From the day we are born till the day we crossover to the next dimension, each day of our life should be utilised to it's fullest, in a way that death never scares us.
The nature of life that we are as created by that Eternal Source, our possibilities are limitless as compared to any other life on this planet, that's why we are called HUMAN 'BEINGS', provided we realise our capabilities and move in that right direction.
In fact, growing older is a privilege, although many of us fail to see it as such. However, your 50's are actually a great time to figure out what you want from life, and without the uncertainty that followed you a decade or two earlier, actually achieve it. Many find that their 50's are the perfect time to make some serious changes in their lives in pursuit of happiness, health, and overall well-being.
In most part of your active life you are too much engrossed in building career, family, fame, social status, money, property, and other materialistic possessions..... as if we are immortals, in this process have you ever thought how much time really we spent on yourself to enhance the life within you. Have you done anything to take a step towards the state of self realisation and try to be in a state of joyful and contribute to other living beings and mother nature.
Considering the age of the Earth 4.543 billion years, we are just "Pop-ups'', just imagine how many like us have come and gone before us, and will after us. By our coming and going this Earth gets least effected. It is for us therefore, to enhance our this life form so that we are able to experience this short stay on this planet to it's optimum.
The Life energy or the soul as some may term as, that keeps our body and mind active, or terms us as being alive, is having the same intensity as on the day we were born till the day it leaves the body. It is just our mind and body that loses it's intensity due to our own negligence and /or ignorance. We are a combination of three things - The BODY, The MIND, and The ENERGY (Prana).
The basics of life, as myself had understood - always be in line with NATURE and follow a routine, simple living, never harm a life, try to make honest attempts to distance from EGO & DESIRE as much as possible, and focus strongly on physical conditioning, as it leads to mental stability, which helps you in having clarity about this LIFE.
Seen many who give in when in there 50's or 60's, or whatever age they are in - "I am too old to start", or "At this age it's not possible for me start", thus you are putting limitations on yourself just because of a NUMBER, thus killing the possibility.
The biggest issue is not just limiting yourself, but accepting these limits, accepting that.. beyond a certain age it's not just possible. This is a clear example of your MIND controlling YOU and your BODY, thus YOU have lost control over your MIND or surrendered to the limitations that your mind has created for you. Remember, your body is capable of doing anything, it's your mind you have to convince, and this is only possible when your mind takes instructions from you, not the other way.
Once you cross 50 years of age, chronologically you are over the hill, considering 85 years of life, but it's not what it's about, chronologically age means nothing. If you want to continue to be... be young then you should better preserve your physicality..... BODY + MIND + ENERGY, better start now, age do not mater at all.
Though, by now my words must be sounding extraneous to the title, but these are necessary to create the launching pad for igniting the boosters.
There were activities that you used to do when you were 6, 8, & 10 years old that you can not do now. It does already happen in your teens and it gets worse through your 20's, and gets worse through your 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's, every age and day that you get older it all gets worse and you end up being a sycophant. Unless you continue to use few techniques. Also, It's your mind that you have to go on convincing and put under your control.
It's all about pushing yourself to the limit in all realms of physicality and mentality. It's not just about strength, but also about coordination, about conditioning, it's about balance, about mental ruggedness and toughness. It just takes few months of very simple physical and mental conditioning with no extra cost, to reach a stage where you get yourself rejuvenated and thus make your later half of life more enjoyable and most exciting. You will then realise that age is just a mindset.
Firstly, you have to come out of the notion that fitness is just going to gym, handling dumbbells and barbells, brisk walking, jogging or doing cardio workout, there has to be a Mind-Muscle connection for development of a fit physique, at what ever age you may be in.
Any exercise has to be targeted as per your motive / purpose of doing so - is it to reduce only body fat, or reducing fat and develop muscles, or for gaining strength, or improving only body flexibility, or gaining body endurance / stamina. There are techniques and types of exercises to accomplish your desired motive. Whatever technique you adopt, correct BREATHING process is most vital, a rigorous training without proper breathing will give no result.
Breathing is the most vital process in our body to sustain this life in a healthy way - are you breathing in correct way, how does breathing effect your life span, how can you increase your lung capacity and improve your immunity, how can your general health drastically improve just by correct breathing process. This is nothing new, during the VEDIC period (1000 - 500 BC) our then scientists or "Rishis" as we call them, had already mentioned the techniques of BREATHING in various forms of PRANAYAMA . It would be enough for us to just understand that PRANAYAMA basically means breathing in more oxygen in to our lungs. By adopting such techniques in your daily routine will invariably take you towards a healthy and joyful life even at the later stage of your life.
A fit body, smooth movement of Prana (Energies / Breath), and steady and alert mind are the basic ingredients for MEDITATION. This is the reason, regular practice of Yoga / any form of physical workout and Pranayama are the prerequisites for MEDITATION.
Meditation is not that simple a word as it seems. One can be some what meditative but can never do meditation - it's a certain quality. Meditation is not that can be learnt by paying money. If only the body, mind emotions and energy are brought to a certain level of preparedness, then only meditation will blossom within you. Meditation has to happen, it can not stop, similar to our breathing process. A flower blossoms only when the soil, sunlight, atmosphere around become conducive for it to blossom, it will never blossom if we sit and peal it. Similarly, if we just sit for meditation, it will not happen, it is not about going somewhere, it's home coming, it's getting back to it's original nature. Instead of being on the surface you are going back into the core, it can not be done, but we can make it happen. Meditation is a deep sense of unity with an object or activity.
