
Saturday, February 20, 2021




Food can be consumed in various ways but it helps you survive and thrive only when it is consumed mostly in raw form.  As per Yogis, to remain healthy and fit a person should include at least 40%-50% of raw food in his diet.

Have you ever thought about which is that one food that has all the qualities of a SUPER-FOOD !

No ?

Let me tell you that it is GROUNDNUT - BANANA shake. Groundnut has terrific health benefits, which doubles when it is consumed with banana. This is one of the most amazing Pranic food (Pranic is a Yogic term for vital energy in the body, food that helps this energy to increase) which can keep you energetic the whole day. This food is considered one of the most potent food. This food has miraculous and amazing benefits. In this blog I will explain the benefits of the most powerful food in the world.

Food means many things to many people, but essentially for the body it is a FUEL. If you put the right kind of fuel , it will be ON in a certain way, if you put the wrong kind of fuel , it will somehow manage.

I am not telling you eat this way , eat that way, just experiment and see . Tonight if you instead of eating whatever food is cooked, just eat fruits and see how tomorrow morning you will not need an alarm bell, you will wake-up before the bell rings. Your eyes will not sticking , you wake-up and instantly you are bright and alert. People do not know what it means to be absolute ease within their body , unfortunately 95% of people do not know this. This is only because you have been putting in wrong kind of fuel , with right kind of fuel you can keep this body like a breeze , simply it goes ahead of you , you do not have to drag it where ever  you go, it must float ahead of you. 

Of all the things , the GROUNDNUT,  it has everything you need - 6.1 grams of carbs, 166 calories, 6.7 grams of protein, 2,3 grams of fibre , 14.1 grams of fat. Just soak one hand-full of groundnut over night and one banana , your entire day would go , perfectly active , more active than most of the people will ever imagine. It has everything to sustain you, proteins, healthy fats, dietary fibre, it is a complete food by itself. If you soak it for 6-8 hours it takes away certain aspects which are called as PITTA . Allopathic doctors don't look at it , but the AYURVEDA is based on this - USHNA (heat), SHEETA (coldness) & PITTA (excess generation of heat in the body, acid reflux, gas,indigestion,inflammation of the joints).

Taking this soaked groundnut, chew it well and eating , make sure it's not some genetically engineered groundnut. One thing is, it could be genetically modified, another thing is you are pumping in fertilisers and pesticides to such an extent that the groundnut is no more a groundnut . Just make sure it is more organic thing .

If you want a breakfast, you want a recipe - take a hand-full of groundnut, soak it in water for 6-8 hours, put it in a mixie, if you want to add some fruit then add a banana (banana goes well with it) or also any other fruit of your choice,  may add about one tea spoon of honey & little water , then mix for 2 minutes  & you have excellent breakfast ready. If you want it little watery, put little more water to it and drink it up. If you want it like porridge then make it thick and eat. You will see that it will keep you for 4-5 hours and is highly nutritious. 


Groundnuts are the most common and affordable nuts used extensively in Indian cuisine . Also known as PEANUTS & MONKEY NUTS , they belong to the family of legumes but possess all the properties similar to nuts.

If you are diabetic, snack on fistful of  groundnuts to deal with your hunger pangs and for instant energy. These nuts are rich in protein, monosaturated fat, and other essential nutrients such as biotin, copper, magnesium, phosphorus and vitamin E.

Evidence reveals that regular intake of groundnuts is beneficial in losing weight and lowering the risk of cardiovascular diseases.


Groundnuts are one of the preferred choices of nuts for all diet watchers. Though high on calories and fat , groundnut does not contribute to weight gain. It serve as an ideal snack that can keep your hunger pangs under control and prevent you from overeating. The richness of protein and monosaturated fatty acids in groundnuts boost metabolism and increases energy expenditure.


The heart healthy nutrients in peanuts such as magnesium, copper, niacin , oleic acid, and antioxidant resveratrol help in maintaining heart health, lowering cholesterol and by reducing the risk of  heart diseases. In addition, the antioxidant resveratrol in groundnuts prevents stroke by increasing  the production of nitric oxide.


Groundnuts are a good choice of nuts to lower the risk of gallstones in both men and women. Evidence proves that the lipid-lowering effects of groundnuts are beneficial in preventing the formation of gallstones. All you need to do is add about 30 grams of  groundnuts every week to lower risk of gall stone formation by 25%.


The host of plant compounds in peanuts such as P-Coumaric acid and resveratrol have the potential to lower the risk of cancer by reducing the formation of cancerogenic nitrous amines. Studies in particular have shown that regular intake of peanuts lower the risk of stomach and colon cancer.


The goodness of vitamin E and other essential minerals in groundnuts help in maintaining the integrity of the cell membrane and guards the skin against free radical damage. The anti-inflammatory properties of peanuts treat skin condition like psoriasis and eczema. regular intake of groundnuts makes your skin glow naturally and combat bacteria causing acne.

If you are new reading my Blogs,  and you enjoy these kind of health & fitness information, please make sure that you FOLLOW my Blog Page, so that I can keep such contents coming your way and most importantly  please do share this blog among all your loved ones, as this information is about improving your's and everyone's health , saving lives, improving function, so that we can have a fit, joyful & a quality life as long as we live , and everyone needs that. 

Thanks for reading my Blog.


  1. Easy and quick breakfast recipe with lots of benefits.

  2. Excelente posibilidad de cuidar nuestra salud,y estar sano y muy activo, gracias

  3. Excelente posibilidad de cuidar nuestra salud,y estar sano y muy activo, gracias
