
Friday, January 1, 2021




By now we all know that IMMUNITY has never been more important than it is right now. How much power you have over the strength of your immune system when a wave of infectious disease  sweeps around the world, your diet and life style could make all the difference between falling prey to it or thriving, it all starts with knowing what NOT TO EAT.

Every one has a immune system, but in different people it works differently , it is your over all capacity or ability to defend yourself against foreign invaders , it is not a one single system, it is every part of your body, the strength and energy all working together. 

All the Pathogens are opportunistic, pathogen is something that can cause disease , opportunistic means they take advantage of any kind of weakness , if your armour isn't up to speed then they will break through and going to take advantage of that. Yeast, Fungus, Bacteria, Parasites, Virus (Corona, Flu,....) or any sort of foreign invader. It does not mater what any of these pathogens are, they all are trying to find a weakness & take advantage of it. So , our job is to take care of the body , strengthen it and give it all the resources.

First of all we want to give a support - Food - essential nutrients, building blocks , proper Rest- for recovery ,  state of Peace because that is the only time your immune system will work properly. Then we want to cut back on Interference, we want to reduce the things that make it harder for the body to put it's energy at defending itself. Here we are actually indicating about STRESS - emotional stress , physical stress or anything in life for which you have to expend energy to deal with, and TOXINS. Food falls in two categories - either something to support you or acts as an Interference.

If we look at the average  FATALITY RATE - people over the age of 80 have a fatality rate of about 15%, if we go down to people 10 years younger then it will drop under 5%, and those under 60 the fatality rate is close to 0%. So, what we understand from these statistics is that those under 60 have a survival rate of 39-111 times better , the difference is your IMMUNE SYSTEM. It is the same pathogen but it is about the different level of defence . 

When we talk about % , then we are talking about statistical population , but when it comes to you or an individual , then you decide where you fit, because there are lot of 80,90 and even 100 yr old who survived & their survival rate was about 100%. So, never look at statistics they will scare you , but understand what you can do about it.


Every time we are dealing with anything unknown and people are dyeing , we are in lot of fear. We do not want to trivialize this, we want to get over irrational fear. You should understand what the real risks are and what you can do to protect yourself . It is not about age , as mentioned earlier lot of people over 80,90, 100 have been infected and survived the CORONA virus. We should respect others , how they chose and you chose to conduct once life , but most of all start understanding and start influencing the power you have over your immune system. 


 Age is often sited as number one risk factor in disease, whether it is CORONA or flu, the elderly die the most. What is that about age that makes you susceptible. Ageing people are more prone to degeneration , they have lived long and have more time to degenerate , but some old people are not very degenerated, they have brain shrinkage, nutritional deficiencies because with age , with degeneration they reduced the production of Hydrochloric acid and digestive enzymes, now the food they eat they are absorbing fewer % of the nutrients, from the food they eat - getting nutrition deficiency.  Their metabolism slows down , their ability to repair and recover and make immune cells go down. But most of all the older people get is more DRUGS , as per an USA health journal - on an average 65 year old in US is on over  half a dozen drugs & drugs interfere and suppress function in the body , though they treat the symptom but make you less healthy.


Also known as metabolic syndrome - insulin resistance , diabetes, high blood pressure , obesity, & so on. What these have in common are they are insulin resistance. High chronic level of insulin do is they cause a certain congestion  , there is an imbalance between what you put in your body & what you burn and get rid of. With insulin there is too much storage & you don't keep up with the elimination phase and now you get congestion & toxicity . Insulin resistance is also associated to inflammation & oxidative stress . 

The real risk factors are not age or metabolic syndrome , the actual risk factors are degeneration, brain shrinkage, nutritional deficiencies, insulin resistance and all these different items make them up , and all of these things are those that you can influence.


We will ask two questions about food -

A. What does it provide ?

As we want to support our body , so need to give it essential nutrients , amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins & minerals etc. Does your food provide any of that ?

B. Does it interfere ? 

Does our food have anything that makes it harder that creates inflammation or insulin resistance or any of those things ?

