle this high BP issue you will run to your doctor who will do check-up and declare you a Hypertension patient , prescribing you a pill that you have to pop-in for life. 

If still we fail to be in our senses and go on drinking inadequate water, then the next organ that gets effected is our respiratory system. During our exhalation there is good amount of water loss. When brain needs water then it signals our respiratory system to exchange less air by reducing the surface area of our lungs, resulting in mucus secretion in our lungs which makes us feel breathlessness . An advice - anyone who gets an asthma attack, if he keeps one forth teaspoon of salt on his tongue and drinks 2-3 glasses of water then he would not require any inhaler. 

As your BP is high, your doctor will advice you to stop consumption of salt. Now see what happens as we stop intake of salt - the water inside our cell is like river water, while the water that is outside our cell is like ocean water, now both the types of water will become same like river water. As a result the osmotic process of our body ends and the water now starts seeping into our tissues giving rise to swelling in legs , swelling in lower abdomen and chest. Our body PH starts falling and becomes acidic. This falling in PH level happens at the cellular level, sodium is inside the cell and potassium is outside the cell and there is an exchange between them happens, now when salt intake has been stopped the potassium level starts rising because it looks for sodium for exchange, as a result we move a step towards dialysis. When it's acidic medium then it becomes a breeding ground for microbes, as a result chances of being infected by secondary infections rises.

The last organ that gets effected by scarcity of water is our brain. Due  to scarcity of water in our body, our brain has no option but to lay down it's arms, then we first get into anxiety and depression , and then other types of  nervous diseases like alzheimer's, parkinson's, etc. 

There is big myth, we think the coconut water that we drink, or the tea and coffee we have, fulfils our water requirement. This is totally wrong, all these type of liquids we take also need water for digestion. Remember, no fluid can replace water, this is a rule.

Now, lets try to understand when should we drink water ?  

If  we understand our body and try to talk to our body then our body will tell you by itself when it requires water. In addition to this, when we sleep at night in our body all the repair and maintenance process takes place. This repair and maintenance requires good amount of water, therefore when you get up in the morning drink at least 2-3 glasses of water. Half an hour before your intake of food and after one and a half to two hours of you have eaten your food drink water. If you drink water while eating then the heat that is generated in our stomach for digestion gets effected as  water cools this process resulting in indigestion and call for related other diseases. 

What type of water should we drink ?

We know that water is of 3 states - solid, liquid & gas. But there is one form which is in between solid and liquid state,  which is like consistency gel, known as structured water. Structured water means organised water without microbes. To make this structured water what type of raw material we should take - should we take RO water, or Aquaguard water, or bore-well, or tap water ? We should take water with TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) between 100 - 300. The best is to take tap water and make it a standing water, or to store this water in a pot for about 24 hours. Now how to convert this standing water into structured water ? We can use copper or silver plates or small bars to make structured water. The outer shell of copper plate contains free electrons, these electrons kills the microbes, now your standing water becomes microbe free, thus becoming structured water. 

Spring water is even better than structured water, in addition being structured water, spring water also has vitality, it has movement, when water has movement then it has lots of energy. Without movement it is like structured water which will not give you that energy. 

If you are using steel bottles, then dip a copper plate in it. These copper plates you can buy from Amazon online shopping. But never use copper bottles, because the opening of a copper bottle is very small, as a result cleaning inside is difficult. As we pore water in a copper bottle, it absorbs all the microbes, so daily cleaning with tamarind, or salt and lemon is very much necessary. Copper utensils should never be cleaned with any soap or detergent. Water from plastic bottles should always be avoided, it contains dead water as we do not know for how long it's stored in there, also when we consume water from a plastic bottle then certain amount of non biodegradable plastic gets in our system and sticks to our intestine. 

In addition, scarcity of water in our body badly effects our skin quality due to dehydration, making it dry and invite many skin related issues like - patches of rough, scaly, itchy skin early wrinkles and sagging skin, as a result we start looking older than our actual age. Lack of water can cause skin to lose it's plumpness and elasticity. Water even helps reduce acne and other skin problems by flushing harmful toxins from the body. Drinking adequate water daily is the most effective treatment for mild cases of dehydration.

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Sunday, March 19, 2023



In this blog will discuss about how many steps you need per day to walk for optimal health. 

So often we hear that number 10000 steps a day.  As if they were some magical number, the reason we keep hearing that is because research has shown the people who walk more they are healthier, they live longer, less disease, lose weight better, they have lower incidence of Type 2 Diabetes, lower risk of cardio vascular disease, Dementia, and so on. But this research also shows that 2000 steps is a lot better than nothing, and it shows 10,000 steps is better than 5000. That means, for your health walking more is better than walking less. 

In some research indicates that, people who know how to gather a lifestyle to assume how their ancestors had, they probably take this upward to 30000 steps per day, that is how much our bodies are genetically designed for, that is actually how much we need. But the problem with all these research is they do not explain why number of steps or walking will do this ? What's magical about steps ? 

