
Monday, November 7, 2022



From the day we are born till the day we crossover to the next dimension, each day of our life should be utilised to it's fullest, in a way that death never scares us.

The nature of life that we are as created by that Eternal Source, our possibilities are limitless as compared to any other life on this planet, that's why we are called HUMAN 'BEINGS', provided we realise our capabilities and move in that right direction. 

In fact, growing older is a privilege, although many of us fail to see it as such. However, your 50's are actually a great time to figure out what you want from life, and without the uncertainty that followed you a decade or two earlier, actually achieve it. Many find that their 50's are the perfect time to make some serious changes in their lives in pursuit of happiness, health, and overall well-being.

In most part of your active life you are too much engrossed in building career, family, fame, social status, money, property, and other materialistic possessions..... as if we are immortals, in this process have you ever thought how much time really we spent on yourself to enhance the life within you. Have you done anything to take a step towards the state of self realisation and try to be in a state of joyful and contribute to other living beings and mother nature. 

Considering the age of the Earth 4.543 billion years, we are just "Pop-ups'', just imagine how many like us have come and gone before us, and will after us. By our coming and going this Earth gets least effected. It is for us therefore, to enhance our this life form so that we are able to experience this short stay on this planet to it's optimum. 

The Life energy or the soul as some may term as, that keeps our body and mind active, or terms us as being alive, is having the same intensity as on the day we were born till the day it leaves the body. It is just our mind and body that loses it's intensity due to our own negligence and /or ignorance. We are a combination of three things - The BODY, The MIND, and The ENERGY (Prana). 

The basics of life, as myself had understood - always be in line with NATURE and follow a routine, simple living, never harm a life, try to make honest attempts to distance from EGO & DESIRE as much as possible, and focus strongly on physical conditioning, as it leads to mental stability, which helps you in  having clarity about this LIFE.

Seen many who give in when in there 50's or 60's, or whatever age they are in - "I am too old to start", or "At this age it's not possible for me start", thus you are putting limitations on yourself just because of a NUMBER, thus killing the possibility. 

The biggest issue is not just limiting yourself, but accepting these limits, accepting that.. beyond a certain age it's not just possible. This is a clear example of your MIND controlling YOU and your BODY, thus YOU have lost control over your MIND or surrendered to the limitations that your mind has created for you. Remember, your body is capable of doing anything, it's your mind you have to convince, and this is only possible when your mind takes instructions from you, not the other way.

Once you cross 50 years of age, chronologically you are over the hill, considering 85 years of life, but it's not what it's about, chronologically age means nothing. If you want to continue to be... be young then you should better preserve your physicality..... BODY + MIND + ENERGY, better start now, age do not mater at all. 

Though, by now my words must be sounding extraneous to the title, but these are necessary to create the launching pad for igniting the boosters.

There were activities that you used to do when you were 6, 8, & 10 years old that you can not do now. It does already happen in your teens and it gets worse through your 20's, and gets worse through your 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's, every age and day that you get older it all gets worse and you end up being a sycophant. Unless you continue to use few techniques. Also, It's your mind that you have to go on convincing and put under your control.

It's all about pushing yourself to the limit in all realms of physicality and mentality. It's not just about strength, but also about coordination, about conditioning, it's about balance, about mental ruggedness and toughness. It just takes few months of  very simple physical and mental conditioning with no extra cost, to reach a stage where you get yourself rejuvenated and thus make your later half of life more enjoyable and most exciting. You will then realise that age is just a mindset.

Firstly, you have to come out of the notion that fitness is just going to gym, handling dumbbells and barbells, brisk walking, jogging or doing cardio workout, there has to be a Mind-Muscle connection for development of a fit physique, at what ever age you may be in. 

Any exercise has to be targeted as per your motive / purpose of doing so - is it to reduce only body fat, or reducing fat and develop muscles, or for gaining strength, or improving only body flexibility, or gaining body endurance / stamina. There are techniques and types of exercises to accomplish your desired motive. Whatever technique you adopt, correct BREATHING process is most vital, a rigorous training without proper breathing will give no result. 