It is most important to understand that proper mental fitness and smooth channelising of life energies are not possible if you are not physically fit. Also, on the other hand if you are not mentally fit (alert, steady, calm), and, fear, stress, anger, insecurity, jealousy frequently haunts you, then there are glands in our brain that releases certain type of hormones which effect adversely the new cells that are regularly being produced in our body, thus effecting our physical health in a very adverse way.
Our dependency and priorities always go on changing from the day we are born - during our schooling days, college days, career building days, during our professional life, during our family life and so on. If so, then when did you actually think about yourself as an individual life form - your body, mind and life energy.
As you age, even if you are with all financial securities, a small fear creeps in, frustration bothers you, you start doubting people around you and get irritated and agitated fast, suddenly you find nothing going around as you expected. This is mainly because as you get older you have very less to do, you start spending more time in front of your TV with a glass of wine or a cigar becoming a couch potato, thinking unnecessarily about things that are no longer under your control, or engulfed in your mobile phone or live in your thoughts of past. A feeling of "can do nothing more" or "can not do much at my this age" sets in, causing the release of negative hormones effecting your health and you actually start ageing faster - mentally and physically. Ultimately end up on a hospital bed with tubes inserted and needles pricked all over your ageing fragile body. Is this what you lived for ????
Most of us are under-worked (Physically) resulting in ill health. If we lived here on this planet about 100 years ago, physically we would be doing at least 30-40 times more activity of physical work. Only by using our body we can keep a good physical health. The more we use, the better it gets. If we sufficiently use our body, it has everything to create a health for itself. If we physically use our body as much as we should, then 80% of the ailments will disappear, the balance 20% ie 10% due to food, and 10% due to Karmic and atmospheric reasons will remain.
Health is not mine or your idea, we did not invent health, what we have created or invented is ill-health. Today's 20 year old can not do what 60 year old used to do 80-100 years ago - we are actually weakening humanity or degenerating humanity over a period of time. Medical science can enhance our life span to some extent, but can never make us fit and a naturally healthy being. We had just experienced what a small VIRUS has done to humans with poor health and weak immunity system.
Even a simple daily activity of walking or light jogging can bring a great change in you. Walking research is very clear, if you take 30-45 minutes walk or jog each day, your heart will be dramatically healthier. As you walk, your heart pumps in a nice and relaxed manner, circulating oxygen rich blood throughout your body. When your body is receiving this vital oxygen-rich blood and nutrients your body and tissues stay younger and healthier with improved immune system. The walking benefits are infinite. The need to walk is baked into our DNA. We are meant to eat and then move, and not eat and just sit on our butts. We are built to walk. Walking has no age limit, rather you should walk more as you age. Think of walking not as an exercise, but as daily base line movement.
Trekking in is a great activity, especially for those above 50, a trek can boost your metabolism for up to 12 hours after the trek. Trekking at least once a year for minimum 4-7 days can help you lose some amount of weight without doing much exercise in a gym. Additional benefits of trekking include strengthening your bones and improving your attention and memory. Specially when trekking in nature, research has shown 20% increase in attention and memory. Sunshine provide Vitamin D , breathing pure air calms nervous system, the different colours of nature during your trek phenomenally good for our overall physical and mental health. Age should not be an obstacle in your enthusiasm for venturing in mountains for trekking, just with some simple basic fitness and breathing training you can get into your trekking shoes.
There is a huge misconception, most people talk about losing weight, eating better, better habits, etc, but they forget the number one reason for exercising, it is for the most important part of your body, your BRAIN. The real reason you should exercise is, especially as you cross 50 and step into the later half of your life when your general level of activity gets reduced, if you do not get regular movement, your brain will degenerate prematurely. Degenerative brain diseases include types of dimentia like Alzhemer's disease, Frontotemporal Dementia and Lew Body Dementia.
You may be doing all the right things - eating low carbs, eating less frequently, switching from processed food to whole food, but the one thing you are not doing is regular EXERCISE. Exercise is not optional if you want to have optimum health. Enjoy more flexibility and a stronger body in your 50's or above by taking up Yoga or doing any for of regular exercise. Not only doing regular physical exercise great for limbering up stiff joints, it's also an ideal way to get those lean muscles you have always wanted.
Better functioning of physical, mental and life energies is HEALTH or FITNESS, it's all about LIFE HAPPENING WELL.
The main objective of my this blog is, with whatever little experience myself has gathered, learned and practised till now, to make you aware and assist you to come out of the mindset you had about ageing. Lets now bring a change in our life, still there is time, there is no age limit to learn, just start and take the first step towards making your life very positive, active, vibrant, romantic, exuberant, be adventurous like never before, with a fit body, calm and alert mind assisted with smooth flowing life energy within us.
Let us together step into a new world with a changed mindset about physical and mental fitness, where you become not a burden, but a pride of your family and the society, by setting an example for the younger generation. Just have to focus on yourself and experience life with a smile till your last day on this planet Earth - this is the cycle of nature, just accept it - nothing to worry... be joyful and LIVE LIFE AS IT IS.
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