Here are the 10 foods or categories of food in reverse order :

10. Anything in excess is a burden , 

This could be alcohol , a tea spoon of alcohol is not a toxin, but a cup of alcohol is a toxin, it is more than a liver can process in a day, depletes you of nutrients and puts enormous stress on your liver. 

Meat, there is nothing wrong with meat, but if you have trouble digesting it , if your digestive track can only process so much in a given time , then more than that amount is a burden. It doesn't matter what you eat , may it be alcohol, meat , vegetables. If you have a hard time tolerating raw vegetables then that's a burden, it unbalances something in you if you do not tolerate well. If you have problem with raw vegetables then cook them , there are some people who do great on raw vegetables , there are some who can't. 

Also, huge meals - if your digestive track has a limited capacity to process food at any given time , then a huge meal can be a big burden.

9. Anything you are sensitive to is a problem ,

there is a saying - "one man's food is another man's poison", if any food is good for me does not mean it is good for you also.

Also, get over the notion that "Supposed to" be good for you, we hear this so often. If it is reacting with your body or has a sensitivity to that food , it causes inflammation then it is a poison for you. Some common items are like - shrimps, dairy products, peanuts, corn, soy,... and modern wheat specially .

8. Dairy , 

it is so common that very few people can tolerate it well, but it makes a difference by what type it is - the reason many can not tolerate is because it is pasteurised and homogenised , that is- it's harshly processed , they changed it from its original form. But if you ferment it - now you are bringing back some of those enzymes & some of those bacteria that help you digest , that help to contribute to the digestive track. Also, high fat is better, if you eat something like butter , it has lot of good fat and the protein that are the problem are only in fraction of that. Still if you are sensitive , you can have clarified butter or Ghee. You can have curd- sour cream , yogurt of good quality , not the sugary & flavoured kind . Avoid regular milk and skimmed milk, they cause a whole lot of problems than people realise.

7. Avoid Plant Oils ,

also called vegetable oils . These has been sold for the last 50 years as healthy , but they are the opposite - they are made from the seed , grain and beans , lagoons , they are very inflammatory because they are high in omega sixes which again is a not a bad thing in itself but when we are supposed to get a 1:1 ratio and get a 20:1 ratio then it is pro inflammatory. Because how they are processed they become toxic , a lot of these don't have a lot of fat in them so have to apply lots of pressure , heat and strong chemical like solvent to extract the oil from them as a result they become very toxic. Also because of the processing they are empty calories , nothing left in this food that your body needs , no essential nutrients , no vitamins, no minerals , it's as bland as sugar , exceptions are coconut oil and extra virgin olive oil, because they are high in fat so do not take much heat, or pressure , no chemicals or solvent , you just squeeze them a little bit and out comes the oil. Further more , coconut oil is saturated which is very stable and extra virgin olive oil is mono unsaturated also very stable. So, they will stay fresh for weeks and months without refrigeration . So, these two are excellent alternatives and also have some nutrients.


 Now we get all of the bad stuff from plant oil plus it is partially hydrogenated , that means they have taken the plant oil harshly processed and devoid of any nutrients and nuke it with hydrogen and thus change the chemical composition from liquid to a solid , but in the process they create the molecule that has never ever being created in nature before , it is completely foreign and don't have the enzymes , we don't have the machinery to deal with this in our body , it is a poison, a toxin. 

5. Chemical additive ,

avoid chemical additives, also known as poison , these are added to food to make it so unattractive to living things, that not even moles wants it, not even bacteria , not even fungus want it . These poisons are labelled as "GRAS" (Generally Regarded As Safe) , they have been approved by experts , may be these are the same experts who told us Margarine and vegetable oils are safe things . They only see "This much wont kill you" , but there is no amount that's natural to human body , it harms in the long run.

4. Artificial Sweeteners ,

the Aspartame, the Saccharine and the Sucralose . If you check the fine print on the package you will find written  Acesulfame Potassium (ACE-K) , all of these are pesticides , they were in the process of developing Neurotoxins to kill little bugs , when they found out that these could taste sweet , then they modified a little bit and turned them into artificial sweeteners . Even if you don't die from it, but do you think your immune system likes it, I would suggest you avoid it. This artificial sweetener is only good for as an ant killer. 

