
Sunday, December 6, 2020



Considering the general health condition of a considerable portion of world population especially those living in cities , irrespective of their age,  people in some way or the other get easily effected by change of season , pollution , various type of viruses / infections , become allergy prone with frequent cough & cold issues, have respiratory problem & get into other health issues, mainly due to poor IMMUNE SYSTEM . 

Especially in this present pandemic situation , this POWERFUL BREATHING technique will boost your LUNG CAPACITY and IMMUNITY. This technique is a "must do" for those who are exposed like POLICE,  DOCTORS,  HEALTH WORKERS , ESSENTIAL SERVICE WORKERS, & those who are in frequent actual dealings with general public.

This is a simple practice , this is not relevant to people who are doing some other powerful breathing process like- SHAKTI CHALANKRIYA, it is not necessary for them to do this. But, those of you who do not know any powerful process , this will help , it will enhance your lung capacity & it will enhance your immunity and above all  if you can do it today and can do it for next five days and suddenly one day you are not able to do it , this means definitely you got some respiratory problem, it may not be this particular WUHAN VIRUS  but it could be anything else, it doesn't matter what it is, you should have yourself checked. 

What it involves is that - ensure that your stomach is not too full, you must be some what hungry , even if you are not totally empty stomach.  You have to sit in a cross legged posture  whichever way you can, what ever your body permits and then use both the arms to push it up in such a way that your rib cage lifts off the diaphragm region fully pushed up, and now you have to fully stretch your tongue out with your mouth fully open and then breath as powerfully as possible without jerking the abdomen , but powerful pushing in and pushing out both INHALATION & EXHALATION 21 times, and when it is done then you role up your tongue upward, push it as further back you can , do not use your hands, and still with your mouth open again breath the same way - INHALATION & EXHALATION as powerfully as possible, but must get the sound by making a constriction in your throat (see demo video). The sound must be there,  it is important that you form a constriction at throat , at the pit of the throat & make the sound fully inhaling & fully exhaling as powerfully as you can, but without jerking the abdomen another 21 times with tongue rolled up. After this is done , then close your mouth & INHALE fully through your nose and simply sit there with the fullness of  breath for one minute, then exhale through your nose with your mouth closed making a sound at the pit of the throat by creating a constriction and then sit quietly for sometime with your eyes closed & do normal breathing, then you can do your normal work.  

If you are beyond a certain age or your breathing is not that good then hold breath for at least 30 seconds. If you are not able to do 1 minute, a minimum of 30 seconds you stay there. When the day you are not being able to do it you must understand there is some problem with your respiratory system & you must go for a check up. 

This is a simple practise that anybody could do. Please click on the link below 👇 for the DEMONSTRATION video :

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