Breathing is the most vital process in our body to sustain this life in a healthy way - are you breathing in correct way, how does breathing effect your life span, how can you increase your lung capacity and improve your immunity, how can your general health drastically improve just by correct breathing process. This is nothing new, during the VEDIC period (1000 - 500 BC) our then scientists or "Rishis" as we call them, had already mentioned the techniques of BREATHING in various forms of PRANAYAMA . It would be enough for us to just understand that PRANAYAMA basically means breathing in more oxygen in to our lungs. By adopting such techniques in your daily routine will invariably take you towards a healthy and joyful life even at the later stage of your life.

A fit body, smooth movement of Prana (Energies / Breath), and steady and alert mind are the basic ingredients for MEDITATION. This is the reason, regular practice of Yoga / any form of physical workout and Pranayama are the prerequisites for MEDITATION. 

Meditation is not that simple a word as it seems. One can be some what meditative but can never do meditation - it's a certain quality. Meditation is not that can be learnt by paying money. If only the body, mind emotions and energy are brought to a certain level of preparedness, then only meditation will blossom within you. Meditation has to happen, it can not stop, similar to our breathing process. A flower blossoms only when the soil, sunlight, atmosphere around become conducive for it to blossom, it will never blossom if we sit and peal it. Similarly, if we just sit for meditation, it will not happen, it is not about going somewhere, it's home coming, it's getting back to it's original nature. Instead of being on the surface you are going back into the core, it can not be done, but we can make it happen. Meditation is a deep sense of unity with an object or activity.

It is most important to understand that proper mental fitness and smooth channelising of life energies are not possible if you are not physically fit. Also, on the other hand if you are not mentally fit (alert, steady, calm), and, fear, stress, anger, insecurity, jealousy frequently haunts you, then there are glands in our brain that releases certain type of hormones which effect adversely the new cells that are regularly being produced in our body, thus effecting our physical health in a very adverse way.

Our dependency and priorities always go on changing from the day we are born - during our schooling days, college days, career building days, during our professional life, during our family life and so on. If so, then when did you actually think about yourself as an individual life form - your body, mind and life energy. 

As you age, even if you are with all financial securities, a small fear creeps in, frustration bothers you, you start doubting people around you and get irritated and agitated fast, suddenly you find nothing going around as you expected. This is mainly because as you get older you have very less to do, you start spending more time in front of your TV with a glass of wine or a cigar becoming a couch potato, thinking unnecessarily about things that are no longer under your control, or engulfed in your mobile phone or live in your thoughts of past. A feeling of  "can do nothing more" or "can not do much at my this age" sets in, causing the release of negative hormones effecting your health and you actually start ageing faster - mentally and physically. Ultimately end up on a hospital bed with tubes inserted and needles pricked all over your ageing fragile body. Is this what you lived for ???? 

Most of us are under-worked (Physically) resulting in ill health. If we lived here on this planet about 100 years ago, physically we would be doing at least 30-40 times more activity of physical work. Only by using our body we can keep a good physical health. The more we use, the better it gets. If we sufficiently use our body, it has everything to create a health for itself. If we physically use our body as much as we should, then 80% of the ailments will disappear, the balance 20%  ie  10% due to food, and 10% due to Karmic and atmospheric reasons will remain.  

Health is not mine or your idea, we did not invent health, what we have created or invented is ill-health. Today's 20 year old can not do what 60 year old used to do 80-100 years ago - we are actually weakening humanity or degenerating humanity over a period of time. Medical science can enhance our life span to some extent, but can never make us fit and a naturally healthy being. We had just experienced what a small VIRUS has done to humans with poor health and weak immunity system.

Even a simple daily activity of walking or light jogging can bring a great change in you. Walking research is very clear, if you take 30-45 minutes walk or jog each day, your heart will be dramatically healthier. As you walk, your heart pumps in a nice and relaxed manner, circulating oxygen rich blood throughout your body. When your body is receiving this vital oxygen-rich blood and nutrients your body and tissues stay younger and healthier with improved immune system. The walking benefits are infinite. The need to walk is baked into our DNA. We are meant to eat and then move, and not eat and just sit on our butts. We are built to walk. Walking has no age limit, rather you should walk more as you age. Think of walking not as an exercise, but as daily base line movement.