3. Grain,

the reason being it's starch , 80% by weight in most grains is starch which is another form of glucose , within minutes it's starts breaking down to glucose, being absorbed in your blood stream and raising blood glucose and insulin and driving metabolic syndrome . Also, grain is a very common allergen, one in particular is modern wheat . The ancient wheat is not so bad, they grow the modern wheat with Glyphosate which is the pesticide and it is hybridised . 

2. Processed Food ,

these wrecks your immune system , as it has preservatives, flavourings that has chemicals that stimulates your taste buds. When they process it they remove all of the actual flavour from the food and then they trick you in eating it by putting back addictive chemicals that trick your brain making you think that there is actually some flavour here. It contains sugar, very frequently which is a drug and are depleted, there is nothing left in these processed food that your body needs - essential amino acids, essential fatty acids , vitamins , minerals, etc. They add in some synthetic vitamins to make it look that it has nutrients , which is pretty garbage. The basic problem is we don't understand what food is. Every other species on the planet eat food which either directly  grew from the planet or eat something that ate something that grew on the planet, this is the circle of life. But, in the last 50 years humans have changed into eating processed food, this is not FOOD, of course you can survive on it for months or years or decades you can not thrive and strengthen your body. 

1. Sugar ,

this is the number one thing to avoid to improve your immune system . The worst thing about sugar is that it contains Fructose , and fructose directly interferes with your immune system , it interferes virtually with every metabolic reaction in the body , but specially liver , it clogs up the liver, it is a liver poison. It effects in the same way as alcohol , but its disguised  because every one knows to avoid alcohol , but go on feeding these processed food. We do not give alcohol to kids but give them processed food. Foods like high fructose corn syrup has 55% fructose , sugar has 50% fructose , dried fruits have 15-35% fructose , while fresh fruit has just 3-8% fructose. 

If you are healthy and have a super clean liver which is rare and don't have insulin resistance then you can probably eat a fruit or two several times a week and you will be still fine . But if you have insulin resistance , if you are obese , you have fatty liver then you have most likely ruined your carbohydrate tolerance , you can not deal with these any more. You have to be much more strict to reverse the process towards a clean liver.

You must have seen all the campaigns during a pandemic - may it be CORONA or flu , there is so much talk about how to protect yourself during a pandemic , but there is never any talk about how to change your immune system , here is where you can change your risk by reducing it by 100 times .

How to reduce risk by 100 times :

1. Cut Sugar & all of the foods we mentioned above.

2. Eat Real Food ,

food that do not take you  to insulin resistance. You don't need special foods for the insulin resistance diet. In a nutshell, eat less unhealthy fat, sugar, meats, and processed starches , and more vegetables, fruits, whole grains, fish, and lean poultry. 

3. Exercise ,

not only physical exercise , but also breathing exercise , it activates the body, stimulates the brain , improves circulation , it is an excellent way to strengthen your immune system.

4. Sleep, 

get enough quality sleep, because when you are sleeping you are allowing your body to reset, allowing your nervous system to calm down ,putting your body into a healing state . Without adequate sleep if you are living with a continuous stress then you will not allow your immune system to do what it does.

5. Meditation ,

this is something that lot of people know is good but seldom try it thinking it to be too hard . Please take this seriously and learn how to meditate . There is no other way that you can do, that can have a greater impact on your quality of life, immune system, on your health , on your vitality, your joy . Meditation is more than just relaxing , this is about rewriting your whole genetic expression, it is about rewiring your nervous system where it functions better automatic.  

Would highly appreciate your valued views & suggestions on this blog, in the comment section below.

Do read my Blog dated, 6th. Dec, 2020 : 



  1. Nice blog,I eat sweets daily but after read your blog avoid sweets basis basis.Thanks for this knowledge.

  2. Thanks for liking this Blog. Appreciate your comment.

  3. Love this post..Very informative and breaks lot of myths.

  4. Thanks Abhay for liking the blog.


  5. Parth, I'm your classmate Harpreet's elder sister's husband. I'm interested in the subject and would like to connect. Please share your email

    1. Hi ! Paramjit,
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