We need to understand how this stuff works. First, you should like and care yourself enough to want to take care of yourself the best way you can. Then you will understand why steps would help or what other types of activities would help us, and then you can start doing it right. 

First of all it is really not about steps, but it is an indicator of your overall activity. For lot of people it is the only exercise they get is walking, therefore if you walk more then you have higher overall activity. But really what this walking activity does is, it provides 3 things - 

(1) Brain Stimulation

(2) Circulatory benefits

(3) Hormonal benefits

Now, why would be brain stimulation be so important ? Because, every cell in your body and every tissue works on the principle - use it or lose it. Resources are precious in the body,so if we do not use something then why keep it around. So, basically muscles need tension, purpose of the muscle is to create tension, if we do that we get muscles, if we stop doing that or create less tension then we get Atrophy. Same thing is with bones, the purpose of bones is to resist gravity. If we have less gravity or less activity then it exposes us to the impact of gravity and get Osteoporosis. 

The purpose of the brain is to receive, process and produce signals. So, if we have enough signals then will have strong brain, if the brain gets less signals to process then brain will have less signals to process as a result brain degeneration starts to occur, that is another word for Atrophy, that is tissue shrinks and goes away. 

If you need to create more signal for the brain then you need to understand where they come from ?  The vast majority of signals comes from body movement. We have primarily three tissues - joints, muscles and tendons. These pickup different aspects of motion and tension and transmit to the brain as signals. We have over 300 joints in the body, over 100 of those are in the spine, but it dose not even end there, it's about receptor density, that is how many receptors we have per square inch, and we need a whole lot of them where it is important. Receptors increase in density as we get closer to the mid-line of the body and increase as we go from bottom to the top of the body. Basically the spine and closer to the head we get biggest bank of the receptors, and even though most of the signals are generated from movements, out of those signals more than 90% are generated from spine and specially from the upper portion of the spine. 

If you start understanding some of that, then it is not just how many steps you take, but it is how you walk. There is a huge difference if you walk actively creating a motion in the whole body, than staring at your phone and walking. It is not the number of steps, but how many signals are generated as you do it. 

What is happening as you walk - every person has different curves in the spine, the first one is on the back of the neck called Lordosis, as you get in to the chest the curve is on the other way called Kyphosis, and as you in to the lumbars then it gets on the other way again and finishes at the Sacrum. So, there are 3 curves, these act as shock absorbers, it's like a spring , as you are walking and bouncing a little bit then the brain and the head and the tissues are protected by this spring action. Therefore, your posture when you are walking is hugely important. If you have a proper posture and you are upright, now the curves are going to flow one into the other, they will cooperate and you will get more motion from each little bounce of the spring, resulting in generating more signals into the brain. If you don't have a good posture, you are walking hunched over and looking at your mobile phone then you are not getting nearly the same number of signals generated.

Another thing that matters with posture is intensity, if you are walking in a full range of motion and swinging your arms then you will have a rotation - a counter rotation between the shoulders and the hips, and now we are getting more motion into the body. 

The next benefit is circulatory. When you walk it increase your heart rate, increase your circulation, and when you pump more blood then you increase the oxygenation - deliver more oxygen and more nutrients in every cell of the body, and while the blood is doing that, it is also picking up more waste, so it is a form of Detox, it is assisting your body in it's detoxification process. 

But just how much blood are you pumping, what is the circulation? Your heart fills up with blood, and then when it's full it squeezes it back out, that is called stroke volume- that is roughly 70 ml , and on an average a person has a heart rate of 70 beats/minute, if we multiply that we get about 5 litres of blood circulating per minute, and that is also roughly how much blood a normal person has, that is the amount of blood being circulated when the body is at rest. But when you exercise, there is increase in circulation so the blood is coming back faster to the heart and filling up the heart faster and more, so if we fill it more then the heart is going to squeeze harder and more effectively, we can then actually double that stroke volume, with this increase in stroke volume and the heart rate, we could pump as much as 140 ml x 120/minute, ie. we could now with increase in stroke volume and increased heart rate we could pump as much as 17 litres of blood by simply walking. So, we see this dramatically increase by doing as simple as walking. 

There are more benefit than just heart pumping, there are other pumping mechanisms from exercise. When you walk there is a squeezing of the calves, there are veins in the calves that muscles squeeze and return the blood to the heart, this is very important mechanism, that is also why walking helps reduce varicose veins, because it helps vein pressure in the lower region. 

One more pumping mechanism is in all of the joints, every joint has something called synovial fluid and it is very important for the body to keep blood circulation separate from inside of the joints where the synovial fluid is, because the red blood cells could destroy the joints. Therefore the blood only gets outside the joints and the inside of the joint is very poorly oxygenated. So, the nutrients and the oxygen are diffused by a pumping mechanism, as we move the joint we are squashing that fluid around and that is how we get new fluids in and the old fluid and waste out. 