Trekking in is a great activity, especially for those above 50, a trek can boost your metabolism for up to 12 hours after the trek. Trekking at least once a year for minimum 4-7 days can help you lose some amount of weight without doing much exercise in a gym. Additional benefits of trekking include strengthening your bones and improving your attention and memory. Specially when trekking in nature, research has shown 20% increase in attention and memory. Sunshine provide Vitamin D , breathing pure air calms nervous system, the different colours of nature during your trek phenomenally good for our overall physical and mental health. Age should not be an obstacle in your enthusiasm for venturing in mountains for trekking, just with some simple basic fitness and breathing training you can get into  your trekking shoes.

There is a huge misconception, most people talk about losing weight, eating better, better habits, etc, but they forget the number one reason for exercising, it is for the most important part of your body, your BRAIN. The real reason you should exercise is, especially as you cross 50 and step into the later half of your life when your general level of activity gets reduced, if you do not get regular movement, your brain will degenerate prematurely. Degenerative brain diseases include types of dimentia like Alzhemer's disease, Frontotemporal Dementia and Lew Body Dementia. 

You may be doing all the right things - eating low carbs, eating less frequently, switching from processed food to whole food, but the one thing you are not doing is regular EXERCISE. Exercise is not optional if you want to have optimum health. Enjoy more flexibility and a stronger body in your 50's or above by taking up Yoga or doing any for of regular exercise. Not only doing regular physical exercise great for limbering up stiff joints, it's also an ideal way to get those lean muscles you have always wanted. 

Better functioning of physical, mental and life energies is HEALTH or FITNESS, it's all about LIFE HAPPENING WELL.

The main objective of my this blog is, with whatever little experience myself  has gathered, learned and practised till now,  to make you aware and assist you to come out of  the mindset you had about ageing. Lets now bring a change in our life, still there is time, there is no age limit to learn, just start and take the first step towards making your life very positive, active, vibrant, romantic, exuberant, be adventurous like never before, with a fit body, calm and alert mind assisted with smooth flowing life energy within us.

Let us together step into a new world with a changed mindset about physical and mental fitness, where you become not a burden, but a pride of your family and the society, by setting an example for the younger generation. Just have to focus on yourself and experience life with a smile till your last day on this planet Earth - this is the cycle of nature, just accept it - nothing to worry... be joyful and LIVE LIFE AS IT IS.



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Wednesday, November 2, 2022

EVEREST BASE CAMP SOLO TREK - Preparation, Trekking Gears, Itinerary, & Cost.


EVEREST BASE CAMP SOLO TREK - Preparation, Trekking Gears, Itinerary, & Cost.

Among all the trekking destinations in Nepal, Everest Base Camp (EBC) is one of the most popular mountain destinations in the world. The Khumbu region, in Nepal, plays host to thousands of trekkers every year, and trekkers come from all over the world to enjoy magnificent views of the highest mountain on Earth, Mt. Everest (8848m) and it's neighbouring peaks. The natural beauty of the region inspires some beautiful photography, and the views along the rout, as well as at EBC itself, are just captivating. There are beautiful, century old monasteries to visit and the trek provides the opportunity to experience the unique culture of the Sherpa people. 

Trek to Everest Base Camp is an incredible journey for those whose dreams soar as high as the clouds around the majestic peak. This is really the adventure of a life time. Far from the madding crowd you can saturate your spirit with the natural beauty of the region, and stretch your endurance beyond what you thought was possible. EBC is one of the most iconic trekking adventure.

The traditional trekking route from Lukla to EBC is travelled by around 95% of all trekkers to EBC, and the round trip takes between 10 to 14 days. The trek to the base camp, which is at an elevation of 5,364 m, crosses suspension bridges that span huge chasms of thin air, past hidden Buddhist monasteries, and into the heart of the rugged Sherpa country.


Your physical fitness plays a factor in the perceived difficulty of this adventure. Though some classify this trek as an advanced level, but you may be glad to know that no technical training or mountaineering experience is required. With proper physical fitness your age won't mater at all in undertaking this trek.

It's always advisable to go for few treks before you plan for EBC. Walking / jogging is the most common and best way to prepare for Everest Base Camp trek. Do not try to do too much too soon. This may lead to fatigue or injury, take it slowly and gradually increase your training. Do proper warm-up and cool-down before and after exercise. 

