In this blog we will try to know about a magical therapy with no cost involved. I have tried to write this article in a very simple way with minimum complicated terms for all to understand and improve on their general health and enjoy life as it is.
Many of us are not even aware of the strength of our body. In this world we have 7 billion people, but in this small body of ours we have 80 billion cells, which are covered by a skin. If our these cells work in harmony then no one can stop you from becoming a super human. But today, we are even afraid of a mosquito.... Why ? Because our total focus is on our outer beauty, branded clothes, cosmetics, latest gadgets, and so on, while our body is getting weak and sick from inside. For any new and latest thing we buy we always try to go through it's user's manual. Having the most complicated machinery on earth - OUR BODY, have we ever tried to go through it's user's manual and understand how it functions ? No, because this we have totally left it on an outsider - a DOCTOR.
When a sperm and an ova jointly starts a small life, then this small baby in mother's womb is made of 96% water. In the amniotic fluid in which this baby swims for 9 months has a consistency is just like sea water. When this baby is born, then it's made up of 80% water. The same baby when turns an adult then it's made up of 70% water. When at the old age when the same life is going to depart, then the same body has just 50% water.
So, why is this water in our body getting lesser and lesser as we age ?
Let us understand the reason for this. There are few laws of this universe - "As outside, so inside" , "As above, so below". Therefore to understand the volume of water inside our body, we have to see water volume that's outside our body. Outside, water is in form of ocean, river, and lakes. Similarly, in our body the water content in our cells has the consistency similar to a river water, but the water that is in between our cells where our nervous system works has the consistency similar to ocean water. Also, we have some stagnant water in our body that like pond or lake water. This water which is stagnant slowly like in a pond gathers moss and starts to smell, this is the root cause of our ailments. If we can correct the water balance in our body, then we can take care of most of our diseases or ailments.
The muscles that we have in our body consists of 75% water, our brain has 85% water, our blood has 82% water, lungs have 90% water, even our bones consists of 28% water. So, to do our body's physiological process like - formation of urine, sweating, food digestion, even during our respiration process we lose about one to one and a half litre of water daily.
Now, if some one asks, how much water should we drink daily ? In our physiological process we lose daily nearly 2 to two and a half litre of water, so minimum we should at least drink 2 to two and a half litre of water. Over and above, if we do any physical exercise, dancing, trekking, or work in the sun, then we need to keep our body hydrated with extra litres required. If our body has any water crisis then it is known as dehydration. That is, we start turning into resins from grapes, or move towards ageing.
The most simple way to check about your body is getting dehydrated, or needs water, is by just observing the colour of your urine. If your urine is colourless then it's an indication that your body is completely hydrated. If it turns into a yellowish tinge then it's a symptom of your body starting to get dehydrated. If the urine colour turns dark yellow or orangish then it is an indication of severe dehydration.
Now we will discuss, if the body is severely dehydrated , then how it will manifest various diseases.
Our brain is the most intelligent organ of our body, and it can not function without water. When it gets dehydrated then it starts stealing water from some part or the other. Overall, the least important organ of our body is our muscles, so our brain starts stealing water from our muscles. As a result we start feeling general weakness and muscular cramps. Still, if there is shortage of water, then brain targets the next organ that is stomach. As during digestion a lot of water is required, so our stomach has good amount of water, now our brain starts sending signals for less water supply to stomach . As a result, due to less water in stomach there is improper digestion process giving rise to acidity. When this gas from our stomach reaches our brain then we call this migraine . When this gas reaches our heart, we call it heartburn and get symptoms of bloating.
But, our body is very magical, for minimum 15 to 20 years it compensates these symptoms, off and on we get these symptoms in our life which I bet most of you must have managed with lots of antacid tablets and liquids. But we fail to realise that our body has water scarcity, as a result water starts drying in the lower digestive tracks, first the lower intestine starts to dry-up then the larger intestine starts to dry. This will generate the next symptom - constipation. This pattern is same for each of us as our body physiology is the same.
If we still do not pay attention to adequate water intake, then our circulatory system starts getting effected. This will result in slow drying up of veins in our hands and legs, then one gets cold feet and hands . Our blood veins get thinner and our blood becomes thick because of scarcity of water in our body. Our heart has to pump more to transport this thick blood to various parts of our body, as a result our blood pressure shoots up automatically. To tackle this high BP issue you will run to your doctor who will do check-up and declare you a Hypertension patient , prescribing you a pill that you have to pop-in for life.
