
Sunday, November 8, 2020




It is recommended that we drink 3 to 4 litres of water daily. Should you force yourself to drink water even if you are not feeling thirsty ?


If you don't feel thirsty & you do not drink water, nothing is going to happen, you will be fine. It is only when especially in a cold climate you are carrying a plastic bottle and continuously sipping water from it, because the marketing machines had done this to you - that you should drink plenty of water. Excessive consumption of water especially if you have in small sips the body absorbs , as it absorbs then the sodium level that are very delicately balanced gets dropped, the rest of the body is also effected but may not be noticeable, but in the brain the sodium level dropping will lead to swelling of the brain , it is a kind of sickness, this swelling is due to lack of sodium & more water goes into the brain trying to supply the sodium to keep the balance, so more water into the brain means you will slosh. When you have water at one go then body will decide how much to absorb and how much to throw out, but if you keep sipping throughout the day then body kind of gets deceived & tends to absorb more water than it should. Say, right now you drink 2 liters of water, all of it will not go into the system, what is needed it will take & rest will be shunted out. No body need to drink water because you think it is a good thing to do, when you feel thirst then you should drink water and just to ensure you drink enough , drink 10% more then what you actually need, couple of gulps more just to ensure you don't drink less.


At the same time when you need water you are thirsty & you do not drink then it will cause damage to your system. If every body drinks good water in sufficient quantity then 50% of the heart attacks will come down. The damage to the heart is immense if the water that is needed is not there in the system. But when I say water , it is not just drinking liquid water, you must eat high water content foods, if you eat a fruit it is 90% water , vegetable and other things are about 70% water. Minimum 70% water must be there in the food that you eat. That is why vegetables & fruits must be part of your diet. When ever there is indication of thirst then you must drink water. Body has its own way when it indicates that it needs water then you should give water within 20 minutes or at the most half an hour in substantial quantity, if then take enough water then body will choose how much to take and how much to reject.



  1. Good medical point of view which generally we do not care about in our daily lives.

  2. Thanks for your appreciation, please follow my Blog.


  3. Please read my latest Blog : "DAILY WALKING OR JOGGING - CONFUSED ??