Focus on your cardio endurance training, diet is also an important aspect - start taking diets that are rich in protein and carbohydrates. I would suggest, as a first timer start your training at least 6 months ahead of your trip, those who are into trekking may start 3 months before. Start with jogging or running for 1 -2 km, gradually may increase up to 5-10 km. If you are already into gym then that's great and will be an added advantage. Train your legs with squats, lunges, leg press, focus on your shoulder strength training also. If you are carrying your backpack during the trek then your shoulders have to be strong. Would suggest to go for weekend short treks near you, or go for long walks of 10-12 km with your backpack with load of min 10-12 kgs. You also need to focus on your mental strength by doing Yoga, meditation. 

One of the most important part of your preparation should be doing breathing exercises (Pranayama) like "VASHITA PRANAYAM" (Belly Breathing technique), Pressure breathing exercise, Breath Holding Technique,  and few other similar breathing techniques, as these breathing exercises not only enhances your lung capacity, but also improves your immune system. Such breathing exercises are of great help during high altitude treks. where air is thin and breathing is really difficult during long hours of trek. Also with ability to inhale good volume of air due to enhanced lung capacity, you will minimise the risk of Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS). It is always advisable to consult your doctor before planning and preparing for EBC trek.

Once you think you have done your preparation, it's time to check on your fitness level - you should be able to run or jog 5 km in 25-30 minutes, this is the bench mark. But do not get demotivated if you are not being able to cover it, its OK, keep on with your practice. You should also be able to climb 30-40 stair steps at one stretch, able to do 15-20 push-ups in one set, also should be able to do squats and lunges 2-3 sets of 15-20 reps per set. It's not mandatory to achieve exactly these numbers, your body type, physical fitness level, posture should be in a good position.

Remember, EBC is a difficult trek, there is a difference between a difficult trek and expedition. There are number of factors that make a trek difficult, moderate, or easy. Total distance to be covered in EBC trek is about 120 km, maximum altitude is 17598 ft., and if you attempt Kala-Pathar then the altitude will be 18517 ft. Your trekking distance will be minimum 7 km and up to 20 km in one day, trek duration min 4 hrs & maximum 9 hrs per day. There may be snow fall or snow storm on your trail, temperature may drop to minus 15 to minus 20 degrees celcius. Number of days you will be spending on this trek is about 14-15 days. All these factors take your trek into a difficult grade. 

AMS may be a major and serious factor in this trek, cause of Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS) is shortage of oxygen in the air, if not diagnosed in time then leads to high altitude cerebral edema, where water fills your lungs and you will not be able to breath and there will be swelling in the brain. Symptoms of AMS - headache, dizziness, tiredness, extreme fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea, shortness of breath, not able to sleep. AMS may start at 2500 m. (8200 ft.).

It can be prevented, but there is no medicine to cure AMS, only thing that you have to do is descend or take the patient to lower altitude as early as possible. Therefore it is recommended not to gain altitude of more than 500 mt. 1640 ft. in a day, should take a rest day for acclimatisation once you gain an altitude of 1968 ft to 2952 ft, spend one extra day at this altitude. 

Strictly you should not be smoking or taking alcohols in the mountains. On consultation with your doctor may take DIAMOX  48 hours before entering mountains as a preventive measure. DIAMOX  should not be taken when in the mountains or with AMS, there is no use of DIAMOX once you catch AMS. May take paracetamol if you get severe headache. Should drink sufficient water per day to keep you hydrated, it's very important to stay hydrated even in minus temperature, that is the key. Have Garlic soup during your EBC trek, this is a very good AMS preventive food, every Sherpa & guide recommends this. Take Garlic soup twice a day. Ever one or two hours of trek you can have one or two cloves. 

Always keep your head and feet covered, but unless compulsion due to chilled winds keep your head covered but ears open, because then our body will detect the surrounding air pressure and start acclimatising and start giving signals to our body to make necessary changes. If have headache, then try one litre water with one disprin tablet and monitor for one hour, if it is AMS then headache will not go, take decision very wisely, if after sleep you are comfortable then go for next destination, or else descend immediately. Remember that, every body is different and reacts differently under varied conditions, therefore it is always better to undertake few 14000 -16000 ft altitude trek before you go for EBC, just to check how your body responds at such high altitude.