If still we fail to be in our senses and go on drinking inadequate water, then the next organ that gets effected is our respiratory system. During our exhalation there is good amount of water loss. When brain needs water then it signals our respiratory system to exchange less air by reducing the surface area of our lungs, resulting in mucus secretion in our lungs which makes us feel breathlessness . An advice - anyone who gets an asthma attack, if he keeps one forth teaspoon of salt on his tongue and drinks 2-3 glasses of water then he would not require any inhaler.
As your BP is high, your doctor will advice you to stop consumption of salt. Now see what happens as we stop intake of salt - the water inside our cell is like river water, while the water that is outside our cell is like ocean water, now both the types of water will become same like river water. As a result the osmotic process of our body ends and the water now starts seeping into our tissues giving rise to swelling in legs , swelling in lower abdomen and chest. Our body PH starts falling and becomes acidic. This falling in PH level happens at the cellular level, sodium is inside the cell and potassium is outside the cell and there is an exchange between them happens, now when salt intake has been stopped the potassium level starts rising because it looks for sodium for exchange, as a result we move a step towards dialysis. When it's acidic medium then it becomes a breeding ground for microbes, as a result chances of being infected by secondary infections rises.
The last organ that gets effected by scarcity of water is our brain. Due to scarcity of water in our body, our brain has no option but to lay down it's arms, then we first get into anxiety and depression , and then other types of nervous diseases like alzheimer's, parkinson's, etc.
There is big myth, we think the coconut water that we drink, or the tea and coffee we have, fulfils our water requirement. This is totally wrong, all these type of liquids we take also need water for digestion. Remember, no fluid can replace water, this is a rule.
Now, lets try to understand when should we drink water ?
If we understand our body and try to talk to our body then our body will tell you by itself when it requires water. In addition to this, when we sleep at night in our body all the repair and maintenance process takes place. This repair and maintenance requires good amount of water, therefore when you get up in the morning drink at least 2-3 glasses of water. Half an hour before your intake of food and after one and a half to two hours of you have eaten your food drink water. If you drink water while eating then the heat that is generated in our stomach for digestion gets effected as water cools this process resulting in indigestion and call for related other diseases.
What type of water should we drink ?
We know that water is of 3 states - solid, liquid & gas. But there is one form which is in between solid and liquid state, which is like consistency gel, known as structured water. Structured water means organised water without microbes. To make this structured water what type of raw material we should take - should we take RO water, or Aquaguard water, or bore-well, or tap water ? We should take water with TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) between 100 - 300. The best is to take tap water and make it a standing water, or to store this water in a pot for about 24 hours. Now how to convert this standing water into structured water ? We can use copper or silver plates or small bars to make structured water. The outer shell of copper plate contains free electrons, these electrons kills the microbes, now your standing water becomes microbe free, thus becoming structured water.
Spring water is even better than structured water, in addition being structured water, spring water also has vitality, it has movement, when water has movement then it has lots of energy. Without movement it is like structured water which will not give you that energy.
If you are using steel bottles, then dip a copper plate in it. These copper plates you can buy from Amazon online shopping. But never use copper bottles, because the opening of a copper bottle is very small, as a result cleaning inside is difficult. As we pore water in a copper bottle, it absorbs all the microbes, so daily cleaning with tamarind, or salt and lemon is very much necessary. Copper utensils should never be cleaned with any soap or detergent. Water from plastic bottles should always be avoided, it contains dead water as we do not know for how long it's stored in there, also when we consume water from a plastic bottle then certain amount of non biodegradable plastic gets in our system and sticks to our intestine.
In addition, scarcity of water in our body badly effects our skin quality due to dehydration, making it dry and invite many skin related issues like - patches of rough, scaly, itchy skin early wrinkles and sagging skin, as a result we start looking older than our actual age. Lack of water can cause skin to lose it's plumpness and elasticity. Water even helps reduce acne and other skin problems by flushing harmful toxins from the body. Drinking adequate water daily is the most effective treatment for mild cases of dehydration.
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A must-read for anyone seeking a healthier and happier lifestyle.
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