Cartilage has no blood vessels, but still we need to get some nutrients there. Cartilage heals very very slowly if at all, but still we need to get some nutrients there, this pumping action from motion is what drives that, it's like a 'Sponge-bob'. So, this is another good example from exercise or walking.

Exercise has also Hormonal benefits. It increases growth hormones, and also increases something called BDNF (brain derived neurotropic factor), these two put together are essential for making new pathways in the brain, thus improving neuroplasticity. So, exercise or walking is good for brain health. 

Another benefit is walking reduce the dependence on insulin, walking will use up some carbohydrates that will reduce the need for insulin, but more so the cells, the muscles when they are active they don't need hardly any insulin to get the glucose into the muscles. An active muscle is much more insulin sensitive. Walking may not be the total solution, but one part of the solution.

Once we know about the above benefits from walking, then we should keep in mind that the most powerful way to address the above issues mentioned is HIIT (high-intensity interval training) or high intensity exercise, and fasting, that's what will bring the biggest change. But as I mentioned, every part counts, and walking absolutely helps. 

What is so special about walking ? Is there anything special ?

There is one special thing about walking, and that is called "Cross Crawl", we have a pattern - when we are walking we are moving one leg forward and the opposite arm forward at the same time. Why is that so important ? Because, it is something that is patterned into our nervous system, and it is one of the most fundamental and the strongest and most powerful patterns, it has a huge influence on how the brain is organised, and what scientists have found is actually that there is a strong connection between babies who don't get to crawl has increased risk for attention deficit, increased risk of Dyslexia, and for kids who don't get to crawl properly have poor body coordination, as a result are more prone to injuries. So, we can see it's mostly about creating signals at this point. 

If we want to create more signals, then there are certain factors that influence how many signals we create : 

Speed - the velocity of movement is highly influential. The Amplitude - if we make a small motion or a big motion it makes a big difference, and the number of repetition - if we do it once it is not very much, but if we are walking and doing 1000 repetitions then it starts adding up. Then it's complexity - if we do something very repetitive then it's not very challenging for the brain, walking is great for the reasons I mentioned above, but for creating more signal overall we need to do things that are complex. If we introduce variety then it's challenging for the brain, symmetrical, uniform and full arm swings during walking is one factor. One of the first signs of Parkinson's and Dementia is loss of arm swing, because their brains don't work well enough to create arm swing, it is a sign of brain degeneration. But we can also use as a therapy by swinging your arms more thus creating more signals and reinforcing those beneficial patterns.

If you want to increase the complexity in other ways, then you can walk on uneven terrain, because now when the ground is uneven then there is more adapting, more compensating and more adjusting for the brain to do. So, something like trail hiking or trekking will improve the complexity and if you get out in the wilderness where everything is completely unpredictable, where you have to step over things or dodge boulders, cross streams, or bend under things, now there is even more complexity. In addition to daily walking, 5 to 7 days of trekking at least once or twice a year is very much beneficial. Various other live activities like dancing, playing tennis or badminton where you have to move quickly in different directions and where you have to use lot of balance and agility are great examples to increase the complexity and thus increase signals. 

If you understand the above, then it is not just about strapping on around some step counter and getting to a daily walk of 10000 steps, but you can get lot of benefits with just fewer number of steps if you understand how this works. My recommendation is that you do something, because something is a lot better than doing nothing when it comes to exercise. The next rule is that more is better until it is not. So, it is very possible to over train and people really hooked on activity and they sort of get addicted to it, this is not what we are looking for. If you are over training then you might start feeling worn down and that's how you can notice if you pay attention to the body, if you are losing some of the spring in your step, start getting aches and pains, if you don't feel fresh going into workout, or if it feels you are not recovering properly, then it's probably time to back off . 

Every one has a different starting point depending on their level of fitness they are in, or body condition, but I thing minimum 30+ minutes per day of gentle to moderate activity would be something to try for. I have mentioned 30+ minutes because if you keep it at a low intensity like walking or hiking then you really can do it for hours every day and you are not going to wear yourself down. It all depends on your level of fitness and how much time you have on your hands, and your overall joint health and so forth, just use your common sense. But, at least 30 minutes per day, probably 5 to 6 times a week, do not strive for 7 times a week, unless it's a very gentle activity, because you do need to give your body some time for recovery. 

Then, I suggest add some body stretching, as stretching also sends massive amount of signals to the brain, but it also acts as a reset, as your body and your brain talks all the time, the brain gets a certain sense of the length of the muscles and tension on the tendons, when you stretch you are helping the brain to create a reset, or the brain gets back to base line and starts understanding the body better. 

Then you need to add some variety. As I mentioned about all the benefits of walking, but it is not very complex, it is not all that demanding, so you put walking as a foundation and add some variety. Add different hobbies that you enjoy doing. 

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