To know in details about how to prepare, please read my Blog (dated 20th Sept. 2021) : "SIMPLE WAY TO TRAIN FOR YOUR UPCOMING TREKS - Fit To Trek@50 Series".


Your trekking gears can be divided into 5 sections :

1. Essential gears.

2. Clothing.

3. First aid kit.

4. Toiletries.

5. Electronic Gadgets.

1. Essential Gears : Sleeping bag, trekking pole, water bottles, trekking shoe, lighter or match box, head lamp with extra batteries, please note that lighters and match box are not allowed on flights, you have to purchase lighter or match box from Lukla and leave these at Lukla on your return, micro spikes, 60 - 65 litre ruck-sack, your day pack , day pack is nothing but your small back-pack.

Your trekking poles will cost around 750 - 800/- INR purchased online. Water bottles are most important, carry 2 numbers of one litre each - one metallic and one plastic, as the nights will be very cold therefore fill hot water in the metallic bottle and keep inside your sleeping bag, it will keep you warm. One litre warm or boiling water will cost you around 300 Nepali rupees at the tea houses where you will be staying. The other essential item is your trekking shoe, would recommend a water proof trekking shoe with high ankle and good grip,  I used Quechua trekking shoe which I bought from Decathlon for 5999/- INR. Next is Head torch or lamp which I bought from Amazon, it's not much expensive, costs about  300/- INR. The main essential trekking gear is your rug-sack or back-pack, I used Wildcraft 60 litre back-pack with in built rain cover and having excellent back support system, I got it online costing around  4400/- INR. Your day-pack should be about 25 - 40 litres.

2. Clothing : On Himalayan treks you should be having your proper clothing - warm layers, rain covers, etc., Quechua men's half zip NH100 which costs about 499/- INR is the one that i used as rain cover. I also bought Quechua men's waterproof hiking over trouser NH500 costing about 699/- INR. You should also carry woolen cap, sun cap which you can buy at Thamel(Kathmandu) for 300 Nepali Rupees, trekking pants which preferably should be water repellent, this also you can buy from Thamel for 1200 Nepali Rupees. I also carried a pair of quick dry track pant. For my entire trek I carried a pair of Trek pants. Also carried 4 pairs of Jockey sports socks of ankle size, two full size normal socks, a pair of thick woolen socks, these are very useful at night. Carried two pairs of thermals - upper & lower. You must also carry a flees jacket or light weight sweater. 

The next item is very very important - Down Jacket made of duck feathers, as it's very light and warm, also water repellent. Padded jackets can also be used, these are cheaper, but are heavy. I would recommend Duck feather down jacket. Wind cheater is also useful when it's very windy and chilly, but I used my rain cover or rain coat instead. I also carried 6 quick dry T-shirts - 1 full sleeve T-shirts with hoodie , 2 full sleeves T-shirts, and three half sleeves T-shirts. Carry Balaclava or neck warmers, a pair of micro-fibre towel or light weight multipurpose scarf. Hand gloves are also very important, can carry a pair of normal woolen hand gloves, and a pair of snow proof hand gloves with flees inners, which I bought from Thamel market. Over and above, should carry about 8 quick dry under-wears. 

3. First Aid Kit : You can carry glucose, water purification tablets, which are must. Medicines that you should carry  for emergency are - pain killers, muscle reluctant tablets/sprays, diarrhea tablets, paracetamol tablets, tablets in case of vomiting, waterproof band aids, bandage, Vaseline, body lotion, antiseptic lotion/cream, sun screen lotion/cream, cotton, crape bandage, a small scissor, sanitizer, dry cough syrup, strepsils/vicks tablets, antacid tablets. May also carry Diomax, but use only in case of emergency on consultation with a doctor.

4. Toiletries : Tooth brush, tooth paste, soap cream/paper, toilet paper rolls (it's very costly as you go up in the mountains), wet wipes as there will be less chances of getting showers on the trail, you may get it but, hot water will be very costly (400 - 600 Nepali Rupees).


5. Electronic Gadgets : Charging your electronic devices in your EBC trek is expensive, there is no electricity, Tea Houses depend on solar power. Cell-phone charging will cost you around 300 - 400 Nepali Rupees (NR), power-bank charging will cost on per hour basis at some Tea Houses, if you are carrying 20000 mh power bank then imagine how much will be the charging cost. Best is if you could carry a mini solar panel for charging your devices, this you can buy fro Amazon for 3500/- INR. It is always advisable to carry 2 nos of mobile phone chargers. If carrying camera then carry extra memory card and batteries, because EBC trek passes through such majestic landscapes that you will be compelled to take lot of pics. For EBC digital or off-line trail map is not required, this rout is well marked.

To know in details on Trekking Gears please read my blog my blog (dated 22nd Aug'21) - "TIPS FOR FIRST TIME TREKKERS - Fit To Trek@50 Series".


The recommended time to go for EBC trek is either before or after late-May to mid-September, the monsoon season. Late September-November, and February-May are the main trekking months with fairly stable conditions, good visibility and temperatures at Base Camp getting up to around minus 6 degrees celcius. 

Although late November-February are extremely cold, around minus 15 degree celcius by day and much colder at night, clear skies are usually the norm with quieter trails  and teahouses adding to the exhilarating feeling of wild and unadulterated isolation.

EBC trek can be completed in 14-15 days, there is other rout to reach EBC, but I followed the conventional rout which the trekking companies follow : 

1 - Kathmandu

2 - Lukla to Phakding

3 - Phakding to Namche Bazar

4 - Namche Bazar acclimatisation

5 - Namche Bazar to Tengoche

6 - Tengoche to Dengoche

7 - Dengoche acclimatisation

8 - Dengoche to Lobuche

9 - Lobuche to Gorakshep to EBC

10 - Kala-pathar to Gorakshep to Dingoche / Phariche

11 - Dingoche / Phariche to Namchi Bazar.

12 - Namche Bazar to Lukla

13 - Lukla to Kathmandu

DAY -1 :   Your journey begins in ancient Kathmandu, where you will acclimate and explore the city at your leisure while anticipating your ascent. You have to reach Kathmandu and stay one night. 

Day - 2 : Try to get early morning flight to Lukla. Lukla is situated at an altitude of 9393 ft. Have your breakfast at Lukla and get your tourist permit. Then start your trek to Phakding, you have to cover 9 Km which will take about 3-4 hours and reach an altitude of  8563 ft., the trail is decent and easy. Once you reach Phakding have your lunch there.

Day - 3 : This will be a tough day, Phakding to Namchi Bazar - have to cover 10 km for which it will take 7-8 hours.  From 8563 ft you have to trek to an altitude of 11290 ft, ie to Namche Bazar. On day 3 you have to get your Sagarmatha National Permit from Joshali village near Monjo. Start your trek from Phakding early in the morning after completing your breakfast, as reaching Namchi Bazar will be one of your toughest day on your EBC trek. You can have lunch at Monjo.

Day - 4  : This will be your acclimatisation day at Namchi Bazar. For acclimatisation, hike to Hotel Everest View, hike distance is 3-4 km, from an altitude of 11290 ft. to 12729 ft, it will take 4-5 hrs. Have your breakfast at the place where you are staying at Namche Bazar, take your 'day-pack' carrying water bottles, poncho, warm layers, first aid kit and trekking poles and start your hike to Hotel Everest View. It's not just acclimatisation hike, but you will be blessed with the first view of Mount Everest. On acclimatisation day you don't have to stay in your hotel room, you have to go at higher altitude and come back. Go high and sleep low - this is the rule of acclimatisation. You can come down at about 3 pm in the afternoon and explore Namche Bazar market. You have to spend two nights at Namche Bazar.


Day - 5 : Namche Bazar to Tengboche, trekking distance is 9.2 km, from an altitude of 11290 ft to 12700 ft, it will take about 7-8 hours of trekking. Have lunch at Kenjuma with a stunning view of Mount Ama-Dablam. The toughest section of day 5 will start after  Fungedengma suspension bridge, a deep ascend for about two and a half hour. 

Day - 6 : Tengboche to Dingboche, trekking distance is 10.8 km, from an altitude of 12700 ft to 14468 ft, it will take about 7-8 hours. Somari is the best place to have your lunch, it is also a good place to spend some time here, don't rush as you will be gaining some altitude.

Day - 7 : Acclimatisation day at Dingboche. You can get up bit late in the morning, then after breakfast get ready for the acclimatisation hike with your day-pack to the top  of Nagarjun hill (16668 ft). From top of the hill you can get a magnificent view of Mount Ama-Dablam and surrounding mountain range. Once you are back from your acclimatisation hike, have your lunch at where you are staying at Dingboche.

Day - 8 : Dingboche to Lobuche, trekking distance is 7 km, from an altitude of 14468 ft to 16210 ft, it will take about 7-8 hours. If your health is good with no symptoms of AMS, then you can continue. Initially the trail is little bit flat with gradual ascend till Dugla, you can take lunch and some rest at Dugla. After Dugla there is a steep ascend, once you cross the ascend you will be at the Dhukla pass where the Everest Memorial is situated, this is the memorial for the mountaineers who lost their lives in the Everest and other mountains during their expeditions. 

Day - 9 : This is the most awaited day, Lobuche to Gorakshep to EBC to Gorakshep, total trekking distance is 9 km, from an altitude of 16210 ft to 17598 ft, it will take about 7-8 hours. Once you reach Gorakshep (16942 ft) which is 3 km from Lobuche, take your room, keep your ruck-sack, have your lunch and take your day-pack to proceed towards EBC. From Gorakshep to EBC is 3 km trek, and will reach an altitude of 17598 ft at EBC. After spending some tome at EBC and taking few pics come back to Gorakshep before it gets dark. Spend night at Gorakshep.

Day - 10 : If you are planning for Kala-Pathar, then you have to wake-up at 3 am, and by 4 am start your trek for Kala-Pathar, which is at an altitude of 18519 ft. It will take two hours to reach Kala-Pathar, Once the sun rises spend some time at Kala-Pathar and come back to Gorakshep, have your breakfast and start your return trek. On day ten you have to reach Dingoche or Pheriche, trekkers usually prefer to stay at Pheriche, because it's bit lower in altitude. The total distance will be about 13 kms (Gorakshep to Kala-Pathar and to Gorakshep, then to Pheriche or Dingoche), from altitude of 17598 ft to 14340 ft, trekking time will be about 7-8 hours.


Day - 11 : If staying at Pheriche, get up early, have your breakfast and start your trek to Namche Bazar, on the way have your lunch at Tengboche, this is going to be another tough day where you have to cover about 20 km, it took 9 hours to reach Namche Bazar. 

Day - 12 : Last day of your actual trek. Namche Bazar to Lukla , trekking distance 19 km , from an altitude of 11290 ft to an altitude of 9393 ft, trekking time about 8-9 hours. Get up early in the morning, have your breakfast at Namche Bazar and start your descend . Take your lunch at Monjo or Pakding. From Pakding it will take 2-3 hours to Lukla. 

Day - 13 : You will be flying back from Lukla to Kathmandu. Try to get the first early morning flight, as there are chances of the weather getting bad during the later part of the day, weather is very unpredictable at Lukla and flight may get cancelled. That is the reason you should add extra one to two days to your itinerary. 


Day - 14 : After spending one night at Kathmandu, it's time to fly back to your home town with tons of trekking experience and magnificent Himalayan memories.


Everest Base Camp trek is bit expensive, compared to most Himalayan trekking destinations in India. The total cost can be summarised in 3 steps - 

a) Lukla to Everest Base Camp & EBC to Lukla will cost you around 35,000 - 40,000 INR. 

b) Kathmandu to Lukla & Lukla to Kathmandu round trip flight will cost you around 15,000 INR. 

c) Reaching to Kathmandu totally depends on where your home town is.

These 3 steps do not include your trekking gear cost. Trekking cost can be further divided into -

1. Trekking Permits - we require 2 permits, one from Lukla, ie Khumbu Pasang Lamu Rural Municipality tourist entrance fee which is 2000 NR, and the other is Sagarmatha National Park entry permit from Josale Village which will cost 1500 NR for Indians, but for non-SAARC country tourist it will cost 3000 NR. Documents required for permits are - your passport, Indians if not travelling by flights have to show only their Government IDs like Adhaar Card, Voter ID Card, PAN card, or Driving License. For Everest Region TIMS card (Trekker's Information Management System) is no longer required since 2020.

2. Food - The cost I mentioned before ie 35,000 - 40,000 INR is inclusive of food cost. If you calculate day wise expense, then it will be around 2000 -3500 NR per day. In general the staple Nepali menu of carb-heavy Dal-Bhaat will cost 350-550 NR, Bread with honey will cost 400-600 NR, black tea 100 NR, coffe 150 NR, Hot chocolate 400-500 NR.

3. Accommodation - when you are travelling from your country to Kathmandu, before travelling to Lukla you have to spend a day at Kathmandu, so have to consider that also. There are hotels and lodges of all budget tourists, myself had stayed at a hotel where the cost was 1500 IR for a day. You can book online before you reach Kathmandu. During your trek the accommodation cost will increase as you gain altitude, it will vary from min 200 to max 700 NR. 

All teahouses usually have a large dining hall where you can eat and relax with other trekkers. There is a fireplace in the centre of the dining hall designed for heating the entire room during dinner time.

All the cost mentioned of food & accommodation are as on 2021, it may vary  through years, so keep track on internet for latest cost updates.

4. Trekking gear cost - There are 4 main trekking gears that are expensive - Down jacket, Ruck sack, Sleeping bag, and Trekking Shoes. Wildcraft Down jacket normally costs around 4500 INR, Wildcraft 65 litre Ruck Sack cost around 4200 INR, Wildcraft sleeping bag which works till -10 degrees cost me around 4700 INR, Quechua trek 100 waterproof from Decathlon cost me about 5999 INR. All other trekking gears that myself carried have already been mentioned above under "ESSENTIAL GEARS".

5. Domestic Flights - Kathmandu to Lukla & Lukla to Kathmandu round trip will cost around 15000 INR, This cost is only for Indians, for non- SAARC country tourists it's higher. You can book this flight via websites of only Nepal airlines like - Buddha Airlines, Summit Airlines, Yeti Airlines, Tara Airlines, etc.. Please note that Indian Credit and Debit cards can not be used while booking flight ticket via these airlines websites. The best is to call the customer care of the airlines you intend to book your ticket, over phone they will book your ticket and send you ticket itenery via email from their official e-mail ID, On landing at Kathmandu, you have to go to their sales office and make the cash payment in Nepali Rupees.

Lukla is one of the most dangerous airport in the world, It's in a hilly region and weather is so unpredictable there, there are high chances of flight cancellation, so whenever you are travelling always keep min two spare days in hand.  


6. Travel & Trekking Insurance - there is a difference between travell and trekking insurance. Why we need Trekking insurance ? because high altitude mountain sickness, accidents and flight cancellations, are the 3 major risks at EBC trek. If you are planing to take trekking insurance for EBC make sure your policy covers emergency evacuation by helicopter till 6000 m. Premium depends on your age and number of days you are going to spend on EBC trek, it starts from 8500 INR, this trekking insurance is not mandatory for EBC trek, I did not opt for trekking insurance, myself had only normal travel insurance that cost me around 700 INR.

TREKKING AGENCY COST : In case you plan to go for EBC trek through a trekking agency, then you have to trek with a group of trekkers. The cost vary from agency to agency, for which you need to do a very thorough research on internet judging all pros & cons. There are no fixed rates , it may vary from 69999 - 80000 INR for Indians, and about 2000 - 4500 USD for other foreign nationals . The rates depend on the facilities you opt for. Please check what all are included and what all are excluded in their cost.


Reaching Everest Base Camp has become the goal of thousands of avid trekkers the world over. There is a sense of grandeur that comes with trekking through an area considered a Mecca for climbing and mountain enthusiasts.

Everest Base Camp trek is really a life time experience which every trekker should go for. With proper preparation, I would suggest every human irrespective of their age should experience this Himalayan trek at least once. This trek will open up a new window for you, and you will start experiencing life as it really is. The energy level at the Himalayas are so high that it rejuvenates your body and mind entirely, your approach towards all living beings and nature will completely change. The majestic mountains around you will make you feel just a spec on this earth and will humble